Spoiler There Were Times When I Wished You Were Dead

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by summer-162, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Totally agree. It’s the ML fault for abusing the FL not the FL fault for being weak. I think if this is a time regression or whatever she should go live her life somewhere else away from him.
  2. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Unfortunately, this is not a time regression plot and from the previous spoilers it will be a cliche story about misunderstandings seasoned with mind control magic to justify MC’s lack of action against humiliation.

    Well, there is a bunch of novels without abuse of MCs and with caring MLs, but not as many as we would like to see. Seems like the plot about falling in love with your enemy took a turn to abusers in these historical romance novels and became somehow a cliche that doesn’t take a second thought from authors before using. It’s sad because I really liked the synopsis of this story and cover art and was anticipating a mysterious disappearance of MC and ML’s heart change because of the clues he’ll find while searching for her.
    Smaforte12, KnightML, noula and 11 others like this.
  3. Tahi

    Tahi Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    I totally Agree.. His way of treating FL for his own hatred doesn’t justify anything. It only shows using your power to hurt the weak for own satisfaction. :blobpoliceangry::blobpoliceangry::blobpoliceangry:
  4. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    I think she was suffering from severe case of depression. She was unable to save her mother, and after that duke forcefully took her away and tortured her. She was bullied, insulted and beaten by everyone in Duke's house, right?
    She grew up getting bullied and beaten constantly, and her husband was a a**hole too!! Maybe she is just waiting for her end, that's why she is so indifferent from her suffering and insults, it doesn't matter to her at all, everything is same for her wherever she goes...i.e. getting abused, she lost all her hopes. I don't think she is even waiting for her husband to save her, maybe she did, in the beginning of her marriage, maybe hoping that emperor would recognise her and it will be possible that her suffering could be reduced, but it didn't happened and emperor took out all his hatred for duke on her....so now she just want to be left alone and forgotten.
  5. Tahi

    Tahi Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    I also agree on that. After all the things happened to her she just lost her will to live again.:blobsad::blobsad::blobpensive:
  6. kawaii12345

    kawaii12345 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    I don't want to go too far off topic but I believe sampling bias is at work here. Example, I know if you look my my reading lists, you would see a preponderance of MCs painting the landscape red with the blood of their enemies. If there is a ML or a FL they are usually very much on the MC's side.

    There seems to be breaks into overlapping subgenres
    1. Redemption of the evil character via the purity of the love interest. This need not have an abusive character being redeemed. The Operatic version of Faust is a good example of this taken to extreme.
    2. Misunderstanding taken to absurd levels. This novel seems to be one, Abandoned Empress was another(Where was my freaking revenge in that??? Only Jeun got a bad end). This overdone and from what I can see seems impossible for lower quality writers to do well. It usually winds up as the reading equivalent of chalk on a blackboard
    3. Fantasies for masochists. It is what it is and often overlaps other subgenres.
    4. Cinderella/rags to riches stories, these usually have a very kind romantic interest, but not necessarily. There seems to be considerable overlap between with the fantasy for masochist subgenre, considering the Chinese CEO novels.
    5. Slow build romances, name says it all
    6. Tragedies, No anuse just really bad ends. Think Romeo and Juliet
    7. Comedies/Farces. The Merry Wives of Windsor, or Die Fledermaus come to mind.
    8. Rape Fantasies. Seems to be a very popular subgenre as it's spawned it's own subgenres, EX. Bodice Rippers
    9. Shirley Temple cute adorable little kid stories. Romance comes in as the child pulls the couple together.
    10. You done me wrong but I'm to nice to care. Personally a really annoying subgenre, but "Living well is the best revenge" can actually make it work. Either way it's very hard for the writer to get right
    There's also the whole "cheating" concept from both sides. If the culture allows three wives, four concubines, and prostitute maids, just WTH is cheating? What you wind up with is abuse against the status of the wife. I don't even want to try and and analyze the cuckoldry fetishists in reverse harems or openings of most villainess novels

