Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    In the novel also , if new Pope Justinian 8 adopt Ari, her problem of morganatic marriage can easily be solved, and Syphilis would have no option but to cease playing his games with Cesare
    luliibunny likes this.
  2. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Really?Does the new pope has any children of his own?If so,this could become a problem if the male don't support Ari or if they want another girl of their family to become the princess.
  3. ymenaug

    ymenaug Member

    Jan 23, 2024
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    If Ari loves Alfonso
    So why does he kiss Cesare and not push him away?
    Ari doesn't even think about Alfonso when she's with Cesare.
    Everything would have been fine if Isabella had not come between them.
    They had wonderful scenes together, but Isabella ruined everything :blobdevil:
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Ari always thought about Alphonso when she was with Cesare during the engagement arc. This can be inferred from the unsent letters Ari wrote to Alphonso, and she even missed Alphonso at the birthday party thrown by Cesare, as evidenced by Alphonso reading stolen letters by Lerissa.

    Ari didn't understand love and didn't know how to comfort people until she got married to Alphonso. When Cesare came to meet her before their kiss, he was in fear and broken because of syphilis, but she didn't react because she was surprised during the kiss. It was just a platonic kiss.

    Cesare is someone who turns to women and alcohol when things go against him. The kiss was part of that pattern. As Cesare claimed during his fight with Isabella, he has taken the virginity of almost 150 women. It's likely that 80 to 90 percent of these women slept with him out of love. Cesare has almost certainly ruined the lives of many of these women.all of these women would have faced heavy mental trauma.
    The author deliberately didn't mention Alphonso in between their relationship, perhaps to garner support for Cesare and make the breaking of their engagement seem more impactful.

    If their engagement hadn't broken, Ari would have likely suffered massively. Throughout the engagement arc, Cesare was pretending to change or putting on an act of change. Understanding this requires reading up to the current chapter.
    To be honest Isabella did great help to Ari by giving her reason to break engagement.Isabella able to do this because Cesare has never changed.
    We can't support couple just because someone doing ideal fiance act.
  5. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    Well, I read that Count Bartolinni was angry when he discovered Clemente's infidelity with Márquez de Campa. He said he would put her in a convent. It seems to me that she is still there. So, she wouldn't be able to take care of the girl in case Octavio died.
    "It really sounds like syphilis is eating the King's brain. He needs to face justice... soon!" He has always been a walking disaster and now with Syphilis it is even worse. Don't worry, soon the full weight of his actions will fall on him, if he doesn't collapse before then, of course.
    Hautetoast likes this.
  6. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I think it doesn't matter if the Pope has children or not.It adoption at professional level not at personal level.Ari already known for her social activities

    Actually, I've considered three conditions under which Ari could become a princess:

    1. Since Priest Cecelia knows that Syphilis is more involved with his mistress than doing his job, after Syphilis refuses to help them, they plan to force him to allow the army to go help Terevero, using the fear of excommunication as leverage. There is already a narrative that Ari stopped Alphonso from going to Toranto and sent the Black Knight to Toranto. Syphilis will try to calm Ari by giving her the official title of princess to avoid further tension between him and Terevero due to fear of Ari's refusal to help. Technically, Ari is the owner of the Black Knight Army, and her husband will go to fight the most feared person of the central continent.syphilis had bitter experience with Ari from the time of plague related to grain

    2. To calm the people after they revolt upon knowing every reality about him.

    3. Adoption of Ari by the Pope.
    luliibunny likes this.
  7. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    It doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that Ari finally walked away from "Chernobyl Duke Caesar." And now she is married to Alfonso. César has already lost all possibility of having a romantic relationship with Ari forever.:blob_sunglasses:

    Really? He annulled his daughter's first marriage, claiming that it had not been consummated even though she had already given birth to a daughter. How illogical!! :hmm:Are you sure?

