Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 572
    Terevero's representative wanted to meet very soon, but Delphinosa made an excuse that Syphilis was sleeping. They went to their allotted quarter, and since tomorrow was Sunday, they hoped they would meet at the mass gathering at the holy palace. However, Delphinosa said he was not feeling well, so he would not appear, and also Syphilis did not work on Sundays. Terevero argued that in special circumstances, it should be allowed, but then he ran away.

    People were discussing Julia, Cesare, and Rubina in relation to recent events. Cesare, Juliana, Bianca, and Rubina were not present at the holy palace. Isabella appeared at the mass gathering(As the author beautifully described it, "In a mountain where tigers, bears, snakes, etc. were all gone, the fox is king.")

    Terevero's representative wanted to approach the king through her, but she ignored them . Terevero's representative was confused about whether to contact her or not, as she is the mistress.

    Isabella was angry and upset with Cesare because Rubina sent an engagement offer to juliana. She thought there was no way he could sleep with Juliana; he is stubborn and still bent on Ari. Sleeping with Juliana would mean saying goodbye to Ari forever.(But he is already slept with multiple dark haired girl in Pisano)
  2. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    I don't believe it. Rubina has been at the royal court for 30 years. She is a tough nut to crack. She will not die. In other words, she's too tough to be taken down so quickly. But I think that Isabella is going to bother her a lot like Rubina bothered Queen Margaret a lot. It doesn't bother me. Justice for the queen.:blobsmile:

    And so Caesar is forced to commit to a woman for the second time.. Wow. It was expected. :blobamused:
    I already want to read about Rubina's face when she finds out that this marriage is not going to benefit her monetarily. Most likely, Isabella and her sugar daddy León III will spend the money. There will be no 72 thousand ducats, nor legitimacy.:blobsmilehappy: :blob_grin: Thanks for your new spoliers!!!
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  3. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Rubina is going to die in a few chapters. Her absence from the holy mass gathering suggests that she herself is expecting something bad, and this time Cesare is angry and heartbroken due to his mother. Juliana is a diplomatic envoy and princess, so he can't run away now, and at least he has to marry her, as I am sure Syphilis will try to boast himself in front of the Terevero envoy. Bianca already wants to rise as the strongest support for Alphonso. Isabella is now angry at Cesare because he sent an engagement proposal to Juliana but rejected her back then, which is simply an attack on her pride. To be honest, the burning of the ring finger is the biggest issue for Syphilis due to the Terevero envoy. He will punish Rubina in the presence of the Terevero representative to show how much of a righteous king he is. The wind is totally against Rubina this time.

    I think Manchike will abandon Juliana, as she has lost marriage market value due to her claim that she slept with Cesare and got her finger burnt, and also because she failed as a diplomatic envoy. So there is no way any dowry will come to Ertuscan from Juliana's side, and Syphilis has already made his intentions clear by forcing shop to reject her purchases . Syphilis will never make her a principessa.

    In the current chapter, Delphinosa is thinking that the national treasure is at a record low. Syphilis and Isabella is still draining the treasure enough to cause public backlash. He was feeling relieved that he is not the tax collector.

    Symptoms of disease now started to have appear in Syphilis.Hope atleast he slept with Isabella to give her syphilis before getting bedridden permanently:D:D

    I believe that in the first timeline, Being crown prince,Alphonso managed the national treasury very well which is why Cesare inherited a lot of treasury after the coup. However, in this timeline, Syphilis has already drained the national treasure for his illness. Whoever takes over the kingdom after him will have to start from scratch. Syphilis and Rubina have effectively destroyed this kingdom adding with Isabella..
    luliibunny likes this.
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I feel sorry for Juliana. She chose to endure pain, humiliation, and trauma by being with the selfish and narcissistic Cesare. However, I believe that when she learns the truth about the engagement, most likely through Isabella, she will harbor resentment and may even try to harm Ari, even though Ari has nothing to do with Cesare or their relationship.
    Mkh.97 and Latarana like this.
  5. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 573
    Augusto called Isabella 'My dear,' but she protested. Augusto is happy after knowing Juliana got her left ring finger burnt. He said everything will go as planned, so there is no need to be anxious.

    To eliminate one event from happening, you must cut off the causal effects of other events (It looks like the death of Alphonso was the turning point of the first timeline).

    He thought he chose a good chess piece. He thought she escaped safely, and that happened with Juliana. He thought on the Day of Judgment, your sin will burn your soul. He is thinking all these about Ari. (I think he is not aware that the fate of Alphonso already changed due to the holy sword Khaledbuch, as told by Grandma Shaman).

