Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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  2. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Why do i feel empress mother is just showing cold but somehow still care. Maybe mirkan is at fault in here as well.
    Avanthica likes this.
  3. MOMO26

    MOMO26 Have a coffee

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Oh my...... I wonder why everyone was so fired in this thread...

    I moved on from TAE



    You will like the MC because she's hella cool like "I'm gonna kich your a$$ real hard"

    I recommend ypu guys to read this and you will never regret it

    I was laughing like hell :D
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  4. Lamune44

    Lamune44 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    The second male lead syndrome is strong in this one. I probably have difficulties to understand Tia because I would have chosen Carsein without a second thought (he is more my type). Also because I would never survive the political intrigues as a member of the Imperial family. Need to run away from all this mess by staying a noble or even better by taking the "become a commoner path".
  5. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    How many chapters are in the book?
  6. Emile

    Emile Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    You mean fiction of the novel, not facts :blobangel:. That's the only reason the readers here are able to accept the ending of the abuser/rapist of the novel being with the MC.
    Also, emotions are part of being rational.
    This is sometimes called Emotional Intelligence.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  7. NSheraM

    NSheraM Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    My heart ACHE reading this omg afsgdhjk TT my chest felt tight. My poor best boy. Im new here searching for my ship's spoiler but i didnt knew i'll be this sad TT. Btw do you have carsein's POV translation? Summarised is also okay. I wanna know what's in his red head all this time hahaha Or atleast in which volume of the novel does it contains? Thanks a lot in advance!
  8. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    You may filter post from eodez and booho. They were savior for the spoilers.
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  9. NSheraM

    NSheraM Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Thank you for the suggestion! But still i cannot find Carsein POV hahaha. Does anyone know it was included in which volume of the novel? If no one have translated or summarised it yet, i dont mind buying the novel and use built in translator to decypher it hahaha im desperate to understand my carrot son :'D
  10. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    You'll find Carsein's POV in the last volume - the side stories. (vol. 6) :cookie:
  11. NSheraM

    NSheraM Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Thank you so much Eodez! <3
    Eodez likes this.
  12. Hikari Angel

    Hikari Angel Active Member

    Aug 26, 2016
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    This is me ranting about the ML. I can't believe I wrote such a long rant. Oh, well. No regrets.

    Just thinking about the ending gets my blood BOILING. Why did the MC end up with the prince of all people? He is one of the worse, if not the worst, ML I had the displeasure to have read.

    His offenses:
    Murder of MC, her child, and her father

    He lost all respect as a person when he raped the MC and killed his flesh and blood in cold blood. Even if he did not take a knife and kill the child, standing by and watching as his own child die is no different from murder. Because doing nothing is the same as doing something. A human, regardless if you dislike the spouse, would not peacefully watch as their child dies.

    The ML made the MC do the empress’ work, even though it is supposed to be Jieun’s JOB. Such a thankless job, since everyone, with the exception of a handful, mock and humiliate the MC. I don’t even know if the MC ever left that office and actually saw the sun. Her movements are restricted and monitored. She is no different from a prisoner who is doing someone else’s work with no reward and being under appreciated. This is SLAVE LABOR.

    Abuse by definition is the action of intentionally harming or injuring another on a physical, emotional, and/or mental level. The MC is most definitely without a doubt a victim of abuse on all three levels. Because come on, when she time traveled she had nightmares of him and what he did.

    Imagine this with either you or your friend or your relative in the MC’s position. If I was in that situation, I would have hated him and walked away already. If someone I was close with was in that position I would get them away from that man even if they are kicking and screaming in the process. I wouldn’t allow someone dear to me to be slowly broken like she was and not doing anything about it.

    I am telling you that TOXIC relationship for what it is. A nuclear bomb that’s a millimeter from exploding and wiping out everyone in a 100 mile radius.

    And before any ML fans start complaining about my criticism, you don’t have to. I already know what you’re going to say. “It’s not his fault. It was the nobles’ fault. It was Jieun's fault.”

