Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Can someone please answer these questions? Janesarang asked them above but I tweaked them a little. A lot of people who look for this spoiler thread just want closure and don't want to finish reading the comic or the novel, so I'd appreciate it if someone could help us find some some peace :blobmelt:[/QUOTE]
    1. No. Unless you want a threesome.
    2. No.
    3. One title per woman. Have some sympathy to Tia and her workload. She's the empress full stop.
    4. Most likely not.

    Please share the answer to one you mentioned.
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  2. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    1. Nobody knows. Probably not mentioned.
    2. She was already used as a pawn against Tia and Ruve. I dont think they will appreciate the ruckus she can cause in the future. Plus if she feels out of place there she os free to go and live anywhere.
    3. ....
    4. Nothing is definite but my guess is she was a teenager and most teenagers are high on emotions and their selves esp when not trained to be an empress.
    5. What work? She got exiled, remember?
    6. *sneaks to find out what black lotus is*
  3. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Wanna know why prince was bitter? He had a crappy childhood and his parent wasnt acting like a parent. Compare the stark contrast to Tia's childhood and the resentment just soars...
  4. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Thank you soo much...a black lotus is someone pretending to be pure and innocent but in reality is a scheming person..more likely a bitch....
  5. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    any relation to the green tea bitch?

    Well, my theory is Jieun might have fallen in love with Ruve and the idea of an empress. Coz I don't know anyone who would pass that kind of position if offered in real life or not. Maybe she did love him or maybe she thought he could compensate for the world she grew up with. Story didn't really dig that far and I'm just throwing theories around.
  6. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    yes...in a sense you can say..green tes bitch and black lotus are same....
  7. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    So he gives tia a bad childhood/teenage hood. And the cycle continues. I dont mind that he becomes the ML but his bad childhood makes his actions understandable, not excusable
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  8. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    I love the total 180 I've seen with their fan reception. I like how the author started off with making Allendis seem like a rescue romance and then turn around and say "No it's incredibly unlikely she'd just run into a person who'd sweep her off her feet and solve all her problems. He's definitely got issues of his own.". Take this with a grain of salt but I've heard around that Allendis actually threatens to get Tia's dad killed and it tanked his popularity. I actually loved how they played his character because while we know he'd never pull any of the stuff he does on Tia specifically, he's such a person of questionable character that you definitely feel uneasy about the ending up together. It's such a unique way of pulling off a yandere archetype and showing how ugly it'd look on a person while still being somewhat subdued about it.

    And I also like the twist of having the Prince turn out to be the ML. It's definitely gutsy I'll give you that, to make a character previously established (albeit an alternate version) to be utterly despicable and then turn it around so smoothly. The author shows that while yes, it's unreasonable to hold the Prince accountable for crimes he hadn't committed, Tia is still very traumatized from him, and the cold way he treats her is definitely going to hinder both of them in the future. Having him see the culmination of his actions and how he can potentially become a horrible, self-absorbed person, was definitely cathartic and the wake up call he needed. The best part is that they don't just sweep his actions under the rug, which is a grip I have with similar stories like Suddenly Became a Princess One Day.
  9. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    I dont know how much he can give Tia a bad childhood. Unless they interacted earlier in the story, I assume that they just met when they were being introduced as partners.
    His past about his childhood does make it understandable butI have never aeen anyone say nor excuse his cruelty to Tia in the original. Heck, people were still hating on him after that. At least it gives a window on why he was like that.
    If he had a decent parent or guardian, his bad side should have been addressed or stomped, just like for any kid.
    RidiculousSleeper likes this.
  10. RidiculousSleeper

    RidiculousSleeper Member

    May 22, 2018
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    I just love how people I know who are MTL-ing this novel are so frustrated with Tia for not accepting Ruve ...