    Viscount Panamere told Juliana about an engagement proposal from Rubina, but she was expecting one from Cesare. Juliana wants to meet Cesare, but Viscount said, 'You sound like you're begging for love.' She said all visits of hers are prohibited until a reply from Manchike. Juliana wants to see guilt-ridden Cesare for her left ring finger and ruined reputation.

    Cesare woke up from bed. He thought the pain is even more pleasant .medicines are applied to the sunburnt area. Rubina has come to get their engagement papers signed. She said if it was the prince's wife, you would have signed it happily. He was expecting an apology from Rubina, but Rubina only told a useless story. They had a fight over Juliana. She said sorry to silence him, but after coming out from the room, she soughted that hope that her grandchildren would be clever.

    Syphilis knew everything. He is happy about everything. He asked Delphinosa to give the same treatment as Cesare's fiancee—protocols, lodgings, etc. Then he asked if any of the envoys left for Manchike. Delphinosa said Viscount Panamere already sent one, so the result would be the same. Syphilis was astonished that they went to Dolphin Island for play, and Juliana came and claimed that she slept with Cesare.

    Rubina and Isabella were asking for an audience. He asked him to bring Rubina for an audience and prepare for marriage without fail. But Delphinosa said to meet her later. Juliana is seriously injured. Syphilis asked Delphinosa to raise dowry money (syphilis was in on own flowering world because of raising dowry). it would not be good to take less dowry for a damaged bride. But Delphinosa said Manchike will demand blood compensation for the damage caused to Juliana.(I hope Bianca intervene in front of Terevero representative , Syphilis will have no option but to punish Rubina)
  6. cotton._.yeni

    cotton._.yeni Active Member

    Jun 21, 2021
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    So did Alfonso marry the duchess? How and why?
    icedahah likes this.
  7. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Technically he never married her , he only signed the marriage contract because he was in an enemy country keeping him hostage , the duchess, and her family agreed to help him escape only after he signed the contract. The only problem was that there was no priest present when they signed it, so once Alfonso left for the war right after signing , and the family went to register the marriage, the priest said it was invalid, and that they were simply engaged. Of course they keep this a secret from Alfonso because they know he would break it off immediately if he knew the truth.
    cotton._.yeni, Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  8. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I feel bad about Cesare while reading, but after I realize his pain is not from his atonement but because things are against his narcissism and selfishness, I can only hate him. Things are not bad for Cesare, but his delusion, obsession, and inferiority complex are ruining him. He is marrying a beautiful woman from the monarchy. Because of his notoriety, he can never get a better option than Juliana. He often complains about his mother forcing marriage on him, but to be honest, I can't accept his complaints because he always forced his feelings on others, including Ari.
    His life in this timeline was never bad. He became a duke, grand duke, and supreme commander of Ertuscan even though he deserves nothing of it he failed to fulfill duty of every positions he got. He was accepted into the royal family. His mother is still surviving; it is another thing she sees him as a toy, but to be honest, at least her current proposal is not bad for Cesare. He got engaged to Ari, and Ari also started falling for him to a point where she never had a second thought about Alphonso, but he himself ruined it.Now getting engaged to Juliana

    If we compare Alphonso, his life gets completely twisted compared to the first timeline. To be honest, Alphonso has a lot to complain about towards everyone, including Ari, but he just enjoys what he has best.

    Before going to Gallico, he wrote to Ari that she is the only most precious person he has in his life, and he always proved every bit of it.
  9. cotton._.yeni

    cotton._.yeni Active Member

    Jun 21, 2021
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    Can someone explain what happened in the manhwa recent chapters? Is Alfonso and ari breaking up?? And I’m confused about the things that happened while they were locked inside a closet
  10. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I’m not to sure if it’s a breakup or not because in the novel after the incident they still love each other, and try to write letters to each other. It’s more of a break because Ariadne feels her being in his life while he is marriage talks with the princess is putting them in danger and swears loyalty to him by swearing a knight oath. To Alfonso it means that Ariadne would stay loyal to him as a servant, and not as his queen which why he was freaking out. It’s more of a, we have to wait until Princess delulu is gone before we can actually be together situation, that my take on it because that part confused me as well a bit.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  11. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    I also believe that, :hmm:Alfonso managed the treasury well. Isabella always was and still is the most expensive hottie any man could come across. And sugar daddy león iii spends worse than a compulsive shopper. But we must not forget that Alfonso has a rich wife. :blob_sunglasses:And there are certain nobles who will fall for treason one day. It's just a matter of taking everything away and transferring it to the national treasury. :blob_sunglasses:

