Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    The chapters do unlock over the time, but few last chapter usually always paid chapter.
  2. Persefone

    Persefone Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Can you imagine ending with a guy who made you lick his shoes LITERALLY in your past life?
    Love yourself.
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
  3. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Man can you believe people are still commenting on this thread or spreading misinfo and making it perfectly clear they didn't read sh*t of any of the spoilers we posted? Crazy. I think since the last two weeks there were at least five. It's amazing how people will completely skip over important details.

    Anyways, about that web novel release @Eodez is it an official release? I've heard some speculation on discord that it wasn't due to some inconsistencies with names that wouldn't be there if those decisions were discussed by an official publisher beforehand.

    Also how did this story do in Korea btw? A lot of the problems people have with it on the site are due to jumping to conclusions so I wonder what it's like for an audience that watches it as it progresses.
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  4. hjnffnjh

    hjnffnjh Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Please, please do tell what those were? I need to know how Ruve suffered (it's unfair but... For the spice). Thanks in advance.
  5. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    she's ending with a guy who save her life in in the present time and loved her in a future
  6. Persefone

    Persefone Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    the same guy who made her lick his shoe and didn't give a shit about their child or her life. And this because she had other options.
  7. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    But he didn't do that?
    They were like children when she was reincarnated why would he be held accountable for something he didn't even do or know about?
    He also never turned out like his adult self and the story considers them to be two different people.

    She also never forgave the original Ruve and nearly bitchslapped Jieun when she told her he loved her in the original timeline.
    Meltedsugar, marjie94, Eodez and 3 others like this.
  8. Persefone

    Persefone Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    he was capable of becoming the same asshole again because it was him as well, with the same youth, the same issues and the same emotional foundations.
    She also had much better options than him, other people who never treated her like he did in neither of her lives, so why stay with the one who made such horrible things to her and the people she loved?
    Plus, he didn't even pay for what he did. It's just too easy for him.
    Don't tell me that her rejection was her revenge against him because it's laughable, she was never obligated to reciprocate his feelings. Also, his "suffering" in the first life and his death were pretty much mild, he deserved so much worse.
    Pearl1995 likes this.
  9. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    But why should he be held accountable for something he didn't even know happened or even would do?

    Again, this Ruve was just a child when she reincarnated. Are you really saying it would be a good idea to pin things as heinous as rape, murder, and abuse on a boy who was barely 14 years old?

    Your point that he potentially could have turned out terrible falls flat because A) He didn't- why would you punish a person for the crimes of someone that they didn't become? And B) anyone can become a bad person given the right circumstances

    By your logic, Allendis is just as unappealing given that he only became a marginally better person after Tia met him and probably would've been more ruthless and continued to side with Jenna otherwise in the original timeline.

    Finally, I don't know how to put it, but I'm pretty sure being trapped in a loveless marriage, having your entire Empire hate you, being backstabbed by the man you called your father, and then dying a cold, painful, and a lonely death with the only solace that you can be with your former love in the afterlife (who's actually unreachable to you because she reincarnated and hates you forever), is a pretty bad way to go. Plus it's implied he went through months of psychological torment both due to his hand in Tia's death and the poison he was being given.

    Tia doesn't consider him the same person either btw and even jokes to the 2nd timeline Ruve that he essentially cucked his alternate self.
    Meltedsugar, marjie94, Gumiho and 7 others like this.
  10. Folly

    Folly Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2020
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    Exactly. For second Rueve, it's like being blamed for cheating on your spouse in their dream.
    Meltedsugar, Gumiho and LockedPuppet like this.
  11. Lykalee

    Lykalee Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Can anyone compile the spoilers huhu thanks
  12. Dimension Breaker

    Dimension Breaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    The manhwa "Cheating Men Must Die", specifically the ending of the arc called "This girl is wild" really captured my feelings toward Ruve. Is he pitiable? Yes. Is he redeemable? Should he be forgiven? Does the ending make sense? No.

    If he didn't have clear competition and Tia's had not changed to suit his tastes better he would still be a prick. For example, some readers are saying that his treatment of the foreign princesses was justified. I answer that it shows that he will only act decently toward the woman he fancy. He is not "misunderstood" when he act out of spite, like letting young Tia fall to the floor when they were dancing in the first timeline to humiliate her. There is so many spoilers that the readers loving Ruve twist to make him appear likable. Well, having read the 4th and 5th volume I beg to differ. I can't see chemistry nor romantism from him. He is just plain creepy and needy. The author failed to make me like him, just like Je-un. They are just the worst characters in the novel.

    Also this manhwa has a dangerous message that it's relaying.... That Tia's past life is not good enough.. And the reason why she is reincarnated is to better suit that shitty prince. Even in the 2nd life, she's still a Mary Sue character, dense and kind to a fault that it's sickening.
  13. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    I'll get on that for you. My finals are just about over so I should have the time.