    Option 2 is more likely. But let's see what happens in the future!!:blob_grin:
  8. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    I suppose she can always claim Giovionna's not really hers, that Octavio cuckolded her and forced her to accept a mistress' child as her own. There's no dna testing to pin her down as the mom anyway...
    Starlight900 and Latarana like this.
  9. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chernobyl:sneaky: Cesare seriously it 100 percent represent cesare..

    In future when Ari will become princess/crown Princess, most probably in next 20-30 chapters.Isabella will definitely demand position of queen from Syphilis.In any case life of Giovanna is not safe.
    Starlight900 likes this.
  10. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    I hope Giovanna survives, and when the time comes for Isabella to face justice, she would be begging Giovanna to help her but the kid would ignore her and run to hug and kiss Ari in front of her.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  11. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 582
    Priest Cecilio arrived with a bad mood and made jokes among the others that Syphilis had a great time with his mistress in the afternoon and evening. Syphilis felt uncomfortable, and the other members of Trevero had hardened faces.

    They started saying he should give more time to his work, set an example, and consider how he will face the heavenly Father after death. He replied that he did not have indulgence; that's why his son earned it. Then, they started praising Alfonso, and Syphilis had a bad time hearing it.

    Cecilio then mentioned that Alfonso asked them teje permission from Syphilis to take his soldier. Syphilis asked twice as he couldn't believe it. He got a false sense of omnipotence.

    They asked why his son is in the north and he is in the south. He said it was because of his wife's demand. Suddenly, a wicked idea crossed his mind. Then, he asked if Shangwangchan is in charge of marriage ceremonies, suggesting that birth, death, and marriage come under them.

    Syphilis was about to ask something....(but from his behavior, it looked like he would most probably ask for the annulment of Ari-Alfonso's marriage.)

    My body was literally shaking while reading the last paragraph. When will Syphilis die?

    At this point, I am angry at Alfonso; his indecisiveness is causing more damage. He is the hero of the crusade, and if he can't make decisions just because of gossip from those useless noble societies, how can he become a king? Alfonso has said he has a woman that he loves and is going to protect until his last breath. But if he cares about petty gossip, how is he going to protect his wife and give her rights and justice?
    Starlight900 and luliibunny like this.
  12. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I love this story I really do but it’s dragging too much , the last 50 chapters at this point have been just about syphillis and Isabella. The same issue being dragged and there has to be a turning point to when the coup happens or Alfonso and Ariadne start making their moves to become crown prince and princess . Pls author just let the king die at this point
    Tad1989 likes this.
  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I agree. It's been more than 140 episodes since Alfonso revealed his marriage. If the annulment discussion starts, it will drag on for more than 100+ chapters. At this point, we can't see much development in story if Ari not became a princess. It will likely take another 30+ episodes to develop the circumstances for Ari becoming a princess.
  14. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I agree I know this Manhwa has political aspects but this author drags it out a lot , makes very specific details and drags every plot line for a long time and focuses on that plot line instead of others . I’m hoping the story might end by the end of the year because this last arc is just about Bella trying not to sleep with the king and the king being the biggest idiot . We all want to see the downfall of Cesare and Isabella and for Alfonso and Ariadne to get their happy ending. I’m hoping in the next 10 chapters we might see some major development instead of Isabella avoiding to sleep with him again . I would even be happy if syphillis makes his move to make Isabella queen or prepare to execute Rubina because it’s dragging too much . Sorry if it sounds like a rant but this story getting dragged out to much and it’s ruining some aspects to it not to mention it will make for a very long Manhwa in the future .
    ValReads and seaurchin like this.
  15. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I agree, the plot would be more interesting if Syphilis demanded the annulment of Isabella and Ottavio's marriage and tried to make Isabella queen. After 140+ chapters, it doesn't make sense to talk about the annulment of Ari and Alphonso's marriage. No doubt, this is one of the most wonderful novels I have ever read. I agree that the author had a habit of discussing the same thing in different ways in different chapters.

    Actually I read chapter again it most likely ,he is talking about annulment of Marriage of Ottavio and Isabella and making isabella his Queen..

    These are the last paragraph....

