Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    I still felt a little unwelcome sympathy for him due to his sh!tty parents until I read that chapter yesterday. The fact he thought nothing of ruining women’s lives is unforgivable, he’s completely unable to change and he deserves no sympathy.
    Starlight900 and ValReads like this.
  2. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 588
    Every black knight was following Alfonso from behind. They were all asking for blessings from the heavenly Father. 800 black knights were followed by 1000 servants. Alfonso now has a wife and family to protect. They have practiced all simulations of war, but this was an emergency and it did not go the way they practiced. Although the black knights were the strongest soldier unit, they lacked diversity as they operated with only one type of soldier, so options are limited for Alfonso. He lacks archers and infantry. Philippo is still in an advantageous position.

    Syphilis always feared Gallico, so he never demanded compensation from Gallico, but Alfonso resolved to take revenge this time. Suddenly, Alfonso called Sir Bernardino and asked him if there was anything for him. He was asking about letters from Ari. Ari had written many letters to Alfonso. Ari wrote several letters for Alfonso, including a letter of loyalty to Syphilis and a letter to Unisola. Alfonso smiled upon receiving a letter from Ari.
    The messenger of Syphilis was annoyed like Syphilis; he decided to sleep in some inn before going to Toranto.He heared news of Alfonso leaving early for war.He he thought of sharing that news to Syphilis. The messenger was happy that he is going to get a promotion for sharing this news

    Cruso Vitelli received letters from the messenger. He was angry at the king for not making Ari an official princess, as the letters still contained the emblem of the De Mare family. Thick wrinkles appeared on the brow of Cruso Vitelli as he read the letter. Meanwhile, Camelia also came there and Camelia is pregnant now (probably Ari asked for military support).
  3. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    I’m happy she’s pregnant again and I’m certain she won’t encounter Shitella this time so will be able to enjoy her baby.
    Starlight900 likes this.
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The story was going smoothly, but again the author created another drama through the Syphilis Messenger. It also explain why people are confined to their territory instead of living in San carlo
    Seeing the situation, options are very limited for Alfonso. To be honest, chances are high for Alfonso to lose this war. Ideally, Syphilis should have made Alfonso commander-in-chief of the Etruscan kingdom, but he acted as if he had not cut the funds of the entire prince's palace. The author is unnecessarily dragging out the story by creating ifs and buts.
    My only hope is that Syphilis will become powerless and feudel lord will stop giving taxes to Syphilis.

    Still, the condition is not good for Camelia. Gaultier is committing treason with the Accereto pirates just to destroy Cruso Vitelli.for good thing to happen in the kingdom ,Ari will have to becomes the official crown princess .Ari has limitations just being a mere count.Gaultier being head of noble society hold more power than Ari .I am sure ,After seeing the writing of Author,in the future there will be 4-5 chapters dedicated to saving Camelia and her baby.I think treason of Gaultier will be revealed because of camelia.
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
    Starlight900 likes this.
  5. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Last time, the awakened people of Ertuscan were saying that the awakened ones of Gallico are trying to find fault in Ari to punish her. I am worried that they might punish her again. If Alphonso kills Phillipo, his son Jean the Butcher will never ascend to the throne as he is not officially recognized. The awakened ones of Gallico are not cooperating with the awakened ones of Ertuscan because of Jean the Butcher.He had saved gallico from getting ruined by moorish invasion in previous timeline

    I can't force you to accept my opinion, but I want to share my reasons why I strongly support and want Ari to have a happy ending with Alfonso. This is a story of changing fate. In the first timeline, Ari was a villainess, but mostly she acted because of Cesare. That was the only way for her to survive and, according to her POV, the only way to gain love from Cesare. Being an illegitimate female child of a cardinal with no one to support her, and also because the cardinal ruined her chance of marriage with a respectable person by sending her to Cesare before marriage, she had no other option but to support Cesare.

    Even in the first timeline, Ari prepared a detailed plan to improve Remboult shelter, want to end injustices in society against females and illegitimate children, and wanted to include people based on talent in the crura regia. She wanted to help poor in winters by giving them winter cloth.She wanted to study in the previous timeline. Ari was never bad at heart like Cesare or Isabella, but she was a victim of circumstances.

