Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    You're very welcome! ^^ I really love your comment, and I'm 100% with you on this.:bloblove:

    Yes! Tia actually learns that 1st Ruve was poisoned through Jieun, when she asked if he had trouble sleeping and other symptoms, Jieun confirms he did. And that's how Tia realises that 1st Ruve was poisoned, just like she was poisoned herself in the first timeline.
  2. Jamjam

    Jamjam Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    What happened to duke jenna and the noble faction members in 1st and 2nd timeline? And what happened to the whole empire in 2nd timeline?
    Is there any spoilers about Ruve and Tia's children?
    overallgalaxy likes this.
  3. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    We don't know what happened after Jieun's and Ruve's deaths in 1st timeline. But we can assume that Duke Jenna took the power. In 2nd timeline, Duke Jenna was beheaded with all his family, and all conspirators were punished or killed too.
    In 2nd lifetime Tia gave three children to Ruve, a prince and two princesses. One of the princess is called Diana, shortened as Dia, and looks exactly like Tia. She's Carsein's son playmate. This only appears in volume 6 (the collection of side stories) which I haven't finished yet so if I have more details, I'll post them later. ^^
  4. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but in the first timeline, the empire did collapse, isn't it?
    So in the end, Duke Jenna was just your typical old man who got greedy with power. He was good coz everything went his way in the 1st timeline but he never to sustain that power.

    I can't wait to get him to get kicked in the curb.
    djan29, flamingorangesoof and Lovina like this.
  5. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Yes indeed, you're very right. In first timeline, Duke Jenna took the power and the empire collapsed. Jieun and Ruve had a daughter, so there was no heir to the throne.
  6. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    First of all, thank you @Eodez for reviving this thread! I've been waiting for so long to gush about this novel again! Next, what are the side materials mainly about? How much of it focuses on the original timeline? Do you think they'll get adapted to the comic? And also, does the author have any other works or spinoffs of this?
    Ariawolfgar and Eodez like this.
  7. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    You're very welcome ^^
    And those are really good questions!

    So, first, to my knowledge there are no sequels nor spin-offs. Unfortunately.
    BUT some stories from the collections of side stories are likely to be added into the manhwa! How can we know that? Because the first story was actually drawn and added to the manhwa! The first story is about the day when Allen offered Tia white chocolate, and then everyone wanted to offer Tia something sweet, white and warm - and it was the creation of white day in the empire.

    The side stories are very various and are about the past and the future (so what happens after the novel ends) and concerns many characters.

    I haven't finished volume 6 yet, but I grossly know what they are about. Maybe I'll come back to edit some title if I was mistaken.

    1. White Day (white chocolate)
    2. Carsein's POV (of the events told in the novel)
    3. Beatrice (the princess pregnant with her knight)
    4. Mirkan, Keirean and Jeremiah
    5. Ruve's erotic dream and cake dream
    6. 1st Ruve POV and death
    7. Luna (Tia's cat, offered by Allen)
    8. Carsein
    9. Tia after Ruve's first kiss
    10. Jieun after her escape 1
    11. Jieun after her escape 2
    12. Jieun after her escape 3
    13. Carsein, 4 months after Tia's wedding
    14. Allen comes back after 13 years
    15. Tia and Ruve's wedding(?) night
    16. Tia wakes up Ruve with a kiss
    17. Ruve looks at his wife and three children
    18. Keirean's death
  8. Rink0

    Rink0 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    The side stories seems very interesting and sweet and.. and... just awwww by reading the title :aww::aww::aww: oh wait the last one is... :blobsleepless:

    Can you give us spoilers for the side stories too once you've read them? (Especially tia and ruve being cute couple :blobsmilehappyeyes:)
  9. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Yep. I'll do that. ^^
  10. Lola-lola

    Lola-lola Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thank you so much @Eodez