    Summing it up, you get the stories you read

    This story from the spoilers has a really emotional out of control male lead , a giant misunderstanding, and a too forgiving MC. Want something different? Try Genius Doctor Black Belly Miss, Shen Yi Di Nu, Forensic Doctor from consort to Empress
  7. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Ikr!! Here some people are dissatisfied with her as fl for being weak, but all I'm thinking about is when will she disappear..... breaking all hopes for duke to become next emperor's grandfather and mentor, and emperor for losing the one he unknowingly fell in love, I just want them to loose everything they hoped. It will be so satisfying!!
    I'm tired seeing these two a**holes
    constantly bullying an already depressed and broken woman.
  8. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    I would agree with almost everything, but “a really emotional out of control male lead” is actually a sadistic character, who doesn’t have the power to go against the Duke and takes his anger out on the Duke’s daughter who hasn’t done anything wrong at all, even from his point of view. It’s so cowardly and inhumanly to mentally abuse someone weaker and publicly humiliate them that I don’t think ML has any right for redemption. So I don’t feel like it’s #2 plot from your classification, it’s a sturdy #3. The fact that MC is drained by her unhappy life and is deeply depressed doesn’t help too, because author makes it look like she is passive and doesn’t want to solve the misunderstanding, when basically she’s mentally sick and is in no place to solve any problems at all, especially while instead of slowly healing away from sadistic power hungry males she’s being physically abused by father and mentally by husband which is only deepening her depression.
    Enmea, Lignin, lylac and 40 others like this.
  9. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Our tastes out opposite lol. I want justice but revenge novels scare me
    noula, Creolenerd, Ecstasy and 3 others like this.
  10. Deleted member 265239

    Deleted member 265239 Guest

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    I knew most of korean novels are same (isekaid, cliche plot, shitty husband, weak FL) but I keep reading them, my bad... :blobpensive:
  11. Niaosaf

    Niaosaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I agree with some of you saying, but I really want to know what will happen to her, is she really gonna die or what? Bcs the stress she got so deep and made her desire to live just disappear. I don't think we can judge her by her actions, because we don't know her mental state and everyone has their own treatment to heal their wounds. in this case she couldn't find anyone who could help her feel better, what she got every day was just a new wound and it made it even worse. Poor her, honestly i wanna know what will happen to the ML
  12. SoShy

    SoShy Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Rather kill herself then. Isn't it better than living as a lifeless tool to be abused for other's pleasure? Run away or at least try to? Why would you still stay? If you can't escape then just kill yourself. Is it worth living as a rag doll to be stepped by others on daily basis? As for as I know about psychology, humans turns to self harm or suicide really easily when they can't find a will to live. It would've been easier for us to accept her depression if she actually tried something and failed, but she isn't??? And it's frustrating that she accepts her abuse like this.

    I really really really hope MC dies than forgive everyone and become holy mother of Gods or whatever the shiz it's called.

    Please can some kind soul tell us if she does or not?
  13. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Well, it's frustrating to watch her being impassive, that's a fact. But to how much extend, I really don't know as I have only read the translated chapters and have no idea about the further story and about her role. I don't know how much frustrating it was for you all who have already read the raws, and I'm still waiting for the translated version and spoilers from you guys..
    I think she is going for suicide route, Its already stated that she"disappeard", and about how she decided to disappeard, we all have no idea about that, we all readers are waiting for that....let's see what happens.
    From whatever we know about her from the chapters and in these spoilers, her behaviour is absolutely abnormal, that's not how a normal person would take all these bullying, as self-defence is the first sheild of any person's psychology to protect themselves. But we can see that, she is unable to perform such normal tasks....she is just waiting for.... nothing!!
    which would be something to be worry about if she was a real person... being hopeless for everything is such a sad thing...
    But fortunately she isn't so we all have plenty of reasons to criticize her behaviour and decisions of life. Not everyone can be positive in their lives, become badass when problems arises, some people are utterly failure in society, not being able to do anything better for themselves. It's sad, pitiful and frustrating, but that's their lifestory. We can choose to like or dislike them...just like these kind of stories( believe me I also want fl to b*tchslap ml so hard everytime he opens his mouth, but she remains so passive:unsure:
    I was reading this story because I like stories like remarried empress, and I am waiting for ml to get karma's Whiplash like stupidshoe lol :D:D:D seriously I don't want to see him getting happy ending lol :D:D
  14. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    I think it was spoiled that she was being mind controlled or something. I’m pretty sure I could be wrong
  15. crunchypatata

    crunchypatata Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2020
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    "... ...well, if the empress no longer exists there, maybe I will go."

    The ice on the table would also be less cold than Karloi's voice. Some of the servants gasped.

    "Well, but..."

    Even in the cold, Yvonne didn't give up and opened her mouth again. I couldn't tell when and why he was suddenly like that when he looked indifferent. Karloi eventually hit the table with an irritated touch.

    "Stop it, Empress."

    Then he left without finishing his meal. Standing at a meal that had not been served since then, Yvonne never again spoke to the emperor first during the meal. Karloi also didn't utter a single word on .

