Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I posting here for better understanding of war between Phillipo and Alphonso.There is meeting point one road is comming from down south from San Carlo ,one road is comming from gallico via pubilius and another comming from Terevero via Aurelius.Gaeta region is meeting point of all three roads..This is that meeting point where Alphonso will welcome Phillipo

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    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  2. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    Oup, misunderstanding ! So, I use a translator so that English is not destroyed by my dyslexia. Your nickname is written : "oursin" in French, But I wrote "Ourson" which means teddy bear, However, the word "ourson" is often used to refer to small children, in France: "tu es mon petit ourson" Literally you're my little teddy bear, Given the wording of my sentence, I think the translator thought I was wrong and chose "kid" ...
    Clearly, I don't see you as a child, at all! I never thought you were, even if our opinions are not the same. I can guarantee you that I know adults much older than me who have real childish behavior. Showing one's weaknesses is not something childish, rather courageous. In fact, it's easier to talk to strangers, you're right: yes, some will judge you, but you'll come across people who will understand you and help you.

    For the rest, you are wrong: you let yourself be carried away by your feelings, but this is a strength and not a proof of immaturity. It would rather be lying about who you are to correspond to the expectation that would be immature.

    As said, the difference in love offered by readers to the man of his novel can be summed up in the adoration of beauty: Raphael is handsome and so is Caesard, Alphonso is not (as much! XD). The dees are rigged from the beginning, but it's the reader who will be fooled in the end: it's the author who will decide and only her!

    I don't try to influence opinions, just give real visions of things. To open our eyes to the fact that we are shaped by our society. We are constantly judgmental and we always want to be superior to others. It's when you don't let yourself be influenced anymore that you can be free and if I seem so free to you, it's just that in fact, I don't care about anything. I am "free" because I have a reason to be. Everyone will always be influenced by what surrounds us...
    As proof, we have been taught since we were little that "pink is for girls" ... What for? Because it's a girl's color? What for? Because someone decided it? Dresses for girls, huh? And why can't a boy wear a dress if he wanted to? And why would we look askance at the parents of a boy wearing a pink dress? Because that's what we've always been taught! So, yes, I'd like to change my minds about it, but am I capable of it? If your son wanted to wear a pink dress, would you let it happen now that I've said all this? I can't change "everything" if you don't want to, but you can be influenced by strong arguments.

    Well, Ari is emotionally broken. Alphonso is the only person who has ever really loved him and, as a reminder, she approached him in profile, so she will never feel worthy of him. Clearly, I think she will do a lot of things to get him to leave her, but he won't and they will only be happy when she understands it.

    So, I'm going to play the devil's advocate Cesard: an important point to address is that Ariane is the only person he "needs to seduce", she is the first woman for whom he has to make an effort. He tells Otavio that it's the women who always come to him and that he doesn't have to make any effort, which means that he has never been to see anyone.
    If a woman goes to a man she knows to be a seducer, a woman's man, she cannot expect to be anything other than a piece of meat. Yes, it's cruel to say something that sounds like "they knew what was going to happen", but... In such a macho world where virtue is very important, we have to be careful. As a reminder: a woman who is raped is sent to a convent (incident seen recently in the webtoon!), a woman who is taken away by a man will be considered dirty, even if nothing happened... Women who have gone to Cesard know the risks and consequences. I remind you that I don't like Cesard! Well, it's just that it's unfair to only point the finger at the man in this story, even if, indeed, he's an asshole!

    Let's just add the information that Rubina beat Cesard as a child (that's why he went to see the queen in her garden until Alphonso was born). Rubina holds Cesard in her hands but I don't have the impression that their love is "holy", I think it's based on a mutual need.
    Ironically, on the other hand, Lucrecia felt a true love for her son, to the point of sacrifing her life for him... But he didn't care... She didn't like the good child! (Arabella was the only one who deserved love! Bouhou !!)
  3. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    In recent chapters, it was revealed that she felt happiness for the first time in both of her lives with Alfonso as a couple. She also wants to live happily with Alphonso. She wants to run away from Alfonso because of the Morganatic marriage and judgment day; basically, she doesn't want to become a weakness for Alphonso. She has a lot of bad memories with Palazzo Carlo due to Cesare in both of her lives, but she started to have good memories in the prince's palace due to Alfonso.

