Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. Dimension Breaker

    Dimension Breaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    Yeah but those were a reality, they weren't dreams and she experienced it first hand plus you seems to be dismissing it as if that were so. Moreover, she never really changed her fate( becoming engaged to the sh*t prince and becoming an empress) is what drove me to write my honest opinion on the whole novel how disappointing it is.
    I never even said that the sh*t prince should be accountable for what he did in the 1st TL. That's another disappointment I had with this novel, whitewashing the trash for what he did. That's another problem I have with the MC as well,she's as weak and emotionally driven as her 1st TL, she has little to no self respect. All the time she had with the trash prince should make them friends and not lovers that should been the natural development. PTSDs don't have a cure and never really goes away no matter the time.

    Finally, The author wrote the end as MC and the Prince lived happily ever after. What bullsh*t,
    IF THEY ARGUE/FIGHT, SHE HAS THE SHORT END OF THE STICK AS SHE HAS PTSD OF HIM. That's why I'm not a fan of the ending, as I consider the relationship not gonna be truly healthy.

    The way the people here defends the sh*t prince (1st) is hilarious, the way they wrote their reasons seems to be tantamount to excuses. It's like I'm seeing a naive person defend a criminal(abuser and a rapist). :blobjoy:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2020
  2. salaza189

    salaza189 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    You have problems with the ML, the MC, the ending, so basically you have the problem with the whole series. How about you rant it in the discussion thread or something, as this is spoiler thread?
    Or I suggest you just stop reading the series
  3. Dimension Breaker

    Dimension Breaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    Why? People looking for spoilers also need to see the criticism people had with the ending.
    So what's the problem? Did I hurt your feelings from all my honest opinion?
    People who see the spoilers here have the right to know that this novel isn't exactly stellar as some people, esp those who wrote the spoilers, make it out to be. Rating it as if it's the best novel ever. Lmao NO, I've read the comments of these people and they seem to glossed over the disturbing flaws this novel had.

    I stiffled a laugh when I read the drug the sh*t prince(1st) took seems to be discriminating on the MC. Lol, that's not how drugs work. All this drug bullsh*t on the first TL was a clear asspull. Lmfao
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    rosie.rose likes this.
  4. salaza189

    salaza189 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    The right to know what? All we have here is your opinions, and your own. At least @Eodez and @booho tried their hardest to translate the novels. Please respect them for that. If you find the spoilers were not correct, please feel free to re-translate them.
    But all I see here is just you forcing your opinions without any translated part to backup your points. If you don't like something, just stop reading it. Why bother to go out and calling people hilarious?
    And FYI, my feelings are perfectly safe and sound.

    Edit: I will stop here. This is seriously going out of control.
    Eodez, Gumiho, Shio and 1 other person like this.
  5. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Because it was out of topic and make it hard for anyone looking for actual spoiler.

    Thread reply ban for all who continue to discuss here. Please make a new discussion thread, thank you.
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    Eodez, Uncopyright and salaza189 like this.
  6. EmWeaCh

    EmWeaCh Member

    Dec 10, 2019
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    It is funny that sometimes people intentionally neglecte that Tia became the Empress not only because of her love with Ruve, but also the fact that she has the qualities of an Empress and the love for her people. Come on, some of you are being one-dimensional! View the story with multiple perspectives will you?
    Leilacus likes this.
  7. Mis Occ

    Mis Occ Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Multiple perspectives? Doesn't the story already does that with multiple character POV? Don't talk sophistry.
    rosie.rose and daisy12 like this.
  8. Dizzy-Wuzzy

    Dizzy-Wuzzy Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Holy.... u guys still dumping fire in this spoiler forum. :facepalm:
    If this is some kind of discord channel where there's pinned messages feature that's okay since it's easy for people to find the spoiler. novelupdates forum doesn't have that feature, so at least BE CONSIDERATE for others who only want to read the spoiler, not the discussion. if you guys want to throw fire, there's already a discussion forum for TAE.
    Here: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/the-abandoned-empress.101989/
    Go on making long article or thesis about how good/problematic TAE all you want since the one who invests the time for it isn't me, but at least see the condition and problem of forum features. the freaking spoiler only summed up to 2-4 pages but all of them got buried cos the heated discussion. I'm one of those who want to find the spoiler and I have to fricking read the whole pages in this forum to find those spoilers. :notlikeblob:
    Leilacus, Eodez, Tobbit and 2 others like this.
  9. Lykalee

    Lykalee Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    All we want are spoilers. That's why we are in the spoiler thread. We don't care about your opinion since we can also have our own. Gosh these people.
    Eodez and Shio like this.
  10. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Thank you. Normally people spoiling this stuff want discussion at least about the spoilers but so far I've had to I had to repeat the same thing. Not only is it derailing but it's most certainly prone to spreading misinformation. I'm all for discussing spoilers but all of this stuff was done and established months ago.