    He definitely struggled a lot to get Tia's affection lol
  11. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    What struggle? He doesn't deserve her period! Don't let character development got in the way of people imposing the ML on the MC! /S
  12. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    I thought long before doing this reply because part of what turned me off from this story is those so-called fans.
    I understand the enthusiasm and wishing the very best happy ending for the MC and reading a great story.
    But everything got soured on me because of some of the fans' reaction to Ruve as ML.
    Many fans, especially those who sided or siding with Allendis, were treating a fictional character like the Messiah. Like he could do nothing wrong. which is totally stupid given that character have flaws just like a person does.
    I get that Ruve's original character wasnt really the best compared to Allendis' first impression but some fans clung to Allendis like he was something better. That is why I was secretly enjoying popcorn that those Allendis fans were imploding when Tia discovered that Allendis did her wrong. And when we finally get Ruve's development going.

    re:author. it is a gutsy move and personally, I applaud the author for s/he did. Imagine some fans wanting for you to be dead coz you didn't pair their favorite ship. It's a haren romantic story so somebody is gonna lose. Too bad that their ship was already sunk before it sailed.
    Ariawolfgar, Akihime, ardills and 5 others like this.
  13. flowers.and.hearts

    flowers.and.hearts Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2019
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    Honestly when I read these novels where we see the worst kind of people I cant help but pity them, because most of the time they arent born a villain, maybe thats why I didnt really hate ML when he was introduced. I hated his actions in his first life but he is such a common trope used in like every story. Cause its so easy to see once you keep reading on that he was molded into the monster he became in his first life by others. And honestly I cant blame him, cause he is a kid, and children learn from others, and if others are like that then its no suprise to me he became the way he is. Really rather than a trope i guess its a common way authors can create a 3d character. I wont excuse his actions, because its not like he had no choice. He chose his path and thats that. But in his second life he can get the chance to choose something different and I really want to encourage it haha. Really because of this viewpoint I can never really hate villains. I just end up pitying them especially if we learn a bit of their backstory.
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  14. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    I was pissed but I'm fine if he changes and he earns her love. I also like that Tia herself has grown into a strong character. The support she has now has already changed her future
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  15. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Thank you! I really want to read and revel in his mistake lol
    chamchaworld likes this.
  16. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    1) Jieun was killed by Duke Jenna 4 years after Tia died as she fled the capital with her newborn daughter. She doesn't blame Tia. She just want to compete with Tia once again in order to get rid of her sense of inferiority. She reincarnated to take revenge on 1st timeline Ruve for abandoning her, and on Duke Jenna for killing her.

    2) In second life Jieun asks to be adopted by Duke Jenna in order to spy on him. Once Duke Jenna is judged for his crimes, all his descendants are also sentenced to be beheaded. That's the law. But Jieun saved Tia twice : once by revealing Jenna's plans and allow a fast rescuing of Tia who had fallen into an embush, second time when she sacrificed all her divine powers in exchange for Tia's life after Tia had been stabbed and was dying. So even though Ruve would have preferred her to die (because he never once looked her way in second lifetime - he's madly in love with Tia and he's adamant only Tia will be his empress), he offers Tia a solution : to give Jieun a poison that will make her appear dead and sneak her out of the palace. However the condition is that no one should ever find out that Jieun is still alive (because the nobles voted her death, so Ruve is going against them and it could lead to a revolution) and she should never put a foot on imperial land ever again.

    3) What do you want to know exactly? Which POV do you want and on what?
    Because I tell you, if you're an Allen's fan, don't look at his POV.

    4) Well, I think I've answered you question in 2)
    As you can see, Jieun is not an airhead. She's just a regular teenage girl of our world who has been suddenly thrown into a world and leadership position without any knowledge or preparation. As she says to Tia, she understands nothing to politics. She can barely read and write. She didn't ask to be brought to this strange world. She married 1st timeline Ruve because he was his only ally and she was afraid to end up in the streets.

    5) Jieun doesn't get to push her work on Tia again, because she doesn't have work. Nor any position. Although the aristocracy faction wants her to be the Empress, 2nd timeline Ruve refuses absolutely to consider anyone but Tia for his wife. Even when Tia is poisoned and declared barren, he never changes his mind, going as far as saying to Tia that he doesn't need any heir if he can have her by his side. (Hopefully, Tia is fine don't worry, and they will have 3 children : 1 boy and 2 girls). 2nd timeline Ruve is the true Ruve, the umpoisoned one, and we discover that he is in fact a great romantic, sweet and loyal lover. His true self is incredibly passionate and kind. He will wait patiently for Tia and go through many (many) rejections, never wavering in his feelings for Tia. If you dislike Ruve, give him a chance. Give the author a chance to tell you what's behind the scene. Because lots of us fell in love with Ruve by the end of the novel.