    That's how time passed. Karloi always brings other girls to the party, and Yvonne ignored Karloi's existence..


    A week has passed since a national wedding anniversary was held, in which the emperor suddenly brought a woman, calling her a queen. The emperor and empress were supposed to have lunch together.

    There was an unusual chill in the after-war circle of the empress, where lunch was to be held. If there was anything different from usual, the coldness and other astonishment came to everyone's faces.

    "I'm sure it'll be all right, empress, and the queen will help me relieve my burden, and I hope we can have a good meal together."

    Next to the emperor, smiling and talking, stood Keana Roden, who was almost the main character of the national wedding anniversary. However, Keana did not look as happy as the emperor.

    The maids were shocked by the emperor's insolence, who brought a new woman to dinner table with the empress, and forgot to put their eyes down. She doesn't tell you in advance, and she's not even a queen yet! I can't believe you're relieving me of my burden. Have you ever put anything on Yvonne in the first place?

    Yvonne was unable to do anything as an empress. Therefore, Yvonne was not able to supervise the procedure related to the empress, which should be one of the empress's affairs, and the general ministers were handling it.

    Even Yvonne, who always maintained a fierce expressionless expression, couldn't hide the sign that this situation was astonishing or absurd.

    Strangely enough, Karloi felt a subtle pleasure in the appearance. There were no facial expressions or emotions, no matter how much I looked at, it wasn't like a person, so I wondered if he was right. It was the first time that Yvonne had even elicited such a reaction.

    "You have no answer, Empress, if you're a superior, you could say a word of kindness to the Queen. I guess you don't learn such generosity from a Duke. Well, if you think of the Duke of Delois, that's not gonna happen."

    The maids looked at the Empress's eyes with fear that she would lose her reason and throw something at the Emperor. Fortunately, Yvonne, famous for being cool, came back with expressionless expression. Yvonne, looking at the emperor with no expression, opened her mouth.

    "I'm sorry to say this, but Lady Roden is not a queen yet, Your Majesty."

    Yvonne's voice was quiet, but quite firm. Also, she didn't even look sorry at all.

    "Your Majesty suddenly asked Lady to be a Queen, so I'm in a hurry, but it hasn't even been a day. And I don't have to say anything more because I'm reviving the missing law."

    Karloi, who first heard Yvonne speak so long, looked at Yvonne with a puzzled look, but Yvonne lightly turned her gaze to Keana.

    "Lady Roden, I don't mean to say I owe you a grudge, so please understand. If there's a rumor about something that hasn't been done yet, it's because someone could be in your Majesty's name."

    It might be written in history because you're crazy about women and ignore the procedure. The servants were surprised and looked at Karloi's face, but Karloi didn't seem angry. He was just frowning weakly.

    Yvonne continued to look at Keana as if she didn't care about Karloi.

    “It would be nice to think that today, as the honor of a dear Marquis, you are having a meal with your majesty and me, what do you say?"

    Keana Roden was a quick-witted person. As soon as Yvonne's words were over, Lady Keana, who was only turning her eyes between the couple, took a modest example.

    "Would there be, Her Majesty, I apologize for the late greetings. I'm Keana, the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Roden. Forgive my rudeness."

    As the situation seemed to have been sorted out, the attendants quickly began to arrange the seats next to them with tableware and decorations suitable for the location of the noble, Lady, not a queen. t's been a long time since the tableware for the queen was gone.

    Soon the three figures in question were seated in their respective positions. In the unexpected tense atmosphere of the couple, the servants looked at the emperor's eyes like a habit, but he didn't look angry. Rather, Karloi had a picturesque smile before he knew it.

    "Oh, I'm sorry, Empress, I was so absorbed in the feeling of my first love that I couldn't think that far."

    Keana lowered her head as Karloi looked at Keana tenderly. Oh, your Majesty is also true....... Something murmur came from Keana.

    As usual, Yvonne was just moving the knife, but at that moment the plate seemed to sound like a crackling sound, so the maids looked at the Empress's plate for nothing.

    “But the Empress cannot blame me either. When you became the empress, the Duke ignored all the procedures, so I knew the empress would be okay."

    Karloi spoke without taking his eyes off Keana's face for a single moment.

    “Why didn't you, Empress, be treated as an empress after all of the formal procedures? So I have no way to know. The Empress understands."

    Karloi's tone and voice were friendly, but the content was no less than an insult to the Empress' face.

