Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Re:Allendis. That is the common problem with the spare. He does inherit the title but I guess, his ascension was bittersweet (losing Tiia while gaining the title). Chasing rabbits and all that...

    ooohhhhh.......traitors (gleefully rubs hands). I hope some heads are gonna roll.....(maniacal laughter) . Please tell me there is a guillotine there waiting for them? Hooded executioners are so passe. I watched so many dramas with execution with the sword and it got old very quickly. So, was it just a brief mention?

    ...Chapter 97? Damn, that still very far...

    *throws virtual eclairs*
  2. Akiyuki_chan

    Akiyuki_chan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2019
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    Your explanation is sooo satisfying I'm so glad I follow this thread to the end until I met you. ❤ But OMG that palace staff bastard....:blobfearful::blobfearful::blobfearful: I feel like the people in the 1st timeline were really trashy scums! :blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:

    Though that being said, I'm so happy that in the 2nd lifetime Tia get much more romantic developments with Ruve. I mean, she gets lots of love this time, compared to her 1st lifetime where she received lots of hurt. Muehehe. That kissing scene you told us... was so good that I can't wait to see it in the manhwa! Hopefully the manhwa will include all of their lovely scenes! Muwehehehe~
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2019
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  3. Gratia06

    Gratia06 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    @Eodez can you share with me too?? Please
  4. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Hi! I just got into The Abandoned Empress (a friend recommended it but then spoiled it) but I'm curious about it especially because of Ruve's 1st timeline. :blobmelt: but I have a question when Ruve said that he executed Tia's father, does he actually know who actually attacked Jieun? Also is it just me or does anyone find Jieun's pregnancy then her losing her baby and supposedly accusing Tia's father being the mastermind suspicious?
  5. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    I think in that timeline, most of the people against the Monique House were turning everything against them and using Ruv's position and emotions as leverage. Ruve already hated Tia to bits in that timeline and if I were an enemy faction of Monique House with money and power, it won't take a brilliant strategist to orchestrate things like a miscarriage and putting the blame on Tia and Monique House. It might be suspicious but you also have to take the political context here. The people who can investigate can be bribed or coerced and hide the truth (pokes Duke Jenna here). And Monique House is already hated so there's no harm, to an enemy's perspective, to have the blame shifted to them further. With Monique House gone, it's like killing two birds with stone in their enemies' perspective - you are perceived as an ally of the Emperor and your enemy House is gone.
  6. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Re:Jieun. Maybe the author can do more of a spin-off? Not exactly naming the character Jieun but somewhat referencing what happened. It would be an interesting POV. Plutus has a male cameo form an earlier story in WMMAP.

    Re:Empress and Knight. Tia could have something like Elise had - double duty of being a sovereign and well, a knight. I think it's okay since it will make the next-gen more loyal to the Crown than ever. @Eodez confirmed she was gonna be both.
  7. Gratia06

    Gratia06 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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  8. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    How bloody you are @ATrueStory... I like you. ^^
    Yes, it was just a brief mention to threaten Duke Jenna.

    Well their heads have already rolled, as they've all been beheaded. And Duke Jenna will be beheaded too at the end of the novel. Funny fact, in the novel, all characters are beheaded with an axe, while in the manhwa they are guillotined.

    As a French person, I need to speak about this. ^^
    Did you know that the guillotine was a more human way to behead people? It was invented shortly before the French Revolution by a humanist person called Guillotin. Beheading someone with an axe required a lot of strength and a very sharp aim. So executioners very often missed their aim, resulting in a gruesome and horribly painful death with multiple head and neck injuries (if you are curious or unbelieving and have a strong stomach you can watch the execution of Lord Cromwell in the series 'The Tudors' where the executioner was purposely inebriated to butcher Cromwel). That's why people of high rank generally begged to be beheaded with a sword (they had higher chances to die quickly). So the inventor Guillotin thought of using gravity to make the beheading quicker, cleaner, and as painless as possible. Psychologically speaking, a beheading is one of the worst death with being eaten. But in fact, being guillotined was one of the most merciful death that existed at the time. Today it seems horrible to guillotine someone, but at that time it was considered very humane and progressive. Just wanted you to know because there are lots of misconceptions on the French Revolution and the guillotine.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  9. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    @ATrueStory already answered you brillantly.
    I'll just confirm that NO, 1st Ruve doesn't know who attacked Jieun. It's Duke Jenna who orchestrated the whole thing and told Jieun that Keirean and Tia were discussing earlier in Tia's chambers (again with this sh***y palace staff). Unfortunately this is bad timing for Keirean to have met with Tia (remember he practically never met with her in this timeline) and Duke Jenna took advantage of this. But Keirean had asked 1st Ruve to take Tia away with him, faking her death so that she would ecsape the palace. So that made no sense to 1st Ruve that Keirean and Tia would have done the deed. 1st Ruve is mostly enraged at Tia rejecting him once more. It's Duke Jenna who is the culprit but 1st Ruve trusts the Duke since his childhood. The Duke is like a fatherlike figure to him, so he would nevet suspect him. But Keirean is at Tia's trial, he's not in prison or anything, so we can safely say that he was not accused of attacking Jieun and killing the Emperor's child. Otherwise he wouldn't be walking freely. And Tia is not judged for attacking Jieun. She is judged and condemned for trying to kill 1st Ruve.