    When I saw that you were in the WW server I never opened my discorp app so fast, fortunately I was already in ww. I read a bit of your spoils there and omg Ruve is too cute, please even with only a few spoils you can feel how much he likes her. His love reminds me of the one that Hugo has for Lucia, and perhaps it is even stronger since Ruve is not afraid to tell her every time he sees her how much he loves her... It’s just so cute.
    When you posted that she told him about the first timeline, but didn’t say that he was the one who executed her, I was going to say "nooo why? He didn’t suffer enough," but then you said, "stop, she’s hurt him enough," I was like okay, I give him this one lol. When you start reading the webtoon, all is so unfair to Tia, you really hate Ruve and just hope all the hapiness for tia, because damn this girl deserves so much...
    From the beginning I knew that she would end up with Ruve, without even spoil because it seemed obvious for me, so I wasn't surprised by the final ship (plus I didn’t like Allen so when you said he’s some kind of yandere, I wasn’t surprised, but happier that she escaped from him lol, you can say that I was more for Carsein but since he too found his happiness I'm glad) I was just wondering how the author will turn the story to make their relationship "acceptable" after all the things that Tia had to go through because of him, so honestly it’s as if your spoils have soothed me, I don’t know if it’s strange to say this about a story but knowing that she’ll be happy and that in the end Ruve really deserves her, relieves me. So thank you T_T

    //SPOIL// Ah there’s something I wanted to know, in the second timeline at the beginning Ruve doesn’t like her when they were kids, but when she came back and did her best to cancel their engagement, that’s what made him interested and then he fell for her. But in the first timeline, we understand (from the epilogue) that in fact Ruve loved her too but couldn't even understand that, but what made the 1st Ruve fall for her? I mean 1st and 2nd Ruve don’t really like her, but her change made 2nd Ruve fall for her, but for 1st Ruve she was the same, cold and always doing her best to be the perfect empress, she hasn’t changed, but he still fell in love with her, why??? I think they’re both meant to be together, but yes... what made the first Ruve fall for the first Tia? //SPOIL// (i don't know how to make the spoil T_T)

    Oh et comme j'ai vu que tu parlais français et que là mon topic n'a rien à voir avec l'histoire et que je suis plus confortable à parler en français, je préfère continuer en français ^^. En faite tu m'as VRAIMENT rendue impatiente de lire la suite et j'ai vu que tu avais lu la suite à travers Google translate, est-ce que tu as déjà de bonnes bases en coréen ce qui a palier les "manques" de Google Translate, ou tu t'es vraiment reposée que sur GT ? Et t'as choisi la traduction coréen-français où c'était trop catastrophique donc t'as préféré la traduction Coréen-anglais ? Et est-ce que GT marche bien ou faut vraiment avoir envie de lire la suite pour supporter tout ça même si à la fin tu as un énorme mal de tête ? J'aimerai savoir comment tu as fais car je pense faire pareil pour ce roman et quelques autres aussi si j'arrive à bien me débrouiller vu que je suis vraiment impatient XD

    Désolée pour le extrêmement long poste et merci encore pour tous tes spoils !
  11. Jamjam

    Jamjam Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    I'm gonna wait for that :):aww:
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  12. giseord

    giseord Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Please!!! Someone!!! Is there someone that translate this story??? Im daing..
  13. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Sorry for the long delay in responding to your message, I needed some time to answer properly.

    Ok, so about 1st Ruve loving Tia, I think it started when they got married. Before her coming of age, Tia was underage (Ruve is 5 years older, so he couldn't really look at her in a romantic way until she reached 16, could he? Tia was killed at 17. So it only left 1st Ruve a one-year window to develop his feelings for her when she was alive + 4 years after she died, until he too was killed). But when she became a woman, 1st Ruve must have started desiring her - as in "seeing her like a woman". It's very obvious that they share a fated love. Hence, the attraction between them should run very high. As everybody know, you don't really chose whom you're falling for or whom you're attracted to. Chemistry is here or it isn't.
    1st Ruve didn't treat Tia well, yet she was in love with him. It was the same for 1st Ruve. Although Tia hurt him with her coldness, and although his love for her was very toxic for him, he loved her still. The problem was that both of their loves were destructive to them.
    I think it's a nice metaphor of how even the purest and deepest love can be toxic to immature people. If you haven't learnt to love yourself first, you can't love another person properly and sanely. (At least, that's what I read in the author's work.)
    There was no "turning point" for 1st Ruve for loving Tia. But finding out after Tia died that Tia cared for him and probably loved him too allowed 1st Ruve to make peace with his own feelings and finally call her Aristia and want to see her and join her after his death.