    Bruh, I don't know why you're on the spoiler thread when you're clearly not reading the spoilers. What you bolded is literally the exact opposite of what happens.

    I don't really know how to spell it out to you that you shouldn't be held accountable for something you didn't do, something you didn't even know you did, or something you wouldn't do.
    The main difference between CMMD and this is the fact that people don't always start as raging assholes their entire life. Under differing circumstances people can do good or terrible things, or become good or terrible people. The ability to change is what makes humans, human.

    Have you heard the trope "Future Me, Scares Me?". He saw the terrible person he could've become through a letter Tia dropped and was utterly horrified. That's exactly the cornerstone of Ruve's character development, not that Tia had other guys around her.
    For most of the first half of the story he doesn't even know about them. In fact what makes him approach Tia is that he's confused as to why someone who's never met him, is terrified of him.

    And the crown princess incident? The aristocratic faction was trying to get him to marry a princess they favored so they could gain more power. He dug up dirt on the princess so he wouldn't be forced to marry them or reject them and risk offending their nations and even then he let them step down and allowed them to get away scott free. Are you also ignoring the part where he explicitly provides protection for one of them from her own country? The only one he didn't offer this to committed treason and conspiracy to commit. And even then he let her off Scott free.

    And him "acting decent to the woman he fancies?". Bull. Fucking. Shit. If you read the story, it would be a straight-up-lie to consider 2nd Timeline Ruve a Jerkass by any means. Heck, you can't even really consider him tsundere for that matter. The dude has the full loyalty and admiration of his knight squadron. His people love him well enough. Heck, your comment about the boys falls apart because he's pretty dang friendly to Carsein even when (accidentally) dress-cucks him at a dance at one point and even trusts him to keep Tia safe and doesn't care that he essentially spends every day with her. Had he been even similar to his other self like that one ML was in CMMD she would've gone Su Luxia on his ass and let Tia die.

    Would 1st timeline Ruve be considered a jerk? Yeah absolutely that's the entire point. They're treated as different people because they have literally nothing alike aside from the same face and loving Tia. That's a plot point. Jieun straight-up admits how nonesensical it would be to take her revenge out on someone who acts nothing like the man who hurt her.

    To people making this same tired criticism we shot down ages ago, let me paint you a picture: You're a vicious serial killer in one timeline, one of your victims gets sent back in time to when you are both in your developmental stage (children to teenager). Due to a series of events they unintentionally kick-off, you grow up drastically differently and end up a well-adjusted and well-loved adult you would never even consider doing what your 1st timeline self did. Should you be held accountable for your other life's crimes? Do you know how crazy it would sound if people were calling to have you executed for something you don't even remember doing or would even do?

    That's exactly the point we're making.

    Also no offense, but Cheating Men Must Die isn't exactly the pinnacle of quality character writing. It's a fun story to read, but I'm not gonna act like it's anything greater than pure revenge porn with a Mary-Sue MC. The joy of that story is seeing the MLs get crushed and the spectacles the MC creates, even amongst people who like it I doubt there's really anyone watching for the characters

    In a few days or so after my finals are done I'm gonna compile as many of the spoilers on this thread I can, or at least create a summary. If anyone has grievances or inquiries that'll be a good starting point to look at.
    Last edited: May 15, 2020
    marjie94, Akiyuki_chan, anina and 4 others like this.
  14. flamingorangesoof

    flamingorangesoof Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Holy shit you guys are so annoying. This isn’t a discussion thread, it’s a spoiler thread. The amount of spoilers here probably amount to like what 2-3 pages.
  15. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Thank You! These misconceptions have already shot down 40 to 50 pages ago. Quite frankly, I'm pretty dang tired of having to repeat myself.
    I'll say this: I don't mind the discussion in regards to the spoilers posted, or anything about the new translation project for the novel. What I am tired of is people reposting the exact same points that I've already shot down. It's not discussion or spoiler anymore, it's me having to repeat the same 5 spoilers over and over. You're clogging up the thread with the same song and dance at best and spreading misinformation at worst.
    If you wanna complain about it make a discussion thread so we can ignore it and don't have to cycle through the same thing again. Because THAT is what people are annoyed about rn.