    About Tia being a Knight and an Empress, being knighted won't prevent her from becoming Empress, but she will resign form the Knights before getting married. Because being Empress is a full time job. Honestly I don't even know how Elise will be a surgeon and an Empress at the same time, it's seems very far fetched to me, especially if she wants to be a good lover and a good mother on top of this. Anyway, back to AE : Tia will only be the Empress, no more sparring for her after the wedding.:blobhero:
  10. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    seconding this. Now, those who say why not Tia be a Empress and a knight? She can do both!
    PSA. Being an empress is not a walk in the park. She has to be there for Ruve for all the political shitshow that will occur. As sexist as some of you will see or say, the foremost priority of an Empress is bear sons for the Empire (aka his heir and spare) and an heir to her family (she's the only child of Monique House so if she dies Monique House is history). She is also has to raise them since royalty and nobility is not just confering a fancy title and a crown over a head. If Ruve is on the battlefield, she is the regent and defacto head of the empire. She has to keep nobles and commonfolk happy in whatever ways and seeing what they need. If that isnt stressful, I will drink a ton of black coffee that I hate.
    Also, keep in mind that being a Knight can be a conflicting role. Knights are traditionally celibate and that clashes with the Empress role. Also, another clash is politics as knights are known to be apolitical. If seen or read GOT, knight!Tia is comapable to Brienne of Tarth while Empress!Tia is more like Margaery without the schemes.

    Re: Elise. Since empresses and many royal woman were associated with the caring and nurture of the empire, she might wing it as royal health administrator but not the surgeon. The hours alone will be horrible and yes, more likely add to the stress of being Empress, wife, mother and everything else. She might be a badass surgeon but think of the burnout.


    @Eodez. How ironic that Mirkan's son trust his long-time enemy rather than the said son's own father. The Emperor is choking and turning in his grave
    Also, I don't mind getting my hands dirty, especially around certain people, if you catch my drift. *wink wink*
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
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  11. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Thanks for explaining! Although what I really want to know is how exactly does 1st timeline Ruve find out about Tia's love for him?
  12. Lovina

    Lovina Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    @Eodez as i'm also french i can say it in french : j'ai lu que le manwa mais la personne qui traduisait s'est arrêté quand elle à appris que ruve serait le ml . Ruve est toujours avec un garçon au cheveux bruns comme quand ruve parlait avec sa tante . Il est vraiment son ami ou c'est un hypocrite ? Duke jenna is really scarry . For Allen i'm getting used to yandere because many novel's ml are yandere or too creepy possessive . Still this will be funny if carsein or Allen childs fall in love with tia children. What type of parents are ruve and tia ?
  13. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Why Tia cannot be a Knight anymore after becoming Empress? Because she's already been stabbed to death (and wounded multiple times). This is too dangerous a job for the Mother of the people. Can you imagine the Emperor's most beloved person, the mother of his children being constantly put in danger? In addition, being only a Knight is a waste of Tia's qualities. She can be the ruler of the Empire, and she will. Ruve will let her free reign over the affairs of the State, sharing everything with her. They will be equal partners. Plus their daughter Diana will inherit the Monique title and estate. You can't get a more feminist end really.

    @ATrueStory VERY ironic. I get you yeah *wink*

    @Lovina His name is Lord Dimarc and he is a true loyal servant of Ruve. I haven't read the chapters with Ruve and Tia being parents yet so I can't tell you yet.


    After the ambush Tia goes to her teammate Lord Spia who seem unharmed. But suddenly he grabs his chest. Tia rushes to help him and reassure him that help is coming. Spia says "Are you sure? Then we have to solve this before they arrive." And he STABS her in the belly with a dagger. ️ Shocked, Tia can only listen in silence as Spia taunts her "You're stupid. Can't you still understand the situation?" As she collapses on the ground she sees her father and Ruve looking at her, horrified. And her father, enraged, drawing his sword to kill Spia. Then Ruve rushes to her side and takes her in his arms. She can't hear anything anymore as she's dizzy, but she hears him call her name over and over again, begging her to stay alive.