    I won’t accept such a weak and pitiful excuse. Yes, excuse. Not reason. EXCUSE. Reason is when you own up to your actions regardless of good or bad. Excuse is when you give up ownership of whatever implicated you. Reasons are justifiable. Excuses are personality defects.

    Yes, it is understandable that those around ML are influencing him. Read ‘influencing.’ The people around him can fuel the negative emotions in him, but at the end of the day his actions are his own. He made his choices no matter how horrible.

    After all, it is not as if the people around him told him to rape the MC. He CHOSE to do it all on his own. No intelligent manipulator or puppet master would scheme something as messy and petty as to rape a woman and kill her child. There’s no benefit and all the risk.

    Putting this into perspective. How much of the ML’s actions are his own and how much is due to outside influences? He should not get away with only a slap on the wrist for his actions because of a petty excuse like ‘someone manipulated him.’ He should own up for his actions, NOT foist off the BLAME on SOMEONE ELSE. And while I admit there are people behind his actions that does mean he can be free of blame. He is NOT blameless.

    Did he even apologize? Wasn’t he smug and self satisfied at that moment of MC’s execution? Didn’t he feel remorse for killing her WAY after her death when his work got HARDER and he got MORE pressured? Seemed like the remorse is about losing a crutch or helper to hold his burden.

    Do not also give me the excuse like ‘he was neglected by his parents’ or ‘he was isolated by everyone.’ Oh boohoo, cry me a river and see if I care. This does NOT justify the suffering he caused to the MC. If anything, it makes him more pathetic for not rising above his suffering since the MC was in a similar situation and still came out on top.

    The MC’s suffering. The whole situation in general. This is not something you can sweep under the rug. This is not something you can neatly pack into a box of ‘everything is okay’ and tie it with a pretty ribbon of ‘forgiveness.’ It undermines everything she went through.

    I can tolerate the fact that she forgives him. Because forgiving someone means you have moved on from the burden weighing you, it does not mean the culprit’s action is in any way, shape, or form acceptable. I would even encourage it.

    But for her to get together with him again I find that not only is it unacceptable but also illogical. She has PTSD because of him. The only reason I can think of why she chose him when there are better men out there is due to some version of Stockholm Syndrome. Remember that she was essentially a prisoner in the palace regardless of the luxury. The ML is the person with the highest authority in the palace so the MC is dependent on his will. Which increases her obsession with the ML.

    Don’t give me a BS excuse like ‘it is because of love.’ Love is not a miracle solution. It does not fix all problems. It does not ease all suffering. It does not erase the past.

    They say love is blind and that’s not right, because true love is seeing the flaws and loving for it. If MC is not wearing any rose tinted glass and experienced with clear eyes as the ML hurts her continuously and sees his flaws and still ‘loves’ him, she has my applause. She really deserves the title of saint for her unwavering ‘love’, note the sarcasm.

    There is a difference between love and obsession. Do you honestly think that love would continue to exist, to endure, the onslaught of suffering and abuse coming from the target of said love? Not unless the MC is a masochist.

    Rape victims don’t usually get together with their rape offender after the deed is done. There is such a thing as marital rape and those usually end in divorce and a restraining order. Just because they are married does NOT make rape any less than what it is. Ugh, it just makes me so mad at the fact that the MC CANNOT get a divorce. Even worse is that she wouldn’t leave the ML even if she got the choice.

    I’m in disbelief that she did not come to hate him, because an everyday normal married couple with a decent relationship could come to hate each other no matter how low the chances are, much less for this toxic relationship. I really should applaud them for their love, again sarcasm.

    For the MC, forget a marriage counselor, she needs a therapist. As for the ML, he’s hopeless.

    The ML as a person is someone I despise very much. The ML as the emperor, I find him absolutely disappointing as an emperor and as someone who is supposed to be intelligent in court. I enjoy a good political intrigue as much as a good romance.

