Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. incarnation

    incarnation New Member

    Jan 25, 2024
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    Hey,I am not joking.right.My real name is Elizabeth olson.This is not Olsen that actress.I am from Lake Austin , Australia.Do you think I deserve this much hate from you????

    I thought I should not comment my view as it infuriate you.i think it will impart bad image of me.because everyone think I am spamming and I have multiple accounts.let me clear my instance on Cesar.
    Ari is forced to spread plague by golden rule because of incompetence of Cesar and he came to ask for help from Ari.Cesar got honors but Ari got scarred hand with symbol of sins and again forced engagement with him and those resentful and horror thing because of his flirting and flattering..(I don't want to go in deep, already there has been lot of noises)

    Ari killed people in the first timeline to secure Cesar's throne. In both timelines, it is Cesar who is responsible for compelling her, directly bor indirectly, to take lives through Whatever reason is
    That's why I mentioned Ari's sympathy toward Cesar of this timeline is excessive ,this timeline Cesar not deserve that.Indirectly, it is Cesar who would be responsible for her eternal suffering if she is not saved in the end, costing her own soul.
    In the first timeline, Cesar's actions only cost her body and life, but in this timeline, Cesar actions are costing her own soul.
    Since this action has accumulated a lot of bad karma causing her insecurity because of judgement day that she even can't enjoy her married life with the only person she has ever found to love her most in both timeline,she is using contraceptive
    Ari questions whether the child who unknowingly kills people will face consequences will be applied in thi bes timeline as well.
    Cesar mental suffering seeing Ari and Alphonso together give me a lot of peace.He has taken a lot of advantage of her because of absence of Alphonso in this timeline.I just hope Alphonso replace Cesar and claim and flood everything in her heart and brain with his love and beautiful memories. So that Cesar look stranger to her at some time,cesar even not deserve to be part of her thinking

    To be honest I love Ari as individual and Ari and alphonso as couple,both are one of most sweetest couple i have ever incountered in novel.Hope Author give her happy ending.she is suffering a lot because of Cesar and Isabella of this timeline also.
    I hope I cleared myself.
    still I am sorry.I will not involved in further discussion.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
    BRain664 likes this.
  2. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Cesare is sht bc he raped her and lied to her but he didn't manipulate her. Ari feel guilty bc she owned up to killing Alphonso herself. I don't think this even got anything to do with you shipping who with. Problem is how ppl think Cesare is a bigger enemy than Isabella. Idk but when I read the title, it obvious it's Isabella. Ari only even fell for Cesare bc of Isabella. Like I get Cesare is that sht guy but Isabella was the one who threw her to that sht guy. The sht guy could've just been continue to sleep around and playing around if Isabella did nothing. The only thing he got going for him is he king's son. If Isabella still trying to use him for the throne, she wouldn't even have went to seduce the king. She couldn't seduce Cesare so she can't use him. If she not going to make him want to become king, he just a sht guy with no goal to become king. If Isabella use himself later, he still not going to be scary bc he only as strong as the ppl who help him get throne. He got no skill himself.

    Fyi if you even rly from Australia shouldn't your English be better? It obvious you the other person. You don't even got spaces after every punctuation like the other person and why all these accounts made just recently like on days when you argue. @whitecoatprince @Medusastar @norionut all join date around now and type like you too. I would believe you more if you say you Indian bc you talk about Indian karma before.

    Maybe they mad at you bc you can't read and keep pretending to agree. They spoiled and it just goes whoosh