    Now about that summary:
    My Finals killed me way harder than I thought they would, so I'll probably have it up in a few days or to the very least before the end of the week.

    Please note that I'll be spoiling things that are mainly from the manhwa since that is what I have access to at the moment. @Eodez posted a bunch of side stories so I'll link back to those in the thread too for those who want it, I'll also include some things near the ending that they brought up a while ago.

    Just for clarification, according to the discord the manhwa has apparently significant differences including:

    • More Tia x Ruve scenes
    • A few scenes between Tia x Allendis, and Tia x Carsein cut out
    • Apparently Tia's personality is a bit more headstrong in the 2nd timeline and less cold and snippy(at least from the POV which is supposed to be unreliable) in the 1st timeline
    • This stuff hasn't been included yet since it's on hiatus, but they're also apparently going to add more stuff/characters/development in the final arc which I heard from some was initially pretty boring in the novel.
    So just keep that in mind if you're interested in the novel.

    Again, my sincerest apologies this is taking so long. With my tests, what's going on in this thread, and having to go back and make sure I'm accurate I'm quite fairly worn out. Please understand!
  11. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    The following user has been reply banned from this thread:

  12. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    All my plans got canceled, so let's get this ball rolling!

    Aristia La Monique
    • The main heroine of the story
    • After her traumatic 1st life she develops severe PTSD. This is important for later.
    • In her 1st life she was cold, offputting, and didn't have many allies/connections. The main reason why she was like this was that she put into training herself to become an ideal Empress (memorizing what food the royals liked, politics, geography, how to rule a nation, etc.). This actually kind of hurt her image because her inability to connect to other people made it easy for the nobles to slander her as a power-hungry golddigger.
    • Gradually, she would develop out of this in the 2nd timeline. For one, she allows herself to open up to her father, makes friends in Carsein and Allendis, and even strives to earn the family title of Knight's Captain in spite of her initially poor health.
    • According to some secondhand spoilers, she's actually really stubborn about wanting to be family head.

    Allendis (Sorry I forgot his full name since it doesn't come up much)
    • Tia's first friend and the first possible ML to approach her
    • He's extremely advanced for his age, and arguably was on, if not higher, than his brother's level of intelligence/shrewdness when he and Tia were just 9.
    • His dad passed him up for his older brother for two reasons
      • First, of course, eldest son usually inherits
      • Second, he knows Allendis's true personality really well and just how ruthless/corruptible he can get
    • It's important to note that he initially was motivated by greed when he approached Tia since he wanted to marry into her family for the wealthy/title it would give him
    • He slowly but surely grows to genuinely love her, but this love also turns into obsession.
    • It's also important to note that Tia is the only person he treats well. There are hints of his true nature early on, such as all of his maids being utterly terrified of him.
    • Eventually, it gets to the point where he opts to leave for a position far away from her since he knew he was unstable and could hurt her at any moment.

    Carsein de Ras

    • Son of the captain of the Royal Guard (I might be confusing the Royal guard captain with Tia's dad's position, so correct me if I'm wrong)
    • Like Allendis, he's a prodigy in his own field, this being swordsmanship and knight training.
    • He actually kind of annoyed Tia at first since she found his tsundere attitude to be annoying.
    • They eventually grow into closer friends with Carsein developing a one-sided crush on her.
    • Their relationship genuinely felt like that of a childhood friends'.
    • His tsundere attitude really bites him in the butt a lot when trying to get with Tia. Mostly because he ends up self-sabotaging his attempts
    • He ends up with a different woman, though still like a brother to Tia.

    2nd Timeline Prince Ruveliss
    Note in the story summary later on I will refer to the Ruves as 1st Timeline Ruve and 2nd Timeline Ruve. This is because as a whole they are separate entities and are treated as such by the story and characters. Anything 1st Timeline Ruve would do would be insanely out of character for 2nd Timeline Ruve, so I'm doing this for clarification reasons too

    Also this one is really long since he's essentially the 2nd Protagonist
    • First, let me preface this with the fact that the story treats the Ruves of both timelines as completely separate entities.
      • This is because he develops into someone much healthier and much nicer
      • I want to clarify this because this is an important plot point. Tia would not have given him the time of day had he not proven that he wasn't his 1st timeline self. She still hates 1st timeline Ruve by the story's end.
      • There's also the fact that like Tia, he hates his 1st Timeline self from secondhand info alone.
      • Also note that the 1st Timeline Ruve is never forgiven or shown to be in the right, only pitied at best.
    • This is basically Ruve before he ended up the mess of an adult he was in the original timeline.
      • Do note that as standoffish as he is in the 2nd Timeline as a child, he's still nowhere near the monster his 1st timeline version is.