    After Alfonso kills Phillipo, I think Alphonso will offer Gallico to Ari and make her the owner of Gallico, from where she will get the title of princess. Even Syphilis is going to try to please both Alphonso and Ari for Gallico. Alphonso is half Gallican; Syphilis can merge Gallico with Ertuscan through Alphonso only. For that, he has to make Alphonso crown prince. Public support for Alphonso is going to skyrocket. Syphilis has already drained the national treasure, imposed ludicrous taxes, and the author has already hinted that feudal lords will deny taxes. The public now knows both of her mistresses are interfering in kingdom matters due to diplomatic crisis of Juliama and Syphilis' recent drama with Isabella. The only option Syphilis has is to make Ari a princess.

    Most Korean readers think Alfonso will attempt a coup citing the reason Syphilis is getting emotionally manipulated by Isabella, Rubina, and Gaultier, but it is not easy to manipulate Syphilis when it comes to political power. I don't think Syphilis will make any decision against Alphonso when he comes in line to the throne of Gallico.

    Ari now knows about the existence of Agusto with Isabella, but she doesn't know that this is the same person she has been desperately searching for. But after she sees that there is no scar on Isabella, she is going to realize that this is the same Moorish knight who killed her in a past life. As we all know, her only job is to make Alphonso king and become queen. Basically, all she has to think about is her own happiness to live a happy life with Alphonso and bypass judgment day.

    The author has a habit of pulling the emotions of characters to the cliff before suddenly making them happy. Alphonso and Ari are already pulled to the cliff. It is time for the author to make them happy.

    I think even Morganatic marriage and Judgment day are a blessing in disguise for Ari. Insecurity arising from both has actually made her realize the importance of Alphonso in her life. It has made her realize that Alphonso has sacrificed and faced so much just to get her and that she can't live without him. She is actually recovering from her past trauma, and Alfonso has replaced Cesare in her deeper thoughts.

    So, she will not have to do anything ludicrous to make Alphonso hate her, and deep inside, she knows Alphonso will never leave her.
    Latarana and Tad1989 like this.
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 591
    Phillipo's action was just as Alphonso had predicted, only the speed was different. Alfonso stationed his soldiers at the beginning of Aurelius Road. He hurried there with the soldiers he had brought. Manfredi was happy; seeing this, Bernardino asked him to dance with his sword.

    The second in command asked Phillipo to hurry through Ertuscan as if it were an invasion before they were caught, but Phillipo got angry and threw an ink bottle at him. Phillipo was angry for reasons he couldn't tell anyone.

    Phillipo called Ertuscan the enemy for reasons nobody knew. Phillipo was angry because of their tricks, even after the passing of the Allerman law, he can't transfer his throne to his rightful successor, despite having transferred the port to the Pope. The successor was his son and nephew, Jean. Since he couldn't bring Jean into the light, he started considering Ertuscan as an enemy to the core.

    Phillipo asked about Li Vien and the second in command, but they were not there, and everyone became angry. Phillipo carried a curved heavy sword hanging from his body. Everyone in Phillipo's army wondered what use such a heavy sword could have. (I think it will have its reference in the future as Agusto also has a curved sword; perhaps defeating Phillipo with a curved sword symbolically means changing his fate.)

    They thought it better to die at the hands of Phillipo than in the hands of Terevero, where the representative of God resides. They wondered how they could face the wrath of the Heavenly Father. They didn't want to be harshly judged by the Pope. The morale of the soldiers was very low, except for those like Phillipo and madmen like him. The noble soldiers of Gallico didn't know that Phillipo had already committed sins and that there was no hope for his reincarnation. (One thing I agree with is that Phillipo is a far better father than Syphilis.)

    Phillipo's focus is only one thing: to give his throne to its rightful owner. Everyone is thinking that Li Vien and the second in command left them out of fear burning in hell fire after death

    Phillipo was about to tell everyone to turn west when suddenly Alfonso appeared. Phillipo was thinking of tearing Alphonso apart if he interfered with Auguste's last wish. Phillipo sneered mockingly at Alphonso, "You still imitate like a man and lead an army." Deep down, he knew Alphonso's achievements - Alphonso Cosco Nero, Black Alphonso.

    Then he mocked again, "Isn't armor heavy? It's very hard to clean, isn't it? If you get it wet, right?" Phillipo said again, "You are as naive as ever; you should have surprised us with an attack." While Phillipo was speaking, soldiers behind him took their firm positions as if they were about to attack. Phillipo was happy, thinking he could do anything, just like when he imprisoned Alfonso when he was little, and Alfonso was still the same Alfonso.