    After the regression, what she did in the first timeline is not important now. The only person who taught her generosity in the entire novel is Alfonso. She changed her views and realized that there are people who will genuinely love her because of Alfonso. Whatever she did in the engagement arc, considering her love for Alfonso, is not justifiable in any way, but this doesn't mean she deserves to be punished for her whole life and have her life ruined again. She never wanted to get engaged with Cesare or be involved with Cesare, but she had no option because of Syphilis, who forced her to endure that engagement. Technically, the Cardinal should have opposed this behavior of Syphilis and saved her from the forced engagement, but he always cared about family and Ippolito, seeing it as a chance to fulfill his dream of becoming pope and marrying Ippolito into a wealthy family.

    She is also human; she is bound to make mistakes, especially with someone with whom she shared 15 years in the first timeline. Now she realizes her mistake, and I think that is enough, because although she betrayed Alfonso, she never abandoned him in her heart. Alfonso is alive and powerful compared to the previous timeline because of Ari.

    Ari herself has never justified her actions. Currently, she doesn't even want to become a princess or queen. She just wants to give Alfonso the throne and die somewhere outside Sancarlo alone before judgment day.

    I am quite happy for Ari and Alphonso.Ari got some who genuinely love her and want to give her safe space to fulfill her dream and want to protect that dream from everyone.Alfonso got some one who really care for him,she herself facing so much at emotional and mental level but still unconditionally supporting Alfonso want to make sure he not suffer.

    Cesare was always wrong with Ari in this timeline. If he had really loved Ari, he would never have come between her and Alfonso. He would have wished happiness for Ari. But Cesare is trash because he enjoyed Ari's miscarriage, and even when he returned from San Carlo, he humiliated Ari in front of Clemente and Belzzo. He even tried to ruin her reputation by asking for an affair from her. Ari herself knows that Alfonso will solve the morganatic marriage issue in the future, but because she got involved with Cesare, she lost all confidence in herself after Rubina humiliated her when Cesare asked for the affair. She is just trying to prove Rubina wrong by eating those reeds or doing some ludicrous thing. That is why I desperately want official recognition of Ari as a princess, so she can easily come out of this whole mess created in her life because of Rubina's words.
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
  6. Mkh.97

    Mkh.97 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2022
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    What exactly Rubina said to her?
  7. vicross

    vicross Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2022
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    Where's spoiler 377? I searched for it and couldn't find it everywhere :facepalm::blobhero:
  8. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    "Count de Mare, wasn't it enough to ruin the life of one man, Prince Alfonso?
    Her overthinking couldn't oppose those words of Rubina. But in reality, the real cause of all the problems is syphilis, but she thinks she is responsible for everything. Even Ari got engaged to Cesare because of syphilis; she has no option but to endure Cesare until she confirms that syphilis will not try to trap her in marriage again and until she finds a proper reason to break off the engagement with Cesare. Cesare was the subject of all desires in her previous life, and in this life, all desires appear to be fulfilled in the engagement arc as Cesare pretended to change, which made her disloyal to Alfonso. We can't exactly blame her, but at the same time, we can't justify her actions in the eyes of her love for Alfonso. Actually, it just shows her human side.her immaturity to understand love , lack of self esteem and lack of trust in other people in this case at that time it was Alfonso.but these things not matters now,Ari currently trust Alfonso even more than herself.

    People justify her actions by saying she was engaged to Cesare so she was free to do whatever she wanted. But the problem with this explanation is that they are justifying the actions of syphilis and the forced engagement of Ari with Cesare. They are creating a narrative that Ari used Alfonso as a toy and her feelings for Alfonso were always fake. This explanation actually ridicules Ari even more severely.
    ValReads and Tad1989 like this.
  9. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 589
    Camelia is in her third trimester and cruso didn't want to give tension to Camelia, so he sent her back to her room. Ari has asked him to arrange 4000 soldiers to help Alfonso. Although Unnasola was a prosperous city, it was hard to arrange 4000 soldiers at this shortfall. (However you see it, Ari and Alfonso can't survive without each other; both always need each other.)