    • First, His backstory
    • To begin with, his icy relationship with his father, The Emperor
      • I think his mom died in childbirth (?)
      • His Father genuinely cares for him and loves him, but he wants Ruve to be a successful emperor and not be swayed by those around him.
      • As a result, he doesn't show him any love and approval to "toughen him up"
      • There's also the fact that the Emperor treats Tia like his own beloved daughter, even when Ruve is right in front of him.
      • This is because that since Tia is set to marry Ruve, he wants her to be the one who showers him in affection and give him the love/affection the Emperor didn't give.
      • If this sounds insanely stupid you would be right.
      • In fact it backfires horribly in the first timeline since it's what led to 1st timeline Ruve being so easy to manipulate by Duke Jenna who pretended to be a father figure.
      • Tia also comes to the conclusion that this is stupid, though she doesn't voice it out of respect for the Emperor.
      • It's fine, because at that point Ruve had already been put on the right path.
    • Tia's mother, Jeremiah was like a mother figure to him and treated him like her own son.
      • She ends up dying in front of Ruve while protecting her daughter from assassins.
      • Initially, he resented Tia for this, but by the time they meet again years later (like not as adults, I mean when they were still children) he already understands and doesn't begrudge her for it. His problem in regards to that event was moreso Jeremiah's death itself.

    • Now, onto the 2nd Timeline where Ruve diverges greatly from his 1st Timeline Version:
    • At first Ruve was very wary Tia.
    • At this point I think Duke Jenna/nobles were trying to make him believe she was marrying him for power and was golddigging. Rumors being spread like that.
    • After actually meeting her however, he's moreso confused by her. I mean who wouldn't? Someone who only just met him is utterly terrified him for seemingly no reason
    • At first, he thinks that she's scared of him because he reminds her of the day Jeremiah died, which was disproven when she couldn't remember it.
    • He was on the fence for most of the time because he couldn't tell what her intentions were. He falls in love with her for real during the Ball, where she and her father announced her desire to become family head, thus completely disproving the golddigger rumors. Ironically this is also where she firmly establishes she's not interested in him.
    • The biggest leap in his development is when he talks to Tia in her family's vacation home.
    • He confronts her to ask
      • Why was she so terrified of him? She's been scared of him since they met and it confuses him because she shouldn't know who he is, and he didn't do anything to her.
      • What were her real intentions? She wants to distance herself from the throne but her actions reflect things otherwise, for example setting up a meal/dinner the exact way the royal family has it prepared even though she shouldn't know what he likes to see/eat.
    • He accidentally triggers her PTSD which puts her into a catatonic state.
    • In his shock, he discovers the letters she was sending to Allendis talking about the 1st timeline.
    • He's utterly horrified and repulsed as to what his 1st Timeline version did, even noting that he can't even comprehend being able to to that stuff to Tia let alone another person.
    • After he left and asked Tia's dad and Carsein to protect her and keeps away from her until they have to interact as adults a few years later as well as give her the means to safely break off their marriage when he makes it possible (it would've caused a political schism to do it outright).
    • At this point Ruve was already gradually becoming warmer and a better person especially compared to his 1st timeline self. This incident and his realization as to what he could become fully cements his growth


    • Jieun is... a very complex character.
    • My favorite villainess
    • To begin with, she was the prophecized girl created by Vita that would bring a golden age to the Empire.
    • The problem is that Vita made an oopsie-doodle and she ended up being born in our Modern World.
    • She gets isekai'd as a result
    • Unlike most heroine-type antagonists, she does NOT want to be there. She had a family, a life, and a future in the Modern World to look forward to.
    • She gets thrown into the new world's politics and scheming almost immediately. The only reason she agreed to marry Ruve was because Duke Jenna told her she would be thrown out into the streets otherwise. Keep in mind she knew nothing about this world and didn't even recognize their alphabet.
    • She was a genuinely nice person and even tried to make friends with Tia though as you know it didn't work out.
    • She genuinely genuinely tried to catch up to Tia but she couldn't measure up to someone with a lifetime of experience.
    • After Tia's death she was constantly compared to her no matter how hard she tried. She ends up developing a hatred to 1st Timeline Ruve and an inferiority complex due to this.
    • She was ultimately assassinated
    • Vita, like they did with Tia, offered her to be reborn with the choice of going back to her own world or trying again in the new one.
    • Jieun opted to try again because she wanted to prove that she could measure up to Tia and even surpass her.
    • To her credit, as soon as she enters the scene the aristocratic faction immediately starts to gain power even though the Emperor's faction was looking at certain victory. She even manages to impress a few nobles with her knowledge of who they are.
    • Her main motivation is to get revenge on Ruve.