    In a flash, Yvonne became a generous to herself and difficult person only to her subordinates. He ignored all the procedures and forced others to do so. by her husband, the Emperor.

    Yvonne's hand seemed to tremble.

    “Anyway, Keana will take care of your work, so please be nice to her.”

    "... did I ever have a job?"

    "Oh, no. I'm not interested, so stop."

    Yvonne raised his head and made an eye contact with Karloi. Karloi's lip was drawing a line, but his eyes were indifferent.

    The couple's conversations flowed in an increasingly uncontrollable direction, and only the gritty sound of dishes clashing against each other was heard. An inconsistent bright sound intervened through the sharp noise.

    "Oh, Your Majesty! Why don't you leave the queen's bookkeeping procedure to her Majesty?"

    It was Keana Roden. It was hard to tell whether the smiling face was sensible or not. Even Carloi looked at Keiana, forgetting to answer back, perhaps surprised. Keana smiled and put her hand on Carloi's hand.

    "Oh, Your Majesty. Her Majesty the Empress is smart. There's a lot of rumors that she'll take care of it faster than the ministers. If I get a formal censure quickly, your Majesty will be comfortable and happy.”

    I've never heard such a rumor before. The Emperor also heard a clinking sound as if it was his first time hearing it. Yvonne had dropped the knife she was holding onto the floor.

    Karloi looked at Yvonne while the servants were in a hurry. Yvonne was only looking at one spot, but as I followed her eye, Keana's hand and my folded hand came out.

    It was that face again. Serious, unknown. Carloy chewed her lips with an unknown discomfort. It was a damn feeling. It can't be familiar, but it feels familiar, and it doesn't make sense as if you're doing something wrong.

    I mean, it was really weird. Although she is said to be the daughter of a duke who is extremely loathsome, Karloi did not think he would be so disgusted with her. But Yvonne... ...there was something that bothered him in a different way than the Duke.

    "Your Majesty?"

    Keana pressed her hand and asked again.

    "...yes. Go ahead, empress. I thought you liked something comfortable, but you must be pretty upset because you don't have any work to do, so you can do this."

    Yvonne raised her head to see if she had come to her senses. Then, without answering back, he stared at Karloi only.

    I don't know when she always ignores himself and why she often looks at people like that. Every time that happened, Karloi hated Yvonne even more. Karloi didn't hide his signs of boredom and urged Yvonne to answer.

    "What's the difference when you look at me like that? Don't complain about nothing... ...I want you to do it quickly, Empress."


    When Yvonne gave the answer as if it were hard to hear, Keana replied with a bright sound.

    “Thank you, Her Majesty!”

    The maids gulped down for no reason.

    "I think this is enough for lunch. I want to spend some time alone with Keana, so if this is the only thing then that's all."

    It didn't take long for Karloi to get up, and Keana looked up with her eyes wide open. Keana wasn't aware of the fact that Karloi wasn't always eating food, but got up first.

    When Karloi noticed, Keana rose from her seat and give the courtesy to Yvonne.

    The emperor and the lady folded their arms together and left the patronage of the palace. Yvonne, left alone with her maids, quietly chewed the food. The maid, Mary Ann, approached Yvonne with anxious face.

    "Your Majesty..."

    "It's all right. Isn't it every time?"

    Every time it happened, I thought there was a difference between bringing a new woman and not, but Mary Ann kept her mouth shut like a wise maid.

    "Now that I've got the job, I'll have to be ready. Hurry up."

    "Yes, Your Majesty."

    Yvonne, who was speaking in a quiet voice, made a sound of self-winded laughter.

    "I'm in big trouble, Mary Ann."


    "As your Majesty said, I'm an empress who came in without a case with my father on my back, so I don't know how to deal with this. It's really a big deal."

    Yvonne shook her head alone as Mary Anne stood with a depressed face. It was a joke, and the voices muttering weren't like a joke at all. That day the empress left after emptying all the food alone.

    Hello everyone! This translation is MTL. I've been alternating on using papago and google translate (whichever is more comprehensible), so hold on to your remaining brain cells 'cuz it might be difficult to understand. Book 1 is divided into 4 chapters/parts, I'll try to translate as much as I can. Thanks! (Btw, this part is the continuation of the current translated chapter (chapter 3, I think) of the group that has been translating this)
    Bastian, syofiaa, RakaSarkar and 58 others like this.
  16. Niyangrapik

    Niyangrapik Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Thank you so much for your spoiler! :blob_plusone:
  17. crunchypatata

    crunchypatata Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2020
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    "Hey, what the hell was that before?"