    Prince's departure to capture Phillipo was a signal that he has separated himself from Syphilis. Alfonso needs victory to establish himself. Alfonso has been the guardian of Unnisola since its birth; he is the only one among the current powers friendly to merchant power. If Alfonso does not emerge victorious, the tyranny of the great lords will follow. It was time for Unnisola to contribute to Alphonso's victory and time for them to become the prince's most friendly forces. Cruso wanted to become the left-hand man of Prince Alphonso. (I think in the future, Cruso will be an important person in Ari-Alphonso's crura regia. It is already confirmed that Ari will enjoy absolute power as monarch when Alphonso becomes king, rather than just becoming his wife.)

    Unnisola was modeled after the Republic of Porto. He started arranging spearmen.

    The Black Knight entered Gaeta city so fast that the servants who were following them were two days behind. That is what is called the glory of the Black Knight. Alfonso asked about the scout whom he had sent earlier. Alfonso saw a small speck of dust in the air that was too small for Phillipo, so it was from his scout. When they reached Alfonso, they cried out that Phillipo had already entered the Ertuscan Kingdom almost six hours to the northwest. Alfonso frowned at the news of the Gallico invasion.

    Phillipo will take the Via Publius all the way down until he reaches the intersection with the Via Aurelius. From there, he will transfer to the Aurelius Road and head west. Ten hours away is Terevero. Gaeta has endless rides near the intersection point, a perfect place to ambush even without archery.

    Alfonso is different when he is with Ari than when he is on the battlefield. Manfredi thought a dual personality existed in his master and wandering if princess knows it or not. Instead of choosing all his knights, Alfonso chose only 250 of his knights to surprise Phillipo and make him crazy with excitement at seeing such a small number of soldiers.

    Count Li Viene was drinking when suddenly the Black Knights appeared like ghosts.

    ( Most of recent chapters when mention about Ari and Alphoso ,it is always some what depressing and full of sorrow .But it also give strong message that Ari and Alphoso can't survive without each other.Ari don't want to eat Reed and want to enjoy her life happily with Alphonso but her situation force her to do nonsense thing like eating reeds as she do not want to be reason for Alphonso weakness)
    Starlight900 and luliibunny like this.
  10. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    Sorry, but I forgot who Camelia is. Can you please help to trigger my memories? Is she Octavio's ex-fiancee? :(
  11. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Camelia is the wife of Cruso, a friend of Ari, and the daughter of Baron Costillago. She was also the fiancée of Ottavio for 8 years and Ottavio backstabbed Camelia to marry zombie Isabella and Isabella caused miscarriage of first child of camellia
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
  12. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I thought, crossed my mind, Isabella said in the recent chapter that she wants a man of high masculinity in her life. That is why she has even started liking Agusto recently. But after this war, Alfonso will become the true symbol of masculinity in the central continent. Isabella is going to become heavily jealous of Ari for having such a masculine husband, apart from being a prince and legal heir. This jealousy will go beyond the sky, maybe to heaven, after Ari becomes the official princess. Alfonso is someone who is always out of her reach in this timeline. In the future, Isabella will definitely try to kill Alfonso when Syphilis's power weakens.In case coup by Cesare will become unsuccessful, I think Isabella will kill Ottavio by giving him poison and will try to repeat the same with Alfonso after her successful killing of Ottavio. We all have predicted this, but the situation has started to become favorable for it.
    Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  14. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    La Viene asked who they are. He was not able to recognize that he is talking to Alfonso. La Viene, along with a few nobles of Gallico, separated from Philip as he threw ink on the second-in-command over some issue. They regretted taking the shortcut after they met Alfonso.

    Manfredi interrogated them and found discipline is a mess in Gallico. They took a shortcut, thinking ink could replace arrows, so they were drinking when they met Alfonso. They had decided to meet Philip at the intersection point in Pubilius.