    Now, let us begin the story~

    The Story
    Prologue/First Timeline

    • The story begins with Tia in the 1st timeline, basically a depressing downwards spiral from minute 1.
    • It basically shows Jieun's arrival, Tia's life falling apart and being seen as a gold digger etc. etc..
    • At one point she lashes out at Jieun because she thinks Jieun is complaining about work for a position Tia always worked for.
      • This is an example of unreliable narrator you'll probably see throughout the story. It might look like laziness from Tia's perspective, but we as an audience know that as a modern schoolgirl Jieun isn't equipped at all to handle what she's being given. Her body language also indicates that she's genuinely trying to be friendly and find something to talk about with Tia.
    • One day 1st Timeline Ruve strongarms Tia into sex. Tia is incredibly resistant to this and only agrees to it because she thinks that maybe having a baby to care for will let her find some happiness even if it can't be heir.
    • After some time she's pregnant 1st Timeline Ruve accidentally knocks Tia over, causing her to miscarriage and snap from grief.
    • Her father approaches her one night to offer to take her away, to which she agrees.
    • However, the following day she finds out her Father was suspected of plotting an assassination against Jieun and cause her to miscarriage, and thus arrested.
    • Tia goes over to plea for his innocence and his release to Ruve. Ruve tells her her dad had already been executed, Tia snaps and stabs him with her hairpin.
      • Note: I'm actually surprised he survived that since it looked like she stabbed him where the heart would be.
    • Tia is then sent to be executed. Just before the blade falls down she vows never to love him again if they met in a second life.

    Main Story/Main/2nd Timeline
    • Tia wakes up as her nine-year-old self
    • She goes to her father to make sure he's okay and embraces him. This shocks him because Tia, while a good child, didn't really show affection that much. He and the servants initially believe that her fright was due to a nightmare.
    • Lots of fluff between Tia and her dad, and her dad trying to ease her worries.
    • She goes off to a Temple to find answers, believing Vita, the god of that world, is responsible. She meets Vita in a dream and confronts them as to what is happening. Vita tells her they dun goofed and the fact that Jieun was born in another world and had to be isekaied messed things up and they had to start things over. Tia, angry at Vita questions if everything she did to that point was meant to be pointless and vows to fight fate. In response, Vita grants her a name meaning "Pioneer", meaning someone who can carve out their own fate. This also gives her significance as being Vita's chosen.
    • After that happens she's taken back to the manor when it looks like she collapsed. Her dad was pretty concerned about her. The Emperor requests for their audience, and so they go meet with him, though Tia is terrified of the notion of seeing Ruve again.
    • They meet with the Emperor right as one of his advisors suggest a disastrous tax reform that would have negative effects in the future. I think (?) this was also partly a test so the Emperor could get her to speak up. Her being able to provide a better solution impresses the people involved.
    • The Emperor looks threatened by her blessing and intelligence but it was just an act and he welcomes her with open arms
    Enter Ruve
    • Later on she meets 2nd Timeline Ruve in the garden. I don't think she's too terrified to even meet him in the eyes and they pass each other without him recognizing her.
    Enter Allendis
    • Tia gets word that Allendis has come to meet with her.
    • She's worried at first because she thinks he'll accuse her of stealing his idea.
    • Instead, he's impressed and even proposes marriage to her should she break off with 2nd Timeline Ruve.
    • Of course, her Father doesn't approve and only allows their interaction under the condition he train to fight his entire knight squadron.
    • There's a scene earlier where Allendis is in the carriage that hints his other intentions. The first foreshadowing to his actual personality.
    • Allendis agrees to this and trains to be able to fight with a sword. Tia does so to so she can inherit her family title.

    • The scene changes and we're introduced to Carsein (though without Tia). He's causing a ruckus as usual. His mom runs into Ruveliss and essentially reminds him of the intense pressure put onto him.
    • The purpose of this scene is to show the enormous amounts of pressure on Ruve and the expectations people pile on him to be the future Emperor.