    In response to the sudden question, Leo III spoke gibberish without realizing it.

    “Well, that kid’s wife said she likes the cold, so no, it’s not my wife…………….”

    Then, suddenly, a wicked idea passed through Leo III's mind like a flash.

    'Seonghwangcheong has nothing to give me.'

    Leo III narrowed his eyes and looked at Monsignor Fernando.

    “Monsignor, isn’t the Holy Hwangcheong in charge of the wedding ceremony?”.eremony?”.
    “That’s right. Birth, death, and marriage are entirely the affairs of the Holy Emperor.”

    Manolyaisabella likes this.
  16. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    I wonder if with this,the fact that Ari is the one paying the army will be revealed.They are not really in a position where they can kick her off,even if they want it.
  17. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    These are the last paragraph....

    In response to the sudden question, Leo III spoke gibberish without realizing it.

    “Well, that kid’s wife said she likes the cold, so no, it’s not my wife…………….”

    Then, suddenly, a wicked idea passed through Leo III's mind like a flash.

    'Seonghwangcheong has nothing to give me.'

    Leo III narrowed his eyes and looked at Monsignor Fernando.

    “Monsignor, isn’t the Holy Hwangcheong in charge of the wedding ceremony?”.eremony?”.
    “That’s right. Birth, death, and marriage are entirely the affairs of the Holy Emperor.”


    Syphilis stopped with "my wife"..It can be possible he may be thinking of marrying Isabella....Again he tried to marry Ari in past then it can be again related to Ari-alphonso
    He talked about marriage ceremony it can be possible he may be talking about marrying Cesare and Yulhel to get remaining dowry..
    He said there is nothing sangwangcheon give me, about Ari-alphonso.
    Author wrote last paragraph quite cryptic...
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
  18. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Actually, in one chapter, Alphonso mentioned that the only thing stopping him from occupying Palazzo Carlo is Ari. The more I think about it, the more it seems like Syphilis will demand the annulment of Isabella and Ottavio's marriage. After breaking their marriage, Isabella will never be able black mail Syphilis.

    In the Ari-Alphonso relationship, there are a lot of things:

    1. Ari had a miscarriage, which is well known to the general public.
    2. Ari and Alphonso broke the marriage agreement of Alphonso with lerissa holding hand in hand in front of the entire Central Continent in Trevero, It was well known that they were in love even before crusade

    3. Ari is the owner of the Black Knight because she funds that army.
    4. Alphonso is the leader of the Black Knights and the hero of the crusade. If they make a secret deal with Syphilis, it would be an insult to the crusade hero and would create a big mess for Trevero. Trevero will face many accusations for humiliating a war hero.
    5. If Alphonso finds out how Trevero backstabbed him, Trevero will lose support from Alphonso forever.
    6.In official version it is Ari who supported Alphonso in crusade

    He is Syphilis; he can do anything wrong and will never get blamed for it.

    To be honest, today's chapter was a kind of summary of Alphonso's achievements and the political situation in different kingdoms. Only the last paragraph was new. The people of Trevero were not aware of the political situation in Ertuscan.

    If Syphilis talks about Ari and Alphonso, then it looks like this storyline will be dragged out for at least 50 to 100 chapters, and the author will repeat the same thing with different language. At this point, the investiture of Ari as a princess is important for staging a coup, both in palace politics and in noble society politics.
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
    luliibunny likes this.
  19. GDalia

    GDalia Member

    Mar 28, 2024
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    I'm not sure, I like that the story has so much depth to it but isn't it dragging on or is it actually good I can't read the novel and only know of things from this forum, not to mention how is this going to translate into the manhwa. Is 500+ chapters actually good with an amazing story and not just 500+ ch with 100+ fillers
  20. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    I'm Not sure if the author would follow this but just imagine if Syphilis really gets the annulment of Isabella's marriage only to die soon after.She gets left alone with no noble title,no sponsor and no reputation.It doesn't matter if she never slept with the king,because no one would believe she kept this position without doing it.The stigma would follow her.