    Karloi, who entered Keana's temporary residence in the palace, asked with a look of disapproval. Keana opened her eyes wide as if she didn't know English.

    "Me? What about me?"

    "As I raised my hand earlier..."

    “You are saying that you raised your hand? His Majesty held his hands at will and put his hands on his waist. I was supposed to do that in moderation.”

    "I'm not talking about action. I'm talking about what you said then. Why do you leave it to the Empress all of a sudden? I knew what the Empress would do under the pretext of this."

    Keana, who was pulling her hair out looking in the mirror, looked at Karloi beyond the mirror.

    "I'd like to check on her reaction... ...and what about her?"

    A small face looking at Carloy showed a sign of criticism.

    "You should have told me in advance that it was lunch with the empress that I had to go with you. I've heard the rumor that you are a cruel husband, but it's beyond imagination."

    "You are the leader of the empress for nothing. That's not why I asked you to be the queen."

    "Oh, be careful. I'm not a queen yet."

    "... do you know you're very blunt? If you were an ordinary person, you would have already heard something from Gorten.”

    At Karloi's words, Keana just laughed.

    "It's already too much to dare to sign a contract with the highest emperor. It won't be obvious if we add one or two more here."

    "Your role is to keep the empress in check in public.”

    "For that, you're using it too much for private purposes. Are you trying to make her jealous?"

    Karloi's face is badly distorted. It was ridiculous to hear it. Jealous was a word that worked between people who had feelings for each other. Yvonne and himself had no room for such a thing.

    "Don't get me wrong. It's because pretending that all of this is personal and love-driven can avoid the intervention of the nobility."

    "I know."

    "And don't you see what the Empress is like? What makes people jealous of someone who won't shed a drop of blood even if you stab it."

    "About that."

    Keana suddenly turned her back in the mirror and looked at Karloi's face.

    "The empress's reaction doesn't seem like a person without feelings at all. Your Majesty never thought of making the empress a person for your Majesty? You can choose not the father, the Duke, but the husband, your Majesty. You're not just being so cold-hearted ..."

    Keana quietly shut her mouth as Carloy waved nervously.

    “Don’t make some bullshit. Does the Empress seem to be someone who can do that? Stones will have more emotions than that, and it would be faster to seduce stones on the street.”

    "But you even shook your hand today. I felt sorry for myself."

    “Useless waste of feelings. There is someone else who will be sorry. It must be because the pride that pierces the sky is injured.

    "is that so."

    "She's the one who never blinked even if she was a empress. Even if I die, she'll cut the meat with a knife, saying yes, and then that."

    It was unnecessarily extreme. Now, why is he so violent when he's not interested in the empress who's stuck in the palace?

    Keana thought it was the emperor or the empress, and emotionally, something a little bit terribly wrong. I thought that a good common sense person like herself was caught in a dangerous situation, but it was too late.

    “What about the marquis?”

    "Father? He's probably turned over by now. I'm glad he didn't faint. You know that, don't you? He was afraid of the Duke of Delois' retribution, so that no one wanted to bring his daughter into the palace."

    "Roden's Marquis is the head of the aristocracy, but he doesn't have that much guts... ...He has no guts than his children.”

    Karloi clicked his tongue.

    "My father is originally as big as a kidney bean. It's amazing that I'm not on the side of the duke, but on the side of the emperor. But it's not just my father's fault."

    Kiana muttered as she recalled her weak father.

    “Isn't it the Duke who had a record of kidnapping even the imperial enemy. It would be difficult to deal with the Crown Prince in such a crude way. Oh, I'm scared, so what happens to such a person's enemies."

    Carloi was kidnapped for more than ten days by a mysterious man when he was a young prince. It belongs to a forest belonging to the duke of Delua.

    Even the gangsters tried to kill Karloy.

    It seemed clear to anyone that who the mastermind was behind the attack, but there was not a shred of evidence left, when the Duke went on a rampage and killed all those involved without reporting them.

    “Did you tell your father? I want you to do the investigation again.”

    Keana was also appointed as queen in order to avoid the eyes of the duke and to make contact with Marquis of Roden.

    "I heard you've already done it many times. All the people who could be witnesses of the incident are dead. No one has survived because the village has been made into a very sprawling field, and there is no evidence left because the whole area is devastated."

    "Then tell him to do it again until he finds something."

    "Are you looking for someone?"

    Karloi had no answer.

    "Your Majesty?"