    About Isabella and the king León iii, I think even the magic of August won't lift the king's sausage.:blob_grin: :blob_grin:
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
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  12. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 574

    There was a debate between Delphinosa and Syphilis over Rubina as a blood revenge. Syphilis denied sending her to Gallico, so it's unlikely he sent her to the small kingdom of Manchike; it's a matter of his pride. Syphilis is pleased that he can control Juliana now, as it gives him a sense of power. The author has hinted that something will happen in Etruscan that will diminish Syphilis's power to its lowest.

    Syphilis destroyed Ertuscan's espionage power after marrying Queen Margerita, but Alfonso rebuilt it from scratch.

    Syphilis also stated he would refuse Terevero's request to send an army. However, Syphilis has endless dirty laundry that could lead to his excommunication, such as the Arte Forest Alchemist and Augusto.

    Manfrendi informed Alfonso that Philippo left the palace for Montepellier with 300 knights and will go to Terevero through the Gaeta region of Ertuscan. Alfonso ordered Manfredi to keep the Black Knights ready to depart at any moment.

    Isabella is enjoying herself with Montefeltro and Count Belzo, making fun of Juliana, but suddenly Ottavio appeared and told Isabella that she looks good.

    (Seriously, the author is testing my patience with Syphilis. He's causing trouble everywhere, and Alfonso is left to clean up. Why does Alfonso have to suffer so much while Syphilis gets away with everything?)
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    luliibunny and Latarana like this.
  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Ertuscan kingdom has less money, to the extent that it can't even afford an iron mask. Public backlash is inevitable, and it's likely to be caused by either Terevero, Porto Accreto, Gallico, or Manchike. Even though Syphilis has increased taxes, it's also going to lead to backlash.

    It seems like Terevero's representative will use Ottavio to pressure Syphilis into sending an army. Alfonso was very concerned about Ari's safety; even if he goes to fight Philippo, he will undoubtedly leave at least 200 Black Knights just to protect Ari, with Sir Bernardino As in charge, as he is aware of Porto and Accreto. Commoners have strong support and sentiments for Ari as their future queen, and she is known as the mother of the poor.

    Syphilis is like cancer, damaging Ertuscan from within. I just wish the public would hang him in the palace along with Rubina and Isabella.
    Although Syphilis does not want to punish Rubina, this time he will definitely punish her. I hope Bianca also gets involved with Terevero. According to the original document, which has not been submitted to the Archive, Cesare is the son of Belagio Di Como, not even an illegitimate child of Syphilis. So, I just hope Raphael becomes cardinal and shows everyone the real nightmare.

    Syphilis thinks he can control Juliana, but Juliana is also going to be a headache for Syphilis. She has already shown her controlling nature. To be honest, the marriage between Cesare and Juliana is going to be hated by everyone.

    After killing Philippo, Alfonso will become the strongest person in the entire central continent. Gallico will come under his direct control. Maybe he can use Gallico to officially recognize Ari as his princess. According to Grandma Shaman, his fate has already changed due to the Holy sword.

    I just hope this post-marriage reveal arc ends soon. It is frustrating to see the suffering of Ari and Alfonso.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    luliibunny likes this.
  14. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Episode 575

    As expected, Ottavio came to Isabella to demand money. Basically, after his sister's adultery was revealed, Count Bartolini demanded 4000 ducatos from him. He sold everything to meet that demand. Somehow, he arranged money by selling his mother's belongings and cat, leaving only a debt of 1700 ducatos.

    Since the fief he controls is barren in the West, he hardly makes any money. Since Syphilis has imposed double taxes on the advice of Isabella, living expenses have risen, and he has had to sell his sheep because of that. It is difficult for him to manage corn porridge for Giovanna and milk from the nanny. He called her Giovanna's mother, but she became angry and warned that the king would do something to him if he found him. But Ottavio thought being dead by starvation or being killed by the king is all the same to him.

    She has postponed sleeping with Syphilis and wanted to avoid it forever, but recently Syphilis has started to get angry. But she thought the time is very near when she will sleep with Syphilis.

    But the holy mass gathering is over, and people are starting to return to their houses. Isabella wants to avoid his situation. Augusto came forward to kill him with his crescent sword. But Isabella asked Augusto to stop, as it would be an unforeseen sight for a wife to ask her husband to kill.