    I'm going to compile a summary of the spoilers that were already posted in a few days. I'll either summarize them or dig up the translations gracious people like Eodez made a while back. Hopefully that clears stuff up.
  16. salaza189

    salaza189 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    The most dangerous message the manhwa relayed is, Tia first life is terrible solely because of other people, not because of her.
    Tia in first life is not completely a sweet, innocent girl like the manhwa portrayed. In fact, she straightly looked down on Jieun, was harsh to Jieun and was terribly cold to other people. Of course, she had her own reason, but it is still unfair to treat others like completely villains.
    Another example would be Ruve during the execution. He's not smiling. In novel, he wanted to stop the execution. The manhwa made it looked like he enjoyed it.
    Some examples how Tia was in first life:
    (Tia about Jieun) "Praised by many people for her innocence, her innocent smile made her look like an idiot"
    "I was superior to even Jieun, whose family and origin was not even known"

    Edit: is this still counted as a spoiler comment? :blobsleepless:
    Eodez, anina, MiserableSOUL and 2 others like this.
  17. Lamune44

    Lamune44 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Sorry for the grammar and mistakes (english is my third language).

    It is really difficult to accept this explanation because, what were Tia's sins ? She was "cold", "haughty" and "aloof"? She was looking down on Jieun? So what? That does not in anyway justify the mistreatment nor her fate, as everyone seems to agree with. She was hardly acting on them or fighting back. It is even more difficult to shallow because she was "cold" as her social mask and only mean of protection against the torture she was going through. She was jealous, sure, and hoped by that working hard Ruve would eventually look her way but she was also caring a lot about the Empire and her people. Her coldness was clearly a facade, as shown in the second timeline. She also had a very good and valid reason to look down on Jieun. Tia was aware of her circumstances and pities her for it but could not forgive the fact that she took the trone while not being up to the task. Her jealousy because Ruve apparently loved Jieun better did not help. The fact that she used a knife against Ruve, at the very end, was her downfall and the only thing you can reasonably hold against her. And even without the poison, knowing I had nothing to lose anyway since my father was supposedly dead, I would have done the same. The second timeline and everyone character's growth explain why she would not take revenge, heal, and not be spiteful toward Ruve. But the choice of actually getting back with him is left to the reader sensibility. Would you be able to have an healthy relashionship with someone with the same face of someone else who hurted you so very badly? Even more: what if, by a twist of fate, the memories of first timeline's Ruve were transferred to the second timeline during their marriage? Would you risk it, if you were in Tia's shoes, knowing that you could not forgive the first timeline Ruve? It seems to boild down to this. And for many the answer would be no.

    Also, about the execution part. He could have saved her many times if he had really wanted to. He could have used Tia's position as Queen as a leverage to propose death by poison in order to fake her death for exemple. a "noble death" since she is part of the imperial family. She died because he let her die.
    Last edited: May 15, 2020
  18. Dizzy-Wuzzy

    Dizzy-Wuzzy Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    U guys still arguing in spoiler forum? :facepalm: pls close the debate, do it in plot discussion forum lol. I thought by the release of english translation it will give this forum final rest :blobfrowning:
    Eodez, chax412 and Shio like this.
  19. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I think in the manhwa tia did say that the past her is really cold. So there she admits she really cold and she admitted that she did not like jieun.
    Though the manhwa and novel have a little difference i think the person attitude is the same. There was a moment in first few chapters that tia try to console jieun when she cried in the tree but ruve arrived first and scold her. It is consistent in manhwa, tia try to raise her hand while in the novel she try to open her mouth.
    Now that novel and manhwa is out it is good to find what are the differences and i think somehow the character depth was preserved and illustrated in different scenes.
  20. salaza189

    salaza189 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Actually the manhwa did lighten up Tia's attitude toward Jieun and other people a lot. For instance (refer here)
    • She described Jieun as "look like an idiot" and considered Jieun speech as "vulgar speech of commoners"
    • She believe the empress should treat the maids kind and warm so they could be considered a good empress. Yep, that's how Tia was in first life. She considered every acts as "keeping image" rather than "from heart"
    • It lessen the part where she scolded Jieun by half
    • When Jieun felt down after hearing Tia was pregnant, in manhwa Tia looked like she was confused and worried. However, in novel, she just commented how arrogant Jieun was for breaking down, and she couldn't find any pride or dignity in Jieun.
    • It definitely lessen the impact of poison on Tia. She kept repeating how terrible she felt in novel
    It also changed some parts about Jieun. Example, when Jieun went and saw Tia in the office:
    • In manhwa, she said it's hard for her to accept that Ruve had another wife. That's all. It seemed like she's jealous
    • In novel, she said didn't say that only. She also said this very important sentence: "In fact, I think I came between you and Ruve" She apologized for that part sincerely
    • The manhwa also glossed over the fact Jieun didn't know the writings of the other world. She could speak it, but she couldn't read it. She was still studying it.
    The small parts keep being glossed over by the manhwa. It leaves the image that Jieun is just a whiny and jealous girl, while Tia is just a confused and hurt girl. She was cold, but how much cold she was toward other people and how much she looked down on them never fully demonstrated in the manhwa.

    I don't say those are Tia's sins. But the manhwa literally portrayed other people like true villains.
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
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