    But Alfonso said, "Old cousin, your face is disgusting." "I think you should go home and rest. Why come to someone else's land and go through all this trouble?" Phillipo couldn't believe his ears. This Alfonso was different, and he had a wife to protect, so he was a completely different person after he come from Yesak.
  5. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I think the author will take 2-3 chapters to kill Phillipo. If Alphonso reveals that Phillipo has already committed a sin by having a child with his own sister, this will be the final blow to the motivation of most of Phillipo's soldiers. If Phillipo reveals that he has killed Alphonso's mother, he will face the wrath of Alphonso. I think both are going to happen. This is the end of Phillipo and a change for the future. A road for Ari to become empress of the Central Continent is opening up. The way the story is progressing, Ari will become the owner of Gallico, and later she will give that to Prince Louis to rule under her and Alphonso's guidance.

    Ari just wanted to become queen, but Alphonso will make her both queen and empress.Ari will wear diamond tiara of empress..This would be biggest gift any one ever given to Ari.Alphonso will give 3 tiara to Ari golden tiara of crown princess,golden tiara of queen and Diamond tiara of empress
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2024
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  6. xumiso

    xumiso Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    which chapter is the manhwa currently at based on the novel??
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  7. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    As of right now chapter 99 is at chapter 153 of the novel , im hoping we can get the time skip arc before summer 2025 I can’t WAIT
  8. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Currently, Cesare, Rubina, and Syphilis are actually out of sight from Ari. So any guilt she had against Alphonso because of them is out of her mind. She has no bad memories related to Prince Palace due to the first timeline, and now she has good memories with Prince Palace. Alfonso has had memories of Prince Palace since childhood, making it cozy place ike De Mare Mansion to her. Currently, her only fear is judgment day, which has increased lately because she wants to live a completely happy life with Alfonso..

    I seriously want Alphonso to solve his morganatic marriage issue through the Gallico kingdom before Syphilis returns to San Carlo. Depending on Syphilis' whim would be the worst decision. I seriously want a scene where Syphilis is holding his head, worrying about the funds in the treasury, while Ari gives a big party at Prince's Palace to celebrate becoming an official princess. I seriously want Ari to officially become the noblest woman of Ertuscan before Syphilis returns to San Carlo.

    You know, currently Ertuscan doesn't even have enough funds to buy an Iron Mask in treasury. I think Syphilis will have to clear the bills of servants from both palaces by the end of the month, as he brought in the entire servants and Royal Guard out of fear of a coup by Alfonso. Feudel lord is going to deny taxes to Syphilis as Author has already hinted.The noble society already knows that Syphilis is not funding Prince's Palace and the Black Knight. Now everybody is going to know that Ari is funding Prince's Palace and the Black Knight, which has brought their pride back by killing Phillipo . This drama with Syphilis taking away all servents is good for Ari because she is able to bring all the servants from De Mare Mansion, making Prince's Palace a safer place as they all have a time-tested loyalty to her. She will gain the highest reputation for supporting her husband. The public already knows how one mistress interfered with diplomatic issues and created a diplomatic disaster, and another mistress is controlling the king as Syphilis created a scene with Isabella. All resentment would be against his mistresses and Cesare. Actually, people are going to think Ari saved their golden prince l
    from being manipulated by the king's mistresses, and she will be seen as the savior of Ertuscan pride. It is also possible that Alfonso will learn about Gautieri's treason through gallico.Alfonso already turned his back from Syphilis after deciding to intervene in gallico invasion matters.Syphilis has now completely lost loyality of his official heir.Down fall of Syphilis has been started.
    Latarana and Tad1989 like this.
  9. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    I think the last hundred chapters have practically been the prelude to his downfall. Honestly, during his reign has he done anything that’s benefited Etruscan? Or has it all been as I’ve suspected all Margaret who came up with any policies that kept the subjects happy, because it has felt like one blunder after another ever since Syphilis selfishly sent Alphonso to Gallico to keep the gunpowder deal going instead of investigating them in the death of Margaret.
    Latarana likes this.
  10. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Alphonso was unavailable from Etruscan for almost 4 years. Syphilis has not given a single support to Alphonso. Although taxes given by feudal lords decreased mostly due to the plague, Ertuscan lost the war, or maybe they didn't want to give him taxes, but Syphilis forced ludicrous taxation. The prince's palace budget was almost zero for 4 years. Either he wasted a lot of money on his treatment, and Rubina has embezzled a lot of money to buy his jewelry, Cesare's fancy clothes, and used money to settle the issue of him sleeping with multiple black-haired women back at Pisano.Even Ari is managing Rembouillet shelters from her personal money