    Alfonso was annoyed because he was already late due to encountering La Viene and said, holding his black helmet, 'Let's hurry. I want to welcome my cousin.

    (Commander in chief and second in command is already captured, without any fight)
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
    luliibunny and Manolyaisabella like this.
  15. DancingShadow

    DancingShadow New Member

    Jul 8, 2023
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    *reads the latest manga*

    OH MY GOD!! Yall you WONT believe this! Come to find out the King has SYPHILIS! #sarcasm

    Not gunna lie, they did a good job drawing his eyes after Rubina spilled the Big Secret.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  16. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Pretty sure that Philip death is coming in the next chapter , bro is cooked , Alfonso won’t forgive him for what he did to his mother and trying to invade his kingdom
  17. DancingShadow

    DancingShadow New Member

    Jul 8, 2023
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    So does Isabella believe that the King will live forever? Cause if not then what exactly is her game plan for when he dies? Cesear wouldn't touch her with a 16 feet pole and Alfonso would rather her be executed for the death of his unborn baby. How does she think she can still be the most noble woman in the kingdom after the King dies? The church Im sure sees her as a whore so theres no hope there.
    Starlight900 and Tad1989 like this.
  18. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Sometimes I think Ari should publicize that the King is suffering from syphilis. Also, he used illegal documents to include Cesare in the royal family. Throwing Cesare out of royalty would have harmed no one. Cesare has always used his royalty to sleep with women. Maybe the pressure of being a commoner would have forced him to change and work hard in life, instead of drinking alcohol or sleeping with women. Sometimes I think Ari is too much sympathetic to Cesare, especially when I see proactiveness of her in ippolito case. Maybe she still has some remaining love for him, but in the end, I can't blame her. Fourteen years of feelings can't vanish suddenly and easily.. Ari was able to be successful in De mare mension because she was not sympathetic to anyone.If Ari would have threw Cesare out of royality , Syphilis would have much pressure to investiture her as princess and recognise their marriage.

    She has Augusto with her. Augusto wants Cesare to become king so that Ari becomes unsuccessful in her goal of regression. Maybe Augusto will use black magic to bring feelings of past Cesare for Isabella into current Cesare. Isabella has strong feelings of both hate and love for Cesare in this timeline.It is almost confirmed that next target of Isabella is cesare

    Alphonso is the holder of the holy sword, so magic may not act on him. Position-wise, current Cesare is more powerful than past Cesare, but militarily, current Cesare is weaker than past Cesare. It also shows how much hard work and time Ari has put into the life of first timeline Cesare to make him rich and have a powerful military, despite being a Margrave. She not only created enormous wealth for past Cesare in the first timeline through scheming but also created strong and loyal knights for him and also did every complicated work by herself in first time line

    It is a disaster for an overthinker like Ari. Whenever she tries to compare her contributions and dedication with the return she gets, in lieu of those, she ends up finding herself unsuitable for Alphonso.

    In her first timeline Cesare enjoyed all the fruits of Ari's labor. Abused,humiliated,raped and tortured her if he faced any difficulties in that enjoyment
    Starlight900 likes this.
  19. Marie1

    Marie1 Member

    Aug 9, 2023
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    When did Ari say he loved Cesare? :facepalm:
  20. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    She love Alphonso very deeply and I am talking about remaining feeling for him(it is just my assumption based on situation,I can be wrong)Ari even not thought of him anymore,she already has so many problems for herself and of Alphonso to solve.

    The biggest reason why Syphilis is humiliating Alfonso and not investing Ari as princess and Alfonso as crown prince is because of Cesare's existence. If Cesare is removed from the royal family, then automatically Rubina will also be removed. Syphilis will face high pressure to appoint Ari and Alfonso as crown princess and crown prince, respectively. She will have only Isabella and Augusto to contend with. Even those factions which are supporting Rubina will die a natural death.
    She has paper that will be enough to remove Cesare from royal family and I am thinking of reasons why Ari is not doing this simple thing,instead suffering from byproduct of morganatic marriage issue and blaming and punishing herself for this.
    Last edited: May 31, 2024