    Isabella left the place, and Ottavio started informing people about himself.

    Julia and Cornelia discussed Ottavio. Julia wanted to inform Ari, but Cornelia looked troubled because of something (we have to wait for the next episode, but I think it is related to Trevero). Also, Raphael has asked Julia to avoid everything and remain at home, probably because of Prince Louis or some public uprising is about to happen .
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
  15. Luff

    Luff Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2023
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    Thank you for the update
    I hope syphilis die soon I'm tired of him
    seaurchin and Tad1989 like this.
  16. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    "But Isabella asked Augustus to stop, as it would be an unforeseen sight for a wife to ask her husband to kill. "I don't understand this part, are you talking about Octavian or King Leo III?
    Didn't you mean that "it would be an unforeseen sight if she killed him"
    About Octavio, I'm surprised that he went to talk to Isabella to ask her for money because I know that Octavio has a lot of aristocratic pride and I know that Octavio hates Isabella a lot. But reading a little about the situation in which Octavio finds himself, he doesn't care about anything. Debt with Camelia, debt for the fugitive lemu, debt with Rubina, debt with Count Bartolini, it seems to me that I have not finished paying the price of the Moorish slave that I bought, ufff how bad!
    On the other hand, Isabella, If she does not have sexual relations with her sugar daddy León III, it is possible that he wants to throw her to the nobles as revenge, when the nobility rebels over the increase in taxes. Fulfilling what the cardinal once thought "that his daughter's new confidant would destroy her" And well, we all know how selfish the king is. Damn, I can't believe I even give advice to the king on matters of state now. Isabella knows nothing except spending. I want my sunny Alfonso to take the regency when the king collapses. Before the country is completely ruined by these two stupid people.
  17. eskedes774

    eskedes774 Member

    Oct 18, 2023
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    omg i was wondering if Alfonso has a seggsual experience since Ari already experienced it in her previous life i wonder if during this TL if Ari was his first since she was Ari’s first in this TL:blob3cevil:
  18. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Isabella is still the wife of Ottavio. I think the next sacrificial lamb would be Rubina and Cesare. Syphilis will still save Isabella.

    The kingdom is already in ruins. The kingdom's treasury is at its lowest due to the wasting of money by Isabella and Syphilis. The condition of Ottavio tells us how much people are suffering. Accreto and Porto are already rampant. Syphilis revived old ridiculous laws to humiliate commoners, and nobility is already out of control.

    I think the biggest concern for Alphonso is a morganatic marriage. If this problem gets solved, everything would become easier for Alphonso. To be honest, Ari will get a lot of motivation and hope if this gets solved.

    Isabella is enough to make Syphilis's life hell. I think the appearance of Ottavio is a sign that the downfall of Syphilis and Isabella has started.

    I think maybe winning against Phillipo can be a catalytic point for the start of a revolt by commoners. If Alphonso kills Phillipo, he will become the strongest person in the central continent and also fulfill the prophecy that whoever holds the holy sword Khaledbuch will be the emperor of the central continent.

    Alfonso married Ari. In public opinion, a royal legitimate heir has chosen the illegitimate child of a commoner from the Ertuscan population over a foreign princess as his wife. It gives hope to every section of society. Alphonso got strong support from every section of society except a few noble men from Rubina's camp, then previous timeline, just by marrying Ari. Those nobles who are central will also support him after he kills Phillipo. Even the shepherd who helped Cesare in the coup in the previous timeline will be a strong supporter of Alphonso in this timeline.

    Agusto was happy that the causal effect has not changed, but Ari has already changed polarity, and Agusto himself is going to be a chess piece of Ari who will save her from judgment day."

    I think Syphilis death would not be that simple. Isabella is going to torture him before his death. I think Syphilis will be bedridden before returning to San Carlo. I just hope he transfers his disease to Isabella before dying. Isabella will use Juliana against Ari. Although I hate Cesare, I think he is going to die saving either Ari or Alphonso. He will die as a bastard who sometimes does something amazing. I think he is going to understand the real issue with him, and at some point, he will admire Alphonso and become an undeclared vassal of Ari-Alphonso.
  19. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Since you have a good grasp of the novel development,do you think that if Alphonsp started a coup soon,people would still blame Ari even its clear that Syphilis tyranny and incompetence is affecting the kingdom and everyone can see?
  20. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Bianca has just appeared right after Isabella has been made mistress in the yonder chapters, making me think. Has Ari and Alfonso visited Harenae between then and the most recent chapters?