    "... ...no such thing. I'm just trying to find proof that the Duke did."

    Keana thought the emperor was lying. Whoever sees it, it's a face looking for someone anxiously. However, Keana Roden was a quick-witted person, and vowed not to get involved in this more than necessary. So I answered neatly without any fuss.


    Keana's easy-going and simple answer reminded Karloi of Yvonne. No matter what you say, yes, no matter what you do, yes, she looks awkward and annoying if she does not do anything other than a short answer.

    Carloi had his hair tangled up for no reason.


    The Empress's Palace went back very busy. It was ironic. The first thing that happened to the empress was to prepare for the memorial service with my own hands. As Yvonne, the person concerned, handled casually, the maids worked quietly without talking.

    However, Yvonne's father, the Duke of Delois, found no composure. With a reddish-green face, he walked in and out of the palace like a meal with a bluish face. In other words, he came and went three times a day.

    When I came out of the palace to see her as my beloved daughter, he looked more relaxed, but the next day, he would enter the palace with an angry face.

    "Crazy old man is making his way through the palace like his own."

    Of course, all of this was relayed to Karloi. The head of the house-in-chief recounted the facts he had heard of him with an angry face.

    “In the words of the maids, the duke is crying and blowing and raging. It's so much that you can hear everything outside the door. How can I treat you like this, blah blah blah...”

    "Stop talking. Just hearing about it is boring."

    "But it is also true that the progress of the work has slowed noticeably as the Duke walks in and out of the palace, Your Majesty. If there were no disruptions, wouldn't the ceremony date have already been set?"

    "Is it the only fault of the Duke? If the Empress makes up her mind, it can be done quickly, but she must be procrastinating."

    Seeing Carloi's deep disgust on his face, Gorten quietly bit his lips.

    "Send a man to the empress, and don't forget what I said to her as soon as possible, and tell her that I don't want to see her not doing this after a long time."

    “......I will send it to a suitable finite word.”

    "I'll kill you if you do that, Gorten. Send it as I told you. You have to know that if people misunderstand you're going to be jealous, you're the only one who's going to be funny."

    “Your Majesty the Empress is also a man, Your Majesty. Then if she get really angry and say everything to the Duke....”


    Karloi's roar shook the Oval Office. Gorten bowed his head in astonishment.

    "Do you think I should hear the Duke's eyes even from my Oval Office?"

    "Sorry, Your Majesty. I made a slip of the tongue. I'll be careful."

    "... ...look at me."

    As Gorten left the office, Karloi swept his tired face. Duke Delois was a little terrible specter. A terrible specter that doesn't even die and lives alive.

    <Yes, I did, Majesty. I tried to break your Majesty's breath. But what can your Majesty do? Hopefully, it's a good thing to save the life you luckily got back.>

    The memory of the peacock whispering on his shoulder was vivid. It wasn't wrong. Even his father condoned the Duke's work. But what could he have done as a child?

    Even after the terrible kidnapping, there have been constant attempts to poison.

    On the continent, poison was basically extracted from plants. Fortunately, Croisen was also the most advanced country in botany and botanical magic on the continent, and the descendants of Croisen, who had all kinds of poison and antidote, were not so easily poisoned. Even if it was poison, it meant that it was in the hands of Croisen.

    Anything that was not poisonous from the plant was filtered through a thorough inspection. Thanks to this, I became resistant to tolerable poison. I don't really appreciate it.

    After one attempt to kill, the next day, the ghost's smile had to be seen in the Imperial Palace. I used it for not letting go of my mind. It was days when I felt like I would lose my mind if I let go for a moment. Every time I just had the urge to be comfortable with everything I had.

    There was only one reason why Karloi was not crazy. Being alive may be the cost of someone else's life. I couldn't give up on my mind.

    “A damn man…”

    It was too far to know when the hell would be able to see the end of the ghost. To keep from falling to the far end, Karloy had to reinforce his whole body again.
    Bastian, pastel, RakaSarkar and 61 others like this.
  18. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Thanks for the spoilers!! :)
    raisha lionel likes this.
  19. Niaosaf

    Niaosaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Thankyouu so much. Argh i can't wait to see how his reaction when he knows the truth. And i hope he will beg or smth to Yvonne
    chiri.ru, tisifone21 and Tt123 like this.
  20. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    I think she will die/nearly escape death....duke did some kind of black magic/mind control magic on her. I hope this emperor choke on regrets. Duke should be executed by guillotine, no any kind of punishment given to him would unsatisfactory.