    Cesare lost 8,400 knights in the war with Gallico. He never revived those. The way the story is going, Alphonso is never going to use his own complete strength to win from Phillipo, and forget about the 4,000 support from Unisola. Actually, the way Alfonso is talking to Phillipo, it looks like he has gained the soul of Raphael. I don't know how Ari will react when she will find this side of her husband. When he will reveal the real reason for Phillipo's inquisition, most of the people of Phillipo's army will leave the battle, maybe they themselves want to offer Phillipo to Alfonso. Phillipo has brought most of the nobles of Gallico; they may give a knightly oath to the holder of the holy sword. Holding the holy sword also means that Alphonso has a direct and special blessing from the heavenly Father.
    Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  11. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    That still doesn’t answer my question whether Syphilis used to be a capable king or if he was always an incompetent nincompoop driven by his own selfish desires and unable to effectively rule a paper bag let alone a kingdom and the only reason people didn’t stage a coup was because Margaret was actually making real decisions.
  12. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    That is why I have given an example: after Cesare lost 8400 soldiers, technically Syphilis should have tried to create strong soldiers after the plague so that in the future, if anyone invades, the Etruscans must not fail... This is enough to tell how competent Syphilis is. Syphilis and Rubina together ruined the Etruscans. To revolt against Syphilis, people need a replacement leader. Alphonso is on the way to becoming such a figure.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  13. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    I forgot to reply to this message, sorry, just that my mind is elsewhere ...
    Unfortunately, people want to read trash! They love it and will ask for more! I can testify to it and we can see it every day: what is working at the moment in cinema? Films about antagonists! Jocker, Sucide Squad, Venom ... Well, yes, they do NOT look like the originals (too violent to be seen by children...), but... They are bad guys! Which have been softened and have "motives" to be naughty... But bad guys in spite of everything!
    A series that worked well: Dexter, a serial killer who only attacks the serial killer. We turn the bad guy into a "good guy" because he only kills bad guys, but... The principle is: it kills! So, here, I'm just going to say: if you like it, it's normal, it's a fiction, you have the right, I'm not judging!
    Well, one of the most popular couples among geeks: Jocker and Harley, but this guy is surely one of the most toxic of all time! (Fortunately, she is emancipating herself in the comics! And it's just great! X3)
    People like it: they like scandal, twists and turns, drama! Watch the news on the Getting Started page. Of course, I don't think it "normalizes" toxic behaviors and the like... Humph... So, I write fanfics and one of the most famous tells the story of Tony Stark who becomes allies with Loki and helps him conquer the planet... yes, I'm twisted! I will then explain... But... Uh... Why is this story more appreciated and read than my other stories? I have one that talks about love, another that is full of moral... And so on... I think people just like things that are different from what they're experiencing... That's my case: seeing the good guys win is good but so much seen and seen again! I write stories that question all that, Tony sees the world as it is...
    Corrupted by power-hungry people. Loki will reset the counters and put everyone on the same level. They don't do it in the best way, but ... Sometimes, to unite the world, you need a villain... Have you seen Watchmen? Well, that's it!
    What I mean is just that people don't want monotony, they want different things and drama, it changes everything. Experience thrilling stories through novels, series, films or ... Stars and their business, that's all, but that doesn't mean they would tolerate it in real life. I love Harley Queen, that doesn't mean I'd beat up a guy because he treats a dog badly, yes, I'd protest, but I'd never go so far as to take out a bat to blow his face off... And I don't think people would accept that a Loki dominates the world... But hey... It's cool to read this kind of thing! XD

    The queen never had any political influence: After supporting the "bad brother" during the fight for Galico's throne (she had supported the other brother and not Phillip, a bad choice since he killed his brother), King Leo resented her and made her understand that she was bad at politics.
    Leo has often been described as intransigent, not listening to advice, getting upset if others had proposals to make. Alphonso wanted to create a research center to find the formula for gunpowder, when he told his father, he went into a black rage, not being able to bear to be given ideas for him, having a problem at this level. Leo is therefore an absolute tyrant! As for his way of managing the country, it is DEPLORABLE!! He took away the right to the army in each of the regions, fearing that if he let the lords of the regions have an army, they would revolt. Without armies, the risks of an invasion are incredible, the weapons were not maintained, the soldiers were poorly trained... And he set up taxes...