    Ruve's white clothes are getting drenched in blood as he begs Tia to hold on until the healers arrive. When she says "wet... " he gently quiets her saying "You don't have to answer. Just don't let go. Never, never lose consciousness." She tries to apologise for dirtying his clothes and he shouts in a sore voice with wobbly eyes "Please! I want no apology. Even on this state you... How can you...?" Tia feels a pain in her chest for hurting him repeatedly (she recalls every time she did so) because of her prejudices and fear, failing to see he had always been there for her, protecting and caring for her. She recalls the first time she had been wounded and she had asked for the temple's aid, and apologised to Ruve for borrowing the temple without his permission and how hurt he had been at that time that she would think he would be angry at her instead of thankful and worried sick. She recalls every time he has been respectful, thoughtful, generous and kind to her. Every time he begged for her love and her trust. Even the time when he saw her in Carsein's dress and was deeply hurt but asked for a chance nevertheless. And each time she apologised instead I being thankful and saying "thank you".

    Ruve shouts "Get out of your mind. Don't fall asleep! Aristia!" Ruve tries to open her eyes but she already can't feel her body anymore. She recalls how he endlessly professed his love, when he gave her his absolute trust when he revealed his greatest weakness : the secret of his illegitimate birth. Then after even when she tried to swear her oath, his love never changed. The music box. The kiss. She knew how proud he was, but he loved her so much that he threw everything away in order to win her heart. But she rejected him for fear of being abandoned again. Even today, he threw away his pride to run to her help. She tries to open her eyes but cannot see anything, she just hears Ruve's trembling voice : "Can't you see me?" Then he shouts at people for help "Bring one (of the healers) in. Bring one back! Any of the three is good, so bring any of them right away!" Screaming like crazy, he hugs Tia. "Just hang in there a little longer. They will be here soon. Right sweetheart? just a little more. As long as you get up, I'll do whatever you desire. I'll let you become the heir of your family as you wish. I won't tie you to the imperial family. If you don't want to see me, I'll never show up in front of you again! So please hold on just a little longer."

    Tia's heart hurts. He loves her so much. Ruve keeps on talking to her "Don't do that. You're not one to give up easily. You're my breath. The blood in my veins. The only precious person left in a lonely and harsh world. My love, how can I live without you? You're too cruel..." Then Tia feels his tears in her neck. Tia, realises she is deeply loved, more than anyone and anything and blames herself for not believing it. Already though, she feels she can't breathe anymore and that it's the end. "NO! Aristia!! "screams Ruve. Tia says a silent apology to him : "The touch of death was getting closer to me. Giving myself up to the cold touch, I gave him a silent word. I'm sorry. I just said I'm sorry, instead of always thanking you. I know you don't like apologies, but I ask you once again for the last time. I'm sorry. I just hurt you. I'm sorry. Because I didn't trust you."

    Then Tia wakes up the next morning. Her father holds her tight and apologies for putting the traitor in her team. Intense daddy+daughter moment in each other's arms. Then she realises she's in the palace and asks why. Her father answers that Ruve wanted her safe until they have found out everything about the conspiracy. Tia's heart beats wildly when she remembers him shooting her name. And in complete disarray in front everyone, although he's never shown his emotions even at his father's funerals

    Tia runs out of her room to go to Ruve's office, ignoring etiquette. He let's her in and asks how she feels. He carries on writing, appearing calm and composed, giving her a report on how they've caught almost every traitors and that she didn't need to be afraid. Tia soon sees that behind his composure his hands are trembling. Her heart beats faster. And she cuts him : " Your majesty" then she goes to him and wraps his shoulders in her arms and hugs him. Frozen, he asks her what she's doing. "That day when you hold me. I'm glad I can hold you back now." Ruve is taken aback : "You..." Tia cuts in "I haven't been able to trust your Majesty's heart for 13 years."

    "Don't tell me... " Tia cuts him in again "I regret it took me so long to realise it." There is a storm of emotions in Ruve's eyes.

    Tia--> He broke his silence, he asked in a quivering voice. "Are you serious? I'm... I'm hearing you right? You also have feelings for me...... isn't that what you said?" shaking, with longing eyes. I nodded and smiled, and his face fluttered with tension. I saw the glimmer of joy in his eyes. The blue water of his eyes filled my vision and the his cool fragrance enveloped my whole body."

    Ruve hugs Tia.

    Tia--> "I just hugged his neck, ignoring the vibrations that came from his body. "I've been longing and hoping so much for this moment... ...ha... ...lord. I said I didn't care if I couldn't be with you, if I could see you from afar, that would be enough. So I begged him to spare you, and I begged you again. Thank you, God. Thank you so much."

    Then Ruve touches her cheek, then bows and kisses her hand and whispers "I love you Aristia." And Tia answers "I too... I love you your Majesty." Then she gets really shy and tries to hide her face, but Ruve gets closer and is waiting just a distance from her lips, seeking permission. Tia holds his neck and closes her eyes and here comes the BEST KISS IN THE HISTORY OF KISSES.