    If the ML’s father didn’t engage the ML and MC together because of the oracle’s words than it would be because of how INCOMPETENT the ML is. The MC would have to clean up his mess and watch over him like an unpaid nanny.

    The ML is, excuse my language, a sh*tty human being. You’d think that he has something else going for him like say being the emperor, but nope he stinks at his job. As an emperor, you have to carry the heavy burden of the empire and the people on your shoulders. Not only that, as emperor you keep the balance between the people and the nobles and between the Emperor/Royal faction and Noble/Aristocrat faction. All I can see is him taking his responsibility with a grain of salt.

    Regardless of oracle’s word, he should have married an empress who could actually do her job, who is most definitely not Jieun and just make Jieun the queen. This is not about love. This is about doing what’s right for the empire. The people deserved competent rulers.

    And to actually complain about the woman that he confidently picked as the empress after the MC died, the nerve and shamelessness of him. He chose his woman, he should endure. He does not get the right to smuggly kill the MC and then play the pitiful, remorseful victim of his choices. The people of the empire are the ones who would suffer due to the Jieun’s uselessness.

    I really don’t blame the people for hating the MC. They are innocent people who are fed lies about the whole situation. They are the one who felt the repercussions of the ML’s actions, aka the MC’s execution, and it becomes obvious how useless their empress is and how untrustworthy their emperor is as their empire starts crumbling.

    One of the most stupidest things he had done was killing the MC’s father and destroying their name. As a reminder, MC’s father and their family is an AVID supporter of the emperor and the Royal faction. The MC is one of the main pillars of the empire and the Royal faction. And to destroy one of his own best supporters out of what? Spite? Jealousy of the MC? So much for a proclaimed genius.

    This is an example of dropping a rock on his own foot and he does so with a smile. This only worsened when he killed the MC who was holding this empire together. He not only dropped a rock on his foot once but twice. Do you know what is worse than an idiot dropping a rock on his own foot twice? It is an idiot who is ignorant to the fact that it happened at all. Not until it was too late.

    His actions only served to distance him from the people he called allies and the people he ruled. There was no benefit to killing the MC and her father other than to stroke his own ego at the fact he beat the father-daughter duo. Not once had he thought the consequences of his actions, because if he did the two would not be executed.

    A question. Did the MC and her father receive a trial and investigation? Even if they did, was it even fair?

    ML, thy name is incompetence. Thy nickname is unprofessional. Even before the MC’s death, the least he could have done was be polite to her considering she was the one doing the empress’ JOB.

    He could have treated her like a business partner instead of some prisoner. He couldn’t even muster up the professionalism to treat her with common courtesy. An emperor without tact is not a very good one.

    It should have been obvious how the MC and her father are loyal through their actions. Yet they were treated like enemies.

    His actions are thoughtless. His mind is unclear as it is blind by his emotions. It is no wonder that people say that he was unfit as emperor. Because. He. Is.

    He placed himself before everyone else. Before his people. His actions were meant to make himself happy and fuel his ego. Whether it was making Jieun empress or executing the MC and her father. And his people suffering for it. His kingdom is crumbling. This is what we call a child’s mentality.

    Even the most mediocre most average of kings and emperors can decently rule their kingdom until the next one succeeds the throne. But it takes a special kind of talent, that exists in very few, for the ML to be able to destroy his own empire so successfully with little effort. And it’s called stupidity.

    Seriously though, was he even doing his job as emperor when MC was in office? All I could think of was him and Jieun gallivanting all around the place while showing off their love.

    If anything, I think the MC was sent back in time to save the empire from an incompetent ruler and not to fix her mistakes. But she ended up with said incompetent ruler, so I guess she did save the kingdom since she can nanny him at a closer range this time.

    You might think that I am getting hung up on fictional characters and I agree with you. But I’m doing this to relieve my anger and clear my mind, so here we are. To be honest, I actually like this novel and especially the political intrigue. But the ending got me so mad since it was ridiculous. To get mad at something I like made me even more mad. So much so that I actually psychoanalyze the characters. But writing this made me feel better.