    • Back to Tia and Allendis, basically just a lot of fluff scenes.
    • 2nd Timeline Ruve has a flashback to Jeremiah's death and how she wants him to protect her daughter.
    • Some time passes and one day when the King calls for her audience she runs into 2nd Timeline Ruve in the garden. They talk pretty civilly, but 2nd Timeline Ruve is perplexed as to why Tia can't stop trembling. It ends after she spills tea on him and he leaves in a huff since she clearly doesn't want him there.
    • There's another instance where Tia is given a doll for her birthday. The whole palace is oggling how cute she is. 2nd Timeline Ruve says he's happy as to how brilliant his fiance is, but he gives her a smile she notices he gives when he's unhappy about something.
    • Next, Tia's father and Allendis have to leave on an expedition.
    • Tia goes to Allendis before he leaves.
    • This is the first true affirmation we get that something is off about him. His mades are terrified of him for one and the room has a dark and sinister atmosphere before he notices Tia.
    • He promises Tia he and her father will be safe and tells her to take care of herself.
    Enter Carsein
    • While she's home alone, Tia asks a maid to come with her to go shopping (for weapons). She runs into Carsein here for the first time.
    • He doesn't recognize her as a noble, so their first interaction is actually rather smooth and he agrees to teach her how to fight with a sword, and even picks on out for her.
    • Of course, the second meeting isn't as pleasant because he realizes she's from a noble house and changes his mind about teaching her (his mom makes him tho).
    • Remember when I said Carsein was self-sabotaging in his advances with Tia? Yeah he totally gimps himself romantically throughout the whole interaction because Tia finds his attitude obnoxious. He looks down at her at first and isn't a helpful teacher because he doesn't think she's serious about it.
    • Deep down he genuinely wants to teach her but is totally tsundere about it. He gets pretty upset when she doesn't drop by the next day.
    • It turns out she was strength training by tying sandbags to her limbs. Carsein finds her training outside her manor and tells her to stop because she'll hurt herself. She ends up collapsing and they talk the next time she wakes up in bed.
    • What's next is a really powerful scene and goes to show how ambitious and head strong Tia is, firmly repeating her vow to become leader of the knight's squadron and inherit her dad's title. This convinces Carsein how serious she is.
    • By the way I want to note that at this point Tia genuinely does not like Carsein. For the most part she found him obnoxious and tells him to get lost. She also gives him advice that he his actions will start to reflect poorly on his family and to start acting like a noble.
    • Next Tia is called for an audience with the Emperor. He says he wants to give her a pair of Royal Guards to watch over her. He also asks Ruve to take her to her carriage. Here things go more smoothly than the previous times, and Ruve starts to realize things when he sees how exhausted she is and even (internally) wishes her well.
    • The next day, Tia has her Royal Guards teach her how to fight and be a knight when Carsein pops back in. He agrees to train her, but she tells him she has a replacement, so he trains with her instead. She gets a bit closer to him as a result, though at one point when Carsein asks about exchanging gifts, she straight-up-tells him that she doesn't consider him a friend close enough to do that. Poor kid ran out pretty angry.
    • Throughout this, Tia's been exchanging letters with Allendis on his expedition.
    • One day Allendis surprises Tia by showing up in the garden after the expedition ends.
    • He and Carsein immediately hate each other and he kinda rubs how close he is to Tia in his face.
    • Next, Tia is invited to 2nd Timeline Ruve's coming of age ceremony. She's worried because in the 1st timeline, 1st Timeline Ruve dropped her which humiliated her and caused her to become closed off.
    • Tia pulls Allendis aside and tries to tell him about the 1st timeline, but she realizes he doesn't actually believe her and is just trying to placate her with things she might want to hear him say. She knows he doesn't actually believe what she's saying and tells him to get out. This falling out severely strains their relationship.
    • Later on, during 2nd Timeline Ruve's coming of age he notices how dead inside Tia looks, and wonders why she's always like that around him.
    • We don't see the conversation, but Allendis tries to talk to Tia with no avail.
    • 2nd Timeline Ruve wants to use the ceremony as a chance to ask why she's scared of him.
    • Finally during the dance the 2nd Timeline Ruve whispers to her that he suspects there might be something between her and Allendis. Instead of letting her fall, he actually catches her.
    • Later on he asks her why she's always scared around him theorizes that the reason why Tia is scared of him is because she thinks he views her as a threat to the throne. In turn, he tries to offer her the position of Queen.
    • He's baffled when she's even more terrified. Her father comes in after his expedition and helps her, telling everyone he intends to make her heir to his name.
    • I think some people also said that this is the point where 2nd TImeline Ruve's feeling for Tia are cemented, since he knows for a fact that he doesn't want to marry him for power. Ironic since it's when Tia makes it perfectly clear she wants nothing to do with him.
    • They go back, and deciding that it looks like there's a lot in her mind, Tia's dad offers to send her to their vacation villa, which she agrees to.
    • In this part, things mainly wind down for a bit and we get a lot of fluffy moments with Carsein.
    • Carsein passes a letter from Allendis to Tia who apologizes and says he'll do anything he can to help her.
    • Tia's pretty happy to have him around and they grow pretty close to each other. Also on a side note the illustrator for some reason put Carsein in clothes that sorta make him look like Flynn Rider from Tangled. Just wanna point that out.
    • One day 2nd Timeline Ruve drops in to ask Tia directly in private about why she's acting the way she is.
    • He notes that her behavior is conflicting for example, wanting to distance from the royal family but somehow knowing exactly how to make a dinner they'd love. Tia realizes her mistake with the meal she prepared because she has no reason to know about that in the current timeline.
    • He tries to interrogate her more and wants to know a definite answer, questioning why she would reject such a powerful position, why she's always avoiding him when he hadn't done anything to her, etc.
    • This unintentionally triggers her PTSD, and Tia falls into a catatonic state due to psychological shock.
    • 2nd Timeline Ruve discovers a letter she was about to send to Allendis and is horrified about what he reads.