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  3. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I am new here and I was reading your discussions since yesterday but I am finding something off regarding regression. I have a theory.I doubt that someone actually changed the fate of Ari and Alfonso in the first line. God wanting to save Alfonso and bring him to the throne, indicating that Alfonso wasn't destined to be killed in the first timeline. I have a suspicion that Isabella or someone manipulated her to change Ari's destiny in the first timeline, leading to significant changes later. Since Ari regressed, what happened to her in the first time line becomes her destined fate.This suggests there may be an original timeline where no one regressed and Ari exists as the wife of Alfonso. I hope Augusto doesn't shock us by revealing she was always destined to be with Alfonso, he messed up everything for isabella and he manipulated Isabella to make her Cesar's fiance in the first timeline. I have a doubt whether Isabella could be the love interest or wife of Augusto in the original timeline, not revealed here. Perhaps out of guilt,fear or a divine warning, Augusto regressed Ari.Chemistry we see between Ari and Alfonso sometime force me to think how they actually not fall together in first time line.it always look like they are made for each other.
    Isabella made Ari fiancee of Cesar before Queen death,so that Ari not come in between her and Alfonso in first timeline.Alfonso changed in this timeline because of Ari and for Ari and fall in love with her from their first meeting with just a small talk. Some argue that his rejection of rice pudding in the second timeline, when he was in love with Ari, contradicts his acceptance in the first timeline, thinking she would be beaten by Cesar. However, this doesn't deny the fact that Alfonso may not have loved her in the first timeline.Augusto is looking interesting and he has a lot of mystery and I hope he doesn't shock us with the existence of an original timeline.There are so many circumstancial evidences that hint towards existence of a original timeline and manipulation of first timeline by regression
  4. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    You make another new acct again? You didn't read anything. Alphonso didn't love Ari back then. He ate the pudding bc he worried about his servants and it alrdy show in novel why she regressed. There were spoilers that the gods put Ari to regress bc they want Alphonso king bc Cesare didn't take good care of their country. They were gods or awaken ppl w/e you call them that were from estruscan so they don't want their country to be taken.
    miya_eh and Isthecat102 like this.
  5. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I have already mentioned this is a new account. What is again. I have already stated this is my theory. The author has never explicitly mentioned that Alfonso did not love Ari in the first timeline. Our knowledge of Alfonso in the first timeline is limited. There is discussion in forum,someone argued that Alfonso rejecting rice pudding when he loved Ariande in current time line but he ate that in first timelin. While it shows concern for Ariande's well-being as he has towards servants, it doesn't definitively answer whether he loved her or not. Using the rice pudding incident as evidence to conclude he didn't love Ari is an absurd justification.People do change the food they love or they hate with time,we can't decide something on food habit and you want me to believe taking food as reason on complex emotion called love
    Please Share something that contains official confirmation indicating that Alfonso did not love Ari in the first timeline, and then I will believe. The existence of an additional main timeline could be a significant plot point in the novel. The author may choose not to reveal even through god until Augusto himself discusses it.even god is nearly silent on Augusto.
    Please don't discuss like this.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
  6. Fantheorist

    Fantheorist New Member

    Jan 29, 2024
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    @alpineibex, @NohrNeir - I wish to know this :
    When Alfonso publicly announces Ariadne as his wife, she gets elevated to Princess title. Then later, why does she feel sad that if only she had been fortunate enough to be a duke's daughter, she would have been called princessa already? She already holds the title of a princess by virtue of marriage to Alphonso doesn't she?
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  7. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Lmao I wondered why I got tagged in here but you guys seem to be arguing even after I left.

    Good job @incarnation
    Keep telling these idiots the hypocrisy of Ari and how they defend Cesare's actions under the guise of a "sad childhood."
  8. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Although Alfonso announced that Ari is his legitimate wife, Ari was not elevated to Princess, it is not official that she is the princess, only that she is Alfonso's wife.

    Ari can see (Sometimes, it's not when she decides) people's memories about the 1TL

    I don't know if this was caused by the Etruscan awakenings or is due to the Golden Rule, although I personally believe it is due to the Golden Rule.

    If anyone knows if the real reason is mentioned, let me know.

    After seeing Maletta's memories, he approaches Sancha and asks her about her sister and she answers that it is true, although the issue of seeing memories continues to happen in the future, It serves more to help Ari understand some things about her past and the people around her.
    Viki1995 and burulima like this.
  9. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    @incarnation How could you dare to wake up this monster? ... We had such a hard time defeating him... I warn you, you'll take care of it! Either way, everyone ignores her messages...