    To anyone who sat through this rant. I really don’t know what to say. Maybe sorry for writing such a long rant. But most definitely applauding for those reading through all of it.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    Free Ocean, Yume-sama, BUTT and 6 others like this.
  13. Ficklyfrim

    Ficklyfrim Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I get emotional too for the characters I'm reading... especially those with miserable endings. I offer my tears because it hurts. Dunno if it's good or not but I like feeling the emotions while reading as my imagination's quite vivid.

    Now then, in defense for the ML (not that I'm bias and disregarded his previous life's crimes but I do think I have the point)(also, I have yet to finish this as soft romance novel's been piling up... ≧∇≦, and that I mostly rely on the manhwa):

    Firstly, the crimes you've pointed out are crimes of the ML from her previous life... in simple terms, they are crimes the prince on her current life are yet to commit any of that... and then came the butterfly effect.
    The driving force of his crimes aren't just one or two, in fact, it has been piling up since he was a kid making and turning him into a twisted individual maybe beyond saving psychotic. The reason why they got together is that the ML changed preceeding the change of our dearest MC. Second, I don't think someone who became an empress and handled everything efficiently is a masochist that she'll choose a prince that will hurt her. That meant she knew he changed, and at least, for the better.

    I do not actually account him for his previous crimes for the current because it would seem like the typical reborn protagonist who's full of revenge for those who have wronged them and then striking before they can. And like... (。ŏ_ŏ) what if they changed too... how can you kill someone just because you know they'll kill you...? (I also like how our MC chose to just disregard the prince than getting revenge... she prioritized her family first)

    So like, sorry if this is long, I still don't know how to use that spoiler tag... or if I can even use it now.
  14. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    No no, don't apologize! You hit the nail right on the head and summed up everything I've been saying!

    1st Timeline Ruve and 2nd Timeline Ruve are treated by the narrative AND the characters as two separate people. Whatever 1st timeline Ruve is inclined to do would be seen as insanely out of character for 2nd timeline Ruve.

    And, I'd like to point out, 2nd Timeline Ruve was actually doing a pretty decent job even before Tia became Queen as shown when he completely deflect the attempts of the Nobles Division to marry him off to a princess that favors them as well as holding favorable relations with the public and his own royal guard.

    That's also a good point you make that everyone seems to be missing:
    When Tia came back Ruve was a child or teenager at oldest. Do you really think it's right to punish someone for crimes they didn't even do or know about or are even capable of?

    I think it's because people are so used to "reincarnated villain" stories where for whatever reason the former ML was always a sociopathic jerk. This story starts way before Ruve even gets to that point.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
  15. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Last edited: May 7, 2020
  16. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    YES! Thank you!
    But uh you'd think choose a more... flattering image as the title page. Personally I wish they'd gotten art from the Manhwa or something less spoilery.
    Deleted member 262282 likes this.
  17. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Hahaha that's the official art from the novel unfortunately. You can clearly see who the ML is. (But I agree, it's ugly, lol)
    Deleted member 262282 likes this.
  18. Hikari Angel

    Hikari Angel Active Member

    Aug 26, 2016
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    While I do agree that ML from 1st and 2nd are different, but they are essentially the same person. I never actually said anything to criticize the 2nd life ML since he is innocent. Regardless of that fact, I can’t understand why MC chose him considering the years of abuse and better men out there. Why couldn’t she just be friends with the ML. You’d think her ‘love’ for him would have died out and get replaced with trauma. But I guess love conquers all, even PTSD (sarcasm). For her suffering to be taken lightly, I can’t even.

    This is me shamelessly recommending a novel I was reading. It is absolutely wonderful.

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  19. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Do the web novel chapters unlock over time or will we have to buy them
  20. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Depends on the site. I think in Kakaopage they do unlock over time.
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