    6) No black lotus. Jieun is definitely a human character with her failures. She is far from likeable, but she has her good points and is a very pitiful character in the end. At least I think so.

    As for why 1st timeline Ruve hated Tia :
    Ruve grew up without any love. His father thought he needed to be harsh with him because "you need to raise a cub like a lion, if you want him to be a lion" while at the same time being sweet and doting on Tia. The reason behind that was that emperor Mirkan was in love with Jeremiah, Tia's mother, and considered Tia like his daughter. Ruve's mother was just a servant he didn't love. In addition, Ruve loved Jeremiad and considered her like his mother (his own mother had abandoned him, solding him out to the emperor). But one day, when Jeremiah and Tia were visiting the palace, assassins broke in. And when they attacked, Jeremiah unconsciously protected Tia with her body, leaving Ruve defenseless. It crushed Ruve's heart to see that Jeremiah didn't consider him like a son. All of this fuelled Ruve's spite against Tia who had everybody's love. He was also always compared to her and found lacking. His humble origins were in fact the real source of his feeling of inferiority towards Tia.

    But all of that, 2nd timeline Ruve overcame. 1st timeline Ruve couldn't because Duke Jenna had gotten close to him since childhood. He was the only person who had ever been warm to him, so Ruve trusted him. Duke Jenna poisoned Ruve's mind against Tia since young, saying she was an ennemy from the faction that wanted to overthrow him, a doll without feelings who didn't even pay respect to her deceased mother (while Ruve still did every year), etc. Duke Jenna was the one who introduced Ruve to Jieun, saying Jieun was a pure girl who didn't have any second thoughts on marrying him. Being loved for himself was something Ruve had always craved for. In 2nd timeline, Ruve asks several times Tia if she can love him as a man, not as the emperor. This is very important to him.
    Most of all, Duke Jenna was poisoning Ruve with an actual poison, that made him lose his temper and his mind, until Ruve became a shadow of himself and can be taken down for being a tyran and a mad king. When 1st timeline Ruve discovers the plot, it's already too late : he killed Tia (whom he loved but could never admit it because she was his and Duke Jenna's ennemy), so Verita and Ras have resigned, Jieun is pregnant so as soon as she gives birth to an heir, he's dead, and Duke Jenna is already ruling the aristocracy. It will be easy for Duke Jenna to graps the kingdom in his hands and have absolute power with a child emperor and Jieun who has no sense of politics. Ruve doesn't want to kill Jieun and his unborn child to stay alive, so he flees the capital. But he's soon caught and killed. Jieun flees the capital just after giving birth to a girl, and she's caught and killed. We don't know any more on 1st timeline as Jieun dies.

    In 2nd lifetime, Tia's will to escape her engagement to Ruve clashes with Duke Jenna's stories, and that's how Ruve discovers that Duke Jenna cannot be trusted. Which completely changes all of their fates.

    If you have more questions, I'll be happy to answer them. :)
  17. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    First of all....thank you soooooo much for all these spoilers...after reading ..i feel like Ruve isn't bad and all...and i want to know like how did ruve find out he was in love with tia in 2nd life...and why not look for allen POV ...is he a too much of a yandere???( becoz i got yandere vibes from him) And what happened to the red haired guy too????
  18. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    My pleasure. ^^