    • We aren't told what he read specifically, but it can be assumed from his reaction that he's disgusted and horrified about learning about his alternate self.
    • After making sure Tia is safe and in bed, he goes out to talk/spar with Carsein.
    • He tells him to keep Tia safe and her feelings in mind.
    • Tia's Father arrives and with some words of encouragement manage to snap her out of that state. She realizes + with an encouraging letter from Allendis, that she's already changed her fate and has so many people supporting her.
    • There's some fluffy scenes with Carsein when they leave the villa and find a wheat field. I'm not sure if this is what cements his crush on her b/c I've always thought he had a thing for her.
    • Next back at home, Tia tells her Father what happened in the 1st timeline. He believes her and vows to protect her and give her his full support, even if it does sound hard to believe.
    • Next we're given a scene with 2nd Timeline Ruve. He's voicing out his confusion and frustration that he would do any of the things 1st Timeline Ruve did. It's clear some part of him doesn't want to believe it actually happened. He asks himself if Tia really thinks he's the type of person who would do that to her.
    • His attendant suggests that the letter could have been a ploy, but 2nd Timeline Ruve doesn't believe that to be the case and concludes that Tia isn't the kind of person who'd scheme like that.
    • We're given a flashback to his first meeting with Tia as kids when he first met Jeremiah. He remembers how happy and innocent she was. He doesn't entirely believe the alternate timeline business, and some part of him thinks she might be talking about a dream.
    • Nonetheless, he decides that it was his fault she was so terrified. This is cements his character development.
    • There's a timeskip and Tia is made a squire (someone in the comments noted this was an inaccuracy: you'd have to be a paige first in medieval times).
    • There's a small scene where Allendis vows to get Tia back, and he shoos away his mother who her resents for only ever paying attention to his little brother. It's clear she regrets not paying attention to him enough. This is to show his growing co-dependency to Tia and the start of where he really gets yandere.
    • It's also revealed that Tia's dad has been intercepting Allendis's letters.
      • I want to point out how significant this detail is. It was hinted at first that Tia's dad was being overprotective, but it's made clear that he's a good judge of character and understood Allendis's true nature early on. No one, not even Ruve gets side-eyed by him as hard as Allendis does.
    • Tia finds out about this and goes to see Allendis. She gets a glimpse of his true self but he recovers enough to cover it up and they reunite happily.
    • The next day Tia is helping out the other knights with the ceremony. Apparently 2nd Timeline Ruve returns from some sort of travel.
    • The Emperor suggests to 2nd Timeline Ruve that he should go for a walk around the palace. It's likely he hoped his son would run into Tia, though he chooses to distance himself from her.
    • Tia one night finds his dad talking to a painting of Jeremiah about the family "curse".
    • Basically that they're sworn loyalty to the Royal Family or else they die.
    • The next day Tia runs into 2nd Timeline Ruve in the garden and they hold a civil, if awkward, conversation about Tia's mom, Jeremiah. The tree at the center was something she always treasured and he'd meet with her a lot under that tree.
    • The next day she runs into Carsein who tells her that he's to be officially knighted. She's glad he's still the same person she knew even if he's a bit taller.
    • Allendis meets up with them and Tia realizes that them becoming known prodigies like in the 1st timeline was actually accelerated. They hang out.
    • I believe there was a plan for a garden part, but the garden catches fire.
    • Tia starts freaking out at first since it held value to her mother, but she takes charge and manages to save the tree with help from the knights.
    • The Emperor witnesses this with 2nd Timeline Ruve and is impressed. The Emperor puts more pressure on Tia to marry 2nd Timeline Ruve after displaying this amazing feat of leadership.
    • A few days later Tia and her friends are preparing for a party. One of the new visitors asks her about a rumor being spread but Allendis intimidates her into shutting up.
    • This next arc is basically Tia developing social skills and getting closer to the other aristocrat girls not a lot happens.
    • Fastforward to Carsein's knighting ceremony.
    • A few rumors have been spread that Tia might be having a thing with Carsein.
    • The Emperor has Tia organize a really large library of books during the ceremony.
    • She nearly misses it, but 2nd Timeline Ruve comes in and asks her to go to the ceremony since it's almost over.
    • They arrive, unintentionally making themselves look more like a couple in the eyes of the spectators. 2nd Timeline Ruve establishes Carsein as a close friend of his/guardian to Tia in the eyes of the people, and thus destroying those rumors.
    • Some time passes and Tia investigates about her mom because she didn't recognize her maiden name, Sonya. It turns out that she was a commoner.
    • There's some filler about a really stubborn crafter that Tia negotiates with alongside Allendis and Carsein, but it's not too important.
    • Next is the foreign Princess Arc
    • There's this gathering of princess candidates and the aristocrats want 2nd Timeline Ruve to pick one of them.
    • The first Princess Tia meets is the Princess of Yit (YEET) who's haughty and talks down to her.
    • The Princess of Rua is the second one and she's much nicer and close friends with Carsein's older brother.
    • Tia and Ruve end up third wheeling on her rendevouz with Carsein's brother.
    • The Princess of Yit challenges Tia to a sword fight sometime later on and the winner gets 2nd Timeline Ruve's gift of shoes.
    • Tia ends up throwing the match partly because she couldn't care less. The Princess wears the shoes but they break mid-dance with 2nd Timeline Ruve.
    • Eventually 2nd Timeline Ruve gets enough dirt on the princess that he's able to strongarm them into standing down. One princess was provided protection because she was pregant with her knight's baby.
    • Here 2nd Timeline Ruve makes it clear to Tia he genuinely loves her.
    • Next Tia has a date with Allendis and they go to a festival.
    • Tia ends up rejecting Allendis. It's pretty sad and neither party is happy afterwards.
    • There's also an assassination attempt on the princess that was given protection. It turns out it actually targeted Tia and Carsein nearly gets blinded trying to protect her.
    • He's fine btw no need to worry
    • The current arc is Jieun's arrival. 2nd Timeline Ruve makes it perfectly clear he wants to stay engaged to Tia.