    Pour lire le roman, je ne me suis reposée que sur la traduction direct de Google Play et occasionnellement de Papago. Et j'ai choisi la traduction coréen-anglais (je n'ai même pas essayé en français, étant donné que Google ne sait même pas traduire correctement de l'espagnol au français). La lecture est faisable mais pénible, je ne peux pas le nier, mais le traducteur est franchement pas si mal. Ce n'est pas aussi pénible que de faire des captures d'écran pour traduire des images par reconnaissance des caractères. Le traducteur est intégré, et pour une personne motivée, ça reste une solution correcte et rapide. Pas pour prendre plaisir à la lecture évidemment, mais pour se spoiler c'est pas mal. ^^
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  14. Lola-lola

    Lola-lola Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Ok but it's really beautiful and super sad. In spite of everything I am glad that Ruve didn't have it easy to have Tia. It would have been really unfair for everything she experienced. Even if I think for a moment it's going to hurt me to see Ruve being eternally rejected :(
    In the end this story is much deeper than what we could think at the beginning.
    If we compare the reponses at the beginning of this thread with those of now that have done a 180° and thanks to you.
    In the webtoon do we approach the moment when ruve realizes his feelings for her and starts to move? The webtoon isn't finished yet right? Is the English translation far from the raws?

    D'accord merci pour la réponse ! Ne t'inquiètes pas j'ai fait un SUPER long paragraphe aussi et je pense faut prendre du recul pour avoir la réponse à ma question ^^'
    D'accord ! Ça ne m'étonne pas de Google traduction soyons honnête
    Oui je veux bien le lien pour les résumés, il faut t'envoyer un mp c'est ça ?
    Et il y a aussi un autre novel qui me tente bien, donc je vais essayer Google Books pour celui là ☺️

    Merci encore pour tout ^^
    djan29, stumblmer and Eodez like this.
  15. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    We are currently at chapter 96 of the webtoon, and YES, Ruve is already in love with Tia by now (and he definitely is taking action towards making Tia his empress and only wife). And has been for a while (for about 30 chapters at least). Ruve's feelings for Tia have started to become obvious since he walked in the snowy gardens with Tia to go see the della flowers on Tia's mother's death anniversary in chapter 67 (this scene actually echoes the last scene of the novel). But in this timeline Ruve started to care for Tia since he drove her back home when she was sick. And as Ruve said himself after warning Carsein to back off and reading Allen's letter about Tia's first life during the border inspection, he "has never thought of marrying any other woman but her".

    Super! Quel autre roman tu veux lire?
    Oui, envoie-moi ton email par message privé et je t'ajoute au Google doc. ^^
    Avec grand plaisir. N'hésite pas si tu as d'autres questions.
  16. karzak

    karzak Member

    Oct 23, 2019
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    Maybe it's just me but I am incredibly disappointed that Allen does not end up with the Tia. I get that they explain away how awful the prince was with brain washing, but the stuff he did at the start was just so ridiculously scummy that I can't bring myself to forgive him. Meanwhile Allen who is although a bit crazy, cares for Tia so well and really treats her with respect. He seems like such a nice guy, yet he gets thrown to the wayside for this character who, although not in his right mind, destroyed the MC's life previously, so incredibly sadistically as well. My main gripe though is that the series is all about changing fate, but then it ends exactly how it started, with the caveat that the prince actually loves her this time around. The god went on about how she had the ability to change her future and made it seem like a critical point in the story, but then she just ended up right back where she started, which sort of makes the story feel a bit empty if you ask me. It makes it seem like fate is inescapable, and at best you can only deal with it, and make slight adjustments. It feels like the story becomes really hallow by having her end up with the character she originally set out to never fall in love with again you know?
  17. Lola-lola

    Lola-lola Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Oooh your resumes make me so happy, it's the same feeling as reading the story, aaaah i can't wait :)
    I had noticed that Ruve was already in love with Tia, but I wasn't sure if himself had noticed and if he had really started to make her fall for him (sometime they can be so dense when it's so obvious...).
    The only woman for his whole life... I think I will really like Ruve at the end.
    Will we have a lot of time of the 2 together when they're dating and after they're married? or does it finish with a happy ending on the wedding and after that's the epilogues? I would really like the story to continue a little bit after their marriage like empress of another world