    Tia (MTL)--> "My heart was bursting up, and I closed my eyes with my arms stretched toward him. A shriek came out of the crushing force. But it was blocked by tightly overlapping lips and could not leak out. A little bit before, a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, and a violent lip devoured me. He gradually lost his breath because of the strong push. His breath was burning hot and his lips were burning hot. I was in a state of panic, but I barely raised my arms and hugged his neck. And he opened his mouth like an angry wave. His tongue came in unhesitatingly in my mouth. Compassing with him a little bit of hotness, he fidgeted with the hair clinging to his fingers. My arms, which drew me close together as if they would not give me a single inch, were bound tightly around my waist. The hot heat that crept through the thin cloth blew my heart out. A moan leaked out with a rough breath between the lips. The movement, which was so intense that one could even feel the urgency, turned white in his head. "Haah..." as I exhaled my wild breath, my tongue, which had been gnawing violently through my mouth, gently parted with his."

    Ruve lifts Tia off of her feet and sits her down. Taking his lips off of hers, he says "Tell me again." Tia gets shy : "Your Majesty." Ruve explains "I don't think I've heard it right. I need to be sure I heard it right. Really (you love me)? Tia stutters "Me too... I, I, I... " and she blushes and gets flustered. Then she realises she's sitting on his lap (my sneaky Ruve, love ya ^^) and nearly falls down but Ruve holds her firmly by her waist. Then the secretary comes in and sees Tia in this compromising position. Suddenly Ruve remembers the papers for the breaking of their engagement and starts to panic. He says to his secretary "Go to the administration right now! No, I will go myself!" Then Duke Verita comes in and Ruve asks "The breaking of the engagement, you haven't processed it yet right? Don't tell me you have already taken care of it!" When Verita says no, that he had put it on hold when Tia was wounded, and takes the paper out, Ruve rips it out off his hand. Tia then laughs (because Ruve is cute to worry about a piece of paper). Then Verita says it's time to get back to work (and prepare the wedding). Tia agrees to take her leave, and Ruve is crestfallen. She says she'll visit him soon and he pouts like a lost puppy. Tia goes out of the room hiding her smile. ^^
  14. lucefer

    lucefer Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    I would like to ask something ^^

    In manhwa there are some scenes in the end of season 2 which is spoiler for season 3 (chap 87) it showed that Tia will be pushed down from the stairs (maybe) and Casein (maybe) was serious injured. Is it a part of the novel or perhaps the new development for manhwa? I want to know your opinion ^^!
  15. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Tia being pushed seems an addition of the manhwa because I don't recall reading about this. But this may be something that replaces the ambush in which Tia and Carsein fall in, resulting in Carsein's shoulder being severly wounded. The injury is not that serious though, it'll only take a month for him to recover thanks to magic. We'll see if this "pushing" results in Carsein being wounded. If it does then it means it replaces the 1st ambush in the novel. Hope it helps ^^
    lucefer and rock.doll like this.
  16. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    That is just so precious the way you can really tell how much Ruve loves Tia and her finally realizing that he loves her and that kiss. My heart is just :blobmelt::blobmelt::blobmelt:
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  17. tamakosan

    tamakosan Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2019
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    It's feel like just pile of excuse from author to makeup what he/she mess up at the beginning of story. the story *** up so hard then you have to fix it with ridiculous reason for Ruve to have Tia. I still waiting for what is make Tia to love Ruve but from what I reading webtoon and spoiler till now there are none of it. The 1st life excuse of what he doing so lack of solid you could list the pile of reason for Tia suitable for position you said trying to create bound? all he do is sit and wait someone to understand him pushing harsh word to someone trying hard to do their work but instead defend Jieun, it would be better if don't add his reason to let you know that he aware but do nothing shit and let he has excuse of no self awareness, even you can't protect her at least let her know you have try your best as you could but none of those thing, you said something bad to someone and doesn't know they would feel hurt seem reasonable!, all he doing talking shit and want people to understanding him?. The fate also doesn't make sense even Jieun doesn't show up, the excuse to make he look better by place Duke Jenna as manipulator Tia would have meeting a same fate anyway.
    The 2nd life they rarely interact it almost feel unreal for feeling development. and adding classing injury ML getting confession to make it more plain. Well I will still wait and see development and in webtoon because of The haunt from first chapter make me go through out the feel off story.
    if you ask me what try to makeup is like is a prince from "Queen with a scalpel" ML try every possible even FL try to avoiding as going to be doctor.
  18. cestrella

    cestrella New Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Could you send it to me as well? I'd really appreciate it!!
  19. Akiyuki_chan

    Akiyuki_chan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2019
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    Thank you so much! :bloblove::bloblove::bloblove:
    Eodez likes this.
  20. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    @tamakosan Well, that's fair. Everybody is entitled to their own feelings on a piece of work or a piece of art. ^^
    @Akiyuki_chan :bloblove:
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
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