    Aaaaand that's it for the manhwa so far. There's a hiatus and people don't really know why, some say a change of authors, but it's likely due to the story additions they say they'll include.

    Now, on to the ending details. Full Credits to @Eodez for this, and for keeping this thread alive for so long. You rock!

    Ending Spoilers

    • First, Jieun comes back and is out for revenge against Ruve. She also wants to prove she can beat Tia due to her own crippling inferiority complex.
    • Next, yes endgame is Tia x Ruve. They push it even harder in the manhwa.
    • As fluffy as the moments we are getting from Tia and 2nd timeline Ruve are, things are gonna get rough for 2nd timeline Ruve, ironically when Jieun arrives.
    • Tia doesn't accept Ruve's feelings easily, even when she acknowledges she might feel the same because she genuinely wants to inherit her father's title.
    • She accepts it very last minute when Ruve storms off during her knighting ceremony, and only then because I believe she becomes Empress AND Knight Captain at the same time.
    • At one point Tia is lethally poisoned after an assassination attempt in front of Jieun. At this point, Jieun sacrifices her blessing from Vita to heal her and bring her back to life.
    • Duke Jenna is arrested and executed after this since he's found responsible.
    • Jieun, having chosen to be adopted by him this timeline (so she could spy on him), was also set to be executed, but Tia and 2nd Timeline Ruve devise a plan to save her by faking her death via poison.
    • She explains to Tia she saved her because revenge on 2nd Timeline Ruve would be pointless: he's nothing like the monster she knew in the 1st Timeline.
    • She also tells Tia 1st Timeline Ruve did love her
    • Tia: *Resisting Urge to Bitchslap*
    • They basically vent out their frustrations with one another, and while they don't leave as friends, it's clear they gain a respect and understanding of one another.
    • Tia goes down in history as a famous Empress known for ushering a golden age and 2nd Timeline Ruve is best known for being an amazing father and husband and raising a child that would also usher in a golden age.
    • Jieun escapes to another country and lives her life happily.

    Again, I cannot reiterate how @Eodez was responsible for the survival of this thread and spoiling these details. Full credit to them, and again, thank you for everything!