    Merci c'est génial je t'envoie ça tout de suite! C'est le novel de Miss not so side kick ! J'adore Latte et le dynamisme entre elle et Arwin. Ils sont chou ensemble et je pense ils auront une relation assez atypique XD
    stumblmer and Eodez like this.
  18. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    There will be a lot of Tia x Ruve time, don't worry. There are LOTS of very cute and intimate scenes between them two. The novel ends on their wedding. But there are some short stories about their life after they get married in volume 6. You can go up a bit, I've given all the titles of the short stories above somewhere. I haven't had the time to finish volume 6 though, as I'm too busy translating what I've already read for the fans, lol. :)

    I get your point. ^^ But if Tia had ended up with Allen, she would have ended up strangled or locked away in a hidden house, forever separated from her father. So her fate would have been similar to her first timeline in a way. I guess being with Carsein would have changed her fate completely. That would have been the best option for her in my view if she hadn't ended up with Ruve.
    But Ruve was her fated love and there was no escaping her falling in love with him apparently. So Tia just changed the fate of her love : she saved him, herself, the empire, and turned their love into something good and healthy. That's probably what the author was thinking about when she spoke about changing fate.
  19. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    @your reply to karstak. Eodez. Please don't bother. Some people have ships and they will die defending them. I guess everything can be forgiven with a guy because he was 'just a bit crazy'. Sure /S. If it wasn't Allendis, I wonder if they still keep defending and how is that normal behavior by all means? People didn't like Ruve because what he did in the first timeline wasn't normal (and yes, I don't condone nor or approve what he did). Allendis comes and hey, it's just a bit crazy. Nothing to see or worry about. It's just a bit crazy. Personally, if Tia didn't end up with Ruve and I'm shipping ships (which I'm not), it'll be with Carsein. You know, an actually sane and funny guy. But hey, Allendis is just a bit crazy with all he did.

    The only thing that matters to me in this story and shipping shit is that TIA MADE HER CHOICE.
    She made her own fate by following her choice. Nobody forced her this time. She actually had interactions with the MLs and CHOSE. If you didn't like her choice fine. But she chose anyway.

    Grumble all want.

    Re:fate. Some readers might think fate as this bandaid or tool that overhauls everything and changes every single thing. As far as writing changing fate is concerned, that's a huge deal of writing. I only use that to drive development and changes, not start from scratch to resolve someone's else interpretation of what fate is. so there will be differences in what to write as an author and what readers think. And no way I'm changing my material just because somebody has a different notion in their head on what 'fate' as a mechanic should work.

    Besides, isn't choice is the opposite of fate? Simplying making a choice is a big finger to any 'fate' mechanic.

    @Eodez again. Imagine being Tia and you have to explain why the heck you chose the ML when it's nobody's business but yours. People wanted her to have agency. When she had agency and manifested that by choosing the ML, it's like doubting her agency and she is dumb because of her choice. So its either give her/the author the choice to choose or we readers should have been consulted to whom she will end with.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  20. karzak

    karzak Member

    Oct 23, 2019
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    I was just stating my preferred ship, but in my opinion anyone who wasn't the prince would of been much better. You make it seem like it's her choice, but remember how they were "fated lovers" based on the oracle? The way I see it, making the prince be the person she ends up with defeats the purpose of the story, as in the end she really didn't make a choice for herself. She was "fated" to fall in love with him, and as such that's what happened. Even if she didn't end up with Allen, making her end up with the one person who she set out to escape at the start of the series makes it feel hollow in my opinion. The God had said that she was free to choose her own fate, lead her own path, but then everything ended up going exactly as fate had planned, with Tia ending up with her "fated lover" just as the oracles prophesied. You can say "oh she totally chose that for herself" sure, but remember that in her first life, she thought the exact same thing. She thought she was making her own choices, only to find out it was all due to fate that she got completely screwed over. So when we know that they were fated lovers, it seems like a stretch to claim that it was her choice. Even with this happier ending of the prince actually loving her, she ended off right where she started, a slave to fate, and that's my problem with her ending up with the prince. Sure, allen has his flaws, but he's not the only option. Anyone besides the prince would of made the series feel less hollow in my opinion, which is what I was trying to get across in my original post.
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