    Do the same: share a moment when the author said that Alphonso loved him ! If you can't prove one, you can't confirm the other, and I guess the author can play with that: it gives everyone "what they want"!
    Maybe it's a way of letting everyone's imagination run wild, even if the author "knows".
    Some will like the idea of the fact that Alphonso can only love Ariadne in the first chronology, others won't.
    Personally, for me, this scene doesn't show anything in particular except that Alphonso is a nice person willing to eat a few things he doesn't like to preserve someone else. Does he take it because he loves it? Unsure. He does it, that's all!
    And for your information: in the second chronology, he refuses the jar that Ariane gives him because he can refuse it, knowing that there will be no consequences (he eats the deserts because otherwise, the employees are fired... But Ariane won't be fired if he refuses! XD)

    The mystery of being able to do this, in particular, is complete! It also allowed her to see Arabella's last moments... It's true that, if we've heard of regression, this "power" has never been mentioned other than when she was using it, right? I'm not sure, I don't remember if she told the grandmother about it.
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  10. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    That's what I'm saying—Food arc only tell Alphonso cared about everyone in FTL. However, considering the circumstances in both FTL and STL, there's a chance he may have feelings towards Ari in FTL. The circumstances don't favor the opposite. Augusto appears to be the real mischievous person. I hope Ari somehow reverses all her sins towards Augusto. The author has not yet revealed his real motive.
    Real headache is syphilis, and he is draining National treasure on treatment. Now, he is resorting to black magic, but the true dilemma is that Augusto will do all killing but it will be Ari who pays the price. I hope the burden of sins is a reversed onto Augusto.
    To be honest, I empathize more with Ari now. Despite discovering unconditional love, she is still struggling. The golden rule desire the throne for Alphonso, but what about future of his dreams,happiness, love, and emotions – concerning his wife, Ari?
    Mkh.97 likes this.
  11. Mkh.97

    Mkh.97 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2022
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    Please, any fresh spoilers?!
  12. IHaveFoundItOut

    IHaveFoundItOut Active Member

    Jan 2, 2024
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    Hello! I wondered if there is another space for those who read the WEBTOON visual novel? Or are both discussions on theories and future events here?
  13. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    It’s free to discuss manhwa here, it’s just because people are too curious to talk about spoilers.
    Mkh.97 likes this.
  14. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    So, as he loves her in the second line, he can only love her in the first ? Don't you find this argument flawed? As I have said, it is not because one cannot be proved that it proves the other, on the contrary. And I told you: quote the author to prove your claims, since this is what you are asking us to do.

    You want Alphonso to like it, ok, for me, it's not sure and it seems unlikely to me. There is no argument that this is the case, and I would find it cruel if that were the case. As said, he would have died at the hands of the person he loves. Is it beautiful or incredibly "cruel"?
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  15. Pollyg246

    Pollyg246 New Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Hi I was wondering if people could go more in details as to how ipollito got cought by princes bianca? And how the cardinal looses the position of pope?
    Any other new apples for the lares chapter would be great as well! I'm all cought up in yonder but want to know more
    Isthecat102, Tad1989 and Mkh.97 like this.
  16. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    So Yonder has just gotten to Lucrezia’s diary and ouch! I knew she wasn’t in love with Simon but the brutal way she describes her unhappiness with his attentions kind of makes me feel bad for him.
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  17. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    You rly can't read. You keep spreading fake spoiler here. Isabella didn't even cheat on Alphonso with Cesare when she was married to him. You know Isabella only want Cesare AFTER Alphonso died? She can be with another guy when her husband is dead. Ari slapped Alphonso bc she thought he MARRIED someone else and then he kiss her. Why wouldn't she slap him? I wouldn't want to be a mistress either. Ari wasn't even Alphonso's wife when Syphilis tried to marry her. Stop making sht up. She was engaged to Cesare. She can do w/e she want. Not like Alphonso wasn't with someone else too even if he didn't love her. Maybe he should try to break that engagement marriage first before you can say he got every right to actually be in relationship with Ari. Stop self inserting into Alphonso. He not even feeling like a victim. YOU the one who mad over her relationship with Cesare when Alphonso don't even care. He alrdy married the girl. He won in that. You're not Alphonso. Stop thinking you understand him too. Making sht up as if he's all depressed when he not. If he doesn't know about Ari's past or his past with her there no reason for him to even feel sad like you think he is. He don't even care about what Ari did with Cesare before when he the one who got to marry Ari. You think he busy feeling being upset over what Ari did with Cesare when he got to be the one who get to fk Ari and Cesare didn't? Like idk wtf is in your head. Like wtf you even reading. Maybe you need a tl for your language bc you don't understand eng.