    One guess I have is that, financially, he's doing and the proof is this: Ariane gave him some of her wheat... You remember, Cesard, to save Ariadne from a marriage with Leo, had threatened the King, who took it badly... The king had the deceased surrounded by Cesard and Ariadne went to plead his case (threatening to kill herself by writing a letter to Alphonso), the King had withdrawn his men and she had the last sources of wheat sent to the King... Ariane has to sacrifice part of her wheat for two reasons: this one and to soften the inhabitants of the Rambouiller center, yet, she is RICH! The king received the wheat at its highest level, he should have obtained such great wealth! But, it seems that nothing has been done... In other words: where does the money go? As said, Rubina spends lavishly!
    My conclusion is that King Leo sucks! That he is a Tyrant and that his country is in ruin for his choices! And a lot of his choices are really very stupid throughout the story...
    Starlight900 and Tad1989 like this.
  14. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Wow… if that’s the case then how did Etruscan manage not to collapse with such a bad king?
  15. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    I think it's due to the magic of fiction! ... Sorry! XD
    The country almost fell, with the attempted invasion of Gallico, there was no army prepared to fight and Cesard, appointed commander, fled like a coward... But Ariadne has developed this strategy of turning the plague against the Gallico soldiers. Clearly, it was just luck that prevented the fall of the country!
    If there was no revolt, it is because no one could afford to raise an army and everyone is rather cowardly. Each lord doesn't want to take any chances, and in the end, they just wait for someone to stand up, but will follow the strongest.
    The king is the strongest, he has all the resources, commanding the only army available (although minimal because only stationed at the capital, if I understood correctly) and controlling the money (even if I think he spends it in research to become immortal (?))
    Of course, the balance of power is reversed here! Alphonso has the support of Ariadne and so on... But, above all, as a reminder: he had a mother who was aware and ready to do anything to protect him in the future! His mother had diverted the bottom of the center to smear for her son! Millions! She could have done what Ariadne did, to improve the lives of the poor, but she loved her son more and knew that her husband was... What he was...
    Starlight900, Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  16. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 592
    Phillipo was angry at those words of Alphonso. Alphonso had said, 'You are very old; you can't decide anything.' Phillipo retorted that he had come to punish Terevero, who had violated the order of the Heavenly Father. Phillipo thought about the real reason and how Raphael was responsible for that.

    Alfonso said, 'Going against the law will not succeed, no matter how much you promise to pay.' A high-ranking commander from Phillipo's army replied, 'The prince should not say such things when he himself married a commoner.'He thought phillipo would humiliate Alphonso. Alphonso replied, 'If it is against the law, it means it is against natural law.'

    Phillipo pondered how it goes against natural law to pass everything to the fruit of noble love. Why does permission need to be granted to pass everything that belongs to the royal family of Braind to the pure-blooded Brian (he is calling Jean pure-blooded Brian)? Phillipo said, 'What you did is truly correct.' Alfonso wanted to about Prince Louis, but he couldn't, as Phillipo would order an assassin to kill him. Phillipo said, 'I should have killed you back then.' Alfonso laughed, and member of the Black Knights shouted that Phillipo is a coward.

    Alfonso proposed to Phillipo, 'Let's have a duel between us.' Phillipo thought about how weak he is now and then wondered why Alfonso hadn't launched a surprise attack. Then he started to think why there wasn't any archer nearby. Alfonso laughed at his situation.

    Felicite was writing a letter. Sancha was feeling jealous of her and asked, 'Are you writing a letter to your male friend?'"
  17. nd3mo7

    nd3mo7 Member

    May 25, 2023
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    I think Alfonso will lose this war

    How old was Alfonso when he died in the first life?:hmm:
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
  18. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Ok now you’re just being a troll. We all know Phillipo is nuttier than a fruitcake and Alfonso is a skilled warrior.
  19. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    Remember the message about beauty and everything that rules the world? This person has a preference for Cesard, so they will never see Alphonso as the real ML. She doesn't troll, she's sincere because she really prefers Cesard.
    Physical beauty remains an important criterion for many people and that's normal. Why do you think stars are often called for surgery? You have to maintain their "beauty" for as long as possible and this is even more true for a woman! The physique, more than their reputations, comes into play, even if people like drama, a handsome actor accused of tricks will have support more easily than others. I have an example in mind, but my feelings are going to be misunderstood, so I'll just tell you: have you ever defended a famous personality when in the end, this person was wrong? XD
    Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  20. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Yes, you are right, and the change in fate for both Ari and Alfonso depends heavily on this war. If Alfonso wins this war by the time he will reach near his death time of the previous timeline, their fates woud be already changed. After winning, Alfonso will receive the strongest support from Terevero and the people of Ertuscan. Cesare is already nothing in front of Alfonso in terms of strength of Army and it would be a million times harder for Cesare to give a valid reason for staging a coup and to gain favor from everyone after killing their hero.
    Tad1989 likes this.