    Well, that is not easy to answer this question. Ruve already shows signs of caring for Tia when she's visiting his father while being sick, and he takes her back himself in his carriage. Then on the way back he thinks fondly of her, because he sees the similarities between him and her, and secretely wishes for her to get better quickly. Later when when they dance on the ceremony of his coming-of-age, we can see that Ruve is displeased that Tia seems close to Allendis while she's cold to him - unlike in the 1st timeline, Ruve doesn't let Tia fall and instead presses her close to him, masking her misstep, and Ruve explicitely shows jealousy towards Allendis because Tia shows her emotions when it comes to Allendis - he says she probably would have preferred to dance with him. Ruve concludes by saying "how unpleasant" (that you show your emotions to another man, that you're good at dancing so you probably practiced with another man, that you are wishing you were dancing with another man, that you're intimate with another man while you're cold and expressionless with me, etc). We know for sure that Ruve's attitude towards Tia has changed when he pays a visit to her on her estate and finds her with Carsein. Ruve calls Tia HIS FIANCEE as much as he can and straightforwardly tells Carsein to stay away from Tia, while at the same time confronting Tia on her rejection of their engagement. He obviously doesn't like to inspire fear to her. And when he reads the letter Allendis wrote to Tia, he's outraged that Tia thinks he could marry another woman. The idea never even crossed his mind (and he will be true to his word : Tia will be his only love and his only wife). So we can see Ruve's love takes its roots really early in fact. But he has a very introverted personality and he's very cold and composed in public, as a royal should be. So it's not so easy to spot when he starts to love her.

    Allen is a Yandere to the core. In western terms, I would go as far as call him a sadist and a psycopath. In his POV we discover how Allen fell in love with Tia because she has PTSD and is nearly mad with terror. He finds her trauma beautiful, and wants her madness and obsession to turn to him instead of her father. When Keirean tries to protect Tia from him, he thinks of killing him. He offers a ribbon to Tia, and after she starts to be healthy again he thinks of strangling her with it, in order for her never to change and keep the memories of her looking only at him. There is the moment in the carriage when in the manhwa Allen kisses Tia's hand. In the novel he kisses her on the lips, while she's sleeping - so unconscious and very much unconsenting. This moment gave off heavy creepy vibes. Allen also spent years building a house for Tia somewhere, and after she rejects him, he actually starts leading her out of her way home, planning to kidnap her and keep her locked in the house for the rest of her life. He renounces his plans at the last minute. His POV is extremely disturbing. Lots of people actually felt filthy and frightened after reading it. At this point in the novel, I was quite happy to see Allendis disappear from Tia's life for good tbh. :sweating_profusely:
    Don't get me wrong, Allendis never did those horrible things, and he realised he was sick and left to protect Tia. He's not a villain. Yet, this is too much, and I really hope the manhwa doesn't insist too much on all these details for the sake of Allen's fans. I think it's enough to know he's Duke Jenna's ally and spy. I've seen the raws, so I know this will be portrayed in the manhwa. And I think it's largely enough to explain to the fans why Allendis can't end up with Tia.

    About Carsein, he is Tia's protector to the end. He's a very nice and reliable friend/brother to her. But sadly, his love is unrequited and he has to give up on it when Tia accepts Ruve's hand.
    His own mother was Keirean's fiancee before Keirean fell in love with Jeremiah. And she was humiliated and heartbroken when the man she loved asked for the breaking of their engagement to marry a woman far behind her (and his) station. To do that, Keirean swore the binding oath (an oath that requires his death if he breaks it) to the emperor, offering his unllimited support and loyalty to the crown in exchange for a wish. And emperor Mirkan who had been waiting for Keirean's surrender agrees to his wish and breaks his engagement to his sister (Carsein's mum).
    So you see, there's a heavy history behind Carsein's innocent love.
    Carsein ends up alone at the end of the novel. But in the collection of sides stories in volume 6, we learn that he's married and had a son who is the playmate of Tia and Ruve's daughter Diana (Dia, who is her mother's replica with her silver hair and golden eyes).
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
  19. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Thank you so much again~:blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes::blobxd::blobxd:
    Eodez likes this.
  20. Akiyuki_chan

    Akiyuki_chan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers!! I know Ruve must not be that hateful like everybody thought in earlier pages. There must be real reasons why he's like that in the 1st lifetime and now we get it!

    I've never liked Allendis from the start. Ever since he threatened to kill Tia's father, he also killed my interest in him. Mind this, a guy that threatens to kill your own family is never a good guy. No matter how kind he is to Tia, nor how romantic he is. He's a psychopath. Period.

    On the other hand, Carsein is a good man. But let's just admit this; Tia is far too good, she's too perfect to be Carsein's.

    Well, all that is my own opinion, though. Anyone can feel free to disagree. Lol.
    Furiae19, nillihist and stumblmer like this.
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