    She can take contraceptive all she want. It's HER body. Stop trying to control her feelings. You don't even understand her.

    Fyi YOU the one who kept talking about Cesare. Go look back at old post. Few ppl even brought him up until YOU came in with all your fake accts and keep bringing him up and being mad about what Ari did during her engagement with him. Go look back. We kept talking about Syphilis and Isabella and her servant. Not Cesare. You don't ship otp. You just here thinking your Alphonso who have to change Ari to fit your waifu status. I'm glad Alphonso not you.

    I'm just here waiting for your deluluing to begone so we can finally get some rl spoilers not your fake ones.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
    SweetHela likes this.
  18. Pollyg246

    Pollyg246 New Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    I know! And now that the Pope is aware of what ipollito did I feel like the blow to the cardinal when he finds out is going to be devastating, I love how this author paints characters that are evil but also makes us feel sorry for them. I can't wait to read the next few chapters I feel like the popes death is coming soon.

    Also I don't recall reading about this but what happen to the glow on aris finger. I remember her smashing her hand because of it but it hast been mentioned whether or now it's glowing brighter by the choices she's been making recently? Ant thoughts?
  19. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Then Alphonsi should break his engagement marriage before you can even speak of him as victim of Ari being in relationship with Cesare. This isn't even about being feminist. This about they were not in a serious relationship when both got engage or marry to someone else. You think he victim bc Ari decide to be with Cesare but then what about Ari? She should wait for Alphonso to break his marriage with Lariessa when he didn't even tell her anything either.

    The one being emotional here is you. You're so mad at Ari loving someone else before that you self insert to Alphonso and think it so poor or him. You make up some story as if he had loved her in past life to boost your victimization when you self insert to him bc you want to pity him more. There's no proof that he even loved Ari before. He loves her now and that's all that's shown. You can't even show proof that he loved her. You just make up connections when the story alrdy say he ate the food before bc he care about his servants.

    She got every right to take the contraceptives when she don't want children. Men who want to force women to have their kids are the issue. Alphonso not forcing her to have his kids. He wants them but he not forcing her. If she take contraceptives to not get pregnant, yeah he'll feel bad if he finds out but she got every right to do it bc it's her body and she don't want kids. He's not victim to her controlling her own body.

    You think I want to answer you? I only respond bc everything you say is so wrong. Like where it even say Isabella cheated on Alphonsi with Cesare before? Where it say Syphilis have war to make money? Where it say Syphilis try to make Alphonso's wife his mistress when Ari wasn't even marry to anyone at that time?

    You want a fl who only love ml and a ml who only love fl but too bad
    Wtf is this too? Where it say this? Wtf you even reading.

    Why should she get a handwriting expert to make sure it's Alphonso's letter? She not trying to plot anything with Alphonso. That's like saying you should always suspect ppl you close to to be even making sure all their letters always checked.

    They were both not recieving each other's letters. He got married to someone else and she got engaged to someone else. They didn't tell each other anything. So who wrong here?

    You keep talking about her relationship with Cesare like you so mad the fl got past relationships when you can't even admit that Alphonso would've also stay marry to Lariessa and even decide to be with her when he thought Ari left him. Fyi Alphonso the kind of guy who would've stay with the one he marry even if he don't love them and would respect them bc it alrdy show that in past with Isabella. He didn't love her but still treat her good and they still had sex bc she was pregnant with his kid when she miscarry.

    You're rly can't read when ppl alrdy kept trying to explain why she wanted to leave Alphonso. So if your lover could get your bad karma bc you've sinned, you'll stick around them to let them suffer with you?
    autumn_leaf and SweetHela like this.
  20. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Alphonso not happy or sad over it. You think he moping around like you over her past relationship? He alrdy married her. He not you.

    I will repeat again. Alphonso himself was "married" to Lariessa when she was engaged with Cesare. What loving relationship?