    Right now I would compile the translations posted by @Eodez, but this took four hours and I'm tired. It might take a while for me to answer questions too.

    If I made any mistakes, please correct me politely.

    Also, if the thread gets larger can someone please quote this and spread it around so it doesn't get lost?

    Welp that's that. I'm gonna lie down for a bit. Thank you! It's been a pleasure folks!

    @Lykalee Here you go!
  13. Dizzy-Wuzzy

    Dizzy-Wuzzy Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Correction on this part:
    • Ruve's birth mother is a commoner who worked as a low rank maid in palace. Those who knew this secret are Ruve, Emperor, and late Empress. (I don't know if Erina knew this secret or not but she might know from the way she talked to Ruve when she met him in palace).
    • The late empress is from one of the fallen duke's house (the 3 duke houses that were ordered to be executed). She never showed any affection to Ruve, Ruve who had thought she was his mother tried very hard to gain her affection, that was before he discovered the secret.
    • Ruve's birth mother got sent out of palace.
    • This secret affected on how Ruve's thought that nobody loved him because he had commoner blood while Tia was a pureblood, when in fact she had commoner blood from her mother, Jeremiah.
    • Emperor and Empress were political couple, they were not on best term but when Tia was there Emperor was willingly to have afternoon tea with Empress and vice versa. This strengthen point no. 3 on Ruve's thought.
    Correct me if I'm wrong tho
  14. Deleted member 242851

    Deleted member 242851 Guest

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2020
  15. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Yep just checked back and this seems accurate, thanks!

    This was also one of the things that were supposed to make Tia and Ruve foil one another.

    Oh! By the way, one last thing and it's about the manhwa's hiatus.

    It's likely due to the fact that they're about to implement the so-called "additions" to the story that the author's note said was going to add a few chapters back.

    I've heard a lot of doom and gloom lately, but at worst the artist will end up changing, but some part of me doesn't think so since the manhwa should between 60-70% done depending on if they adapt the side stories.

    From what I've heard/seen the manhwa itself is doing pretty well. I don't think it's due to the final pairing either because most people that have been following the manhwa already either ship Tia x Ruve or prefer Carsein x Tia (can't blame them it's an adorable pairing) and don't mind.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2020
    Eodez, Tobbit, Uncopyright and 2 others like this.
  16. Xylade

    Xylade Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    The fact that some authors think that violence and r*pe can be forgiven if the rapist "truly loved" the person they raped. It's disheartening to see the in the first life how the FL's feelings being treated like dirt by everyone, and the author later expects the audience to forgive a rapist because they're good looking and have a tragic past.
    CottonKey, Kuraiko0503 and rosie.rose like this.
  17. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Newsflash. She never forgives her rapist, READ. She hates him even at the end of the story

    The reason why she ends up with 2nd Timeline Ruve is because he's considered a different person. Not metaphorically I mean LITERALLY AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ENTITY BECAUSE HE COULD NOT HAVE DONE ANYTHING THE PREVIOUS RUVE DID DUE TO TIME TRAVEL.

    If by some miracle you can tell me how a 14-year old boy is should somehow be held accountable for a crime he didn't know about until halfway through the story and was committed by a completely alternate version of himself he had no control over, then, by all means, do so. I'll even take this down if you can.
    This took me hours. HOURS of fact-checking and rereading. It's everything minus some details near the end.


    The barest damn minimum on a spoiler thread is to talk about things that actually happened in the story.

    "Oh she ended up with her rapist"
    "Oh she has Stockholm syndrome"
    "Oh she's a weak heroine"

    Not only add absolutely nothing to the discussion. It's straight-up misinformation and derailing. You're contributing to something we've been trying to stamp out for months.

    I think I've been nice about this in the past, but right now I'm at the point where I'll start reporting people spreading derailing misinfo like this from now on.

    Am I being clear here? I love this story but please stop bringing back the thread if you're not gonna contribute to either discussion or spoilers.
  18. dr biscuit

    dr biscuit Active Member

    May 19, 2020
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    by the way... why everyone keep saying that he raped her? his attitude towards her was far from correct but he said himself "i'll do as you wish" and she was even wanted to take off her clothes herself, so the consent was here.
  19. Lamune44

    Lamune44 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    If you can indeed argue that most of the time it was consensual (though berely because it hurted her very much), the last time was by coertion; He told her to have sex with him if she wanted her father to be saved (the rumors of trahison and attack on the Empress) only to be told that he had already been executed. She never knew that Ruve lied about this last part,
    MiserableSOUL likes this.
  20. dr biscuit

    dr biscuit Active Member

    May 19, 2020
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    Wrong. For save her dad, he told her To lick his shoe.
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