Spoiler There Were Times When I Wished You Were Dead

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by summer-162, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Niaosaf

    Niaosaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Thankyou so much for the mass spoiler!
    After I read the book 2 I hope he'll changed, but it's even worsen in the book 3. Poor her, after enduring a lot of thing, she still didn't get a better situation even she lost her mom:(
  2. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    I don't like her at all!!
  3. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers. I don’t think ML has the right for retribution, he’s just a selfish a$$hole, who torments and uses weaker people around him. He is not in any way better than the Duke, because he at least had an excuse for all his crazy actions.
  4. cherrybubbles18

    cherrybubbles18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Thanks for the spoilers!!!:blob_plusone:
    :blobexpressionless:People like these, to get revenge on their abusers, end up becoming exactly what they hate or even worse. What a dumbass the guy is, his hate made him blind.
    Was there no one who told him to not use the innocent daughter?
    I wish the female lead had fallen out of love. Many would have with the constant torment. His pretty face and sweet(?) memories of the past are not worth tolerating that much misdirected rage.:blobpoliceangry: At best, I'd say forget everything related to him and leave.
  5. OMG_Love_it

    OMG_Love_it Active Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Thank you for the spoiler. I didn't waist my time on reading all the books.

    I'm pretty sure the author will put the FL with that man (I already forget his name).
    That's awkward, because I couldn't stop thinking about the author's life. Will the author agree to forgive the person who treat him/ her like the character he/she wrote?

    I want and hope for the FL to end up alone and happy. I hope she will have the time she need to mend her heart and not be forced to choose between her freedom and some bullsh*t "love".

    I will continue to read all your spoiler.

    Please if some of you have really good reading about a strong a independent woman who don't end up with the man who treat her badly please send me a message.

    Thank you again for your hard work and all the spoilers.
  6. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    You should check
    ~rebirth of malicious empress of military lineage
    (And other books from the same author)
    ~remarried empress
    (I think everyone have read this novel)
  7. Deleted member 294510

    Deleted member 294510 Guest

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    Could you provide me raws of 3rd book? I could translate it :) and post it here
  8. luvsunny11

    luvsunny11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Hi, how many volumes does this novel have? I guess ML will only grovel in book 4, right?
  9. crunchypatata

    crunchypatata Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2020
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    It has 5 books in total. I can't remember correctly, but yeah I think that's the case.
  10. Deleted member 294510

    Deleted member 294510 Guest

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    Sorry for being late~
    This is one hell of a slow romance, it will slowly torture the reader and kill them.

    Empress does not know the emperor (1)
    Yvonne, who had fallen as it was, was hugged by Karloi and brought her to the bedroom of the empress. The bedroom was neat again to see if the mess had been removed. The people of the Imperial Palace were given a heavy command, and Yvonne's exclusive therapist Marlon resigned after finishing treatment with a depressed face.
    Standing next to Yvonne lying with a parisian face, Karloi touched his bloody lips. It is already the second time to see the fallen empress. It was only after some degree of irrational anger had passed that he could reconsider what had happened outside.
    It's a scene that had driven her father to death, but of course it won't be easy. Reminiscent of Yvonne, who looked like she was on the verge of going crazy, Karloi swept his face several times.
    It wasn't that weird. Shouldn't it be enough to reject Karloi's offer with a single point if it's so painful? It was a miracle that Yvonne was worried about this much.
    Objectively, the Duke of Delua's immorality, acknowledging numerous mistakes, and subjective affection for blood and flesh would be completely different. Did you care about me that much? Why the hell?
    When I got confused, I sighed on my own. Then what he did was really a piece of shit. I knew in my head that I was such a fucking guy, but when I saw the results, I felt new.
    Yvonne wasn't alone. Carloi thought that myself was strange enough. From when did Yvonne react to each and every action? Regardless of the guilt, reward psychology, or whatever the reason, it seemed to me that I had to admit that the empress was concerned.
    Because things that you don't know originally bother people's hearts. Karloi organized his mind and thoughts like that.
    Yvonne moaned and moved to see if time had passed. Yvonne's face, with her eyes blinking slowly a few times, turned pale. It was surprising that a person could get whiter in that state.
    “you are lying down.”
    Carloi stopped her from trying to get up in a hurry, but Yvonne curled her upper body. The eyes met but neither said anything. I thought she drank quite a lot, but I wondered if Yvonne would remember.
    "...... I'm sorry for the disturbance."
    She seems to remember.
    "I know I asked for a hard job, but."
    Carloy tried to find something to say. However, there was no right word.
    You don't have to bother yourself? You just need to bring your father's neck instead of suffering?
    I knew that anything I said wasn't appropriate. So, putting aside all of the useless answers, Carloy asked instead.
    "Have you ever seen me before?"
    Yvonne's face was still insensitive, but asking back was unnaturally fast.
    “Because I'm not sure why you're doing this to me, and why you consider me as one of your options.”
    I wondered if I had ever met Yvonne in the past I didn't know about.
    Yvonne closed her mouth for a while, looked at Karloi and lowered her head.
    I heard a short answer. It was the expected answer. If I had met at least once in the past, I wouldn't know. Stillness came again.
    Yvonne, who was only fiddling with her blanket, raised her head, and he saw a faded and tired face like a stone worn by rain.
    A voice as weary as her face stabbed Karloi's weakened conscience.
    “If you promise me one more thing, if you do that… I can be Your Majesty's person. I'll help kill my father."
    In the expression 'one more thing', Carloy remembered what he had promised in the rain. Carloy nodded desperately at the request not to lie about Lou.
    I didn't think about it then. It was instinct. If he didn't answer that, the empress would have died on the spot.
    "Can you trust me?"
    Yvonne asked quietly, with a face that couldn't read any thoughts.
    “No matter what I say, no matter what I don't say, no matter what I do, no matter how much I doubt, can you continue to trust me.”
    The answer did not come out as easily as in the rain. Faith was a different matter than how I felt about Yvonne. Since childhood, I have been educated in disbelief in Delunia, and I instinctively felt that way.
    But theoretically, logically, I have to believe in this Zen-like boat. (Risky boat)
    Yvonne's face, crying all over in the rain, scattered his head. The empress and Yvonne were different from her father. Carloy nodded slowly, looking at the face in front of her, looking somewhere desperate. I had to believe in someone else.
    “No matter what?”
    "If you are only my person, of course..."
    Asking again, it seemed that Yvonne did not believe in Karloi. Without knowing the English language, Carloy nodded again.
    Yvonne whispered with a fading smile. That's a very stupid, very stupid request, Carloy thought.

    This is after the scene of the rain where she drank and ran away
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2021
    JLcL, Bastian, TrinaAngel and 44 others like this.
  11. AmyraRegan

    AmyraRegan Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Thanks for the spoilers!! So this is where he will lie and break empress's trust....he is completely a douchebag!! :mad:
    chiri.ru likes this.
  12. Niaosaf

    Niaosaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Yes, he is. I really want to know what'll happen when he realise all the truth and the things he did to her. I hope he will beg for forgiveness but she didn't respond or never want to trust him anymore and he felt terrible hurt. Also i hope in the end they both didn't get together, bcs it's never easy to built up 'trust' when you get betrayal (sorry for my English)
    Lignin, Smaforte12, DOHere and 19 others like this.
  13. Elle0o

    Elle0o Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2020
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    Yes, i wann know some spoilers for book 4 as well
  14. Sherlockisk

    Sherlockisk Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    I would someone to spoil book 4 too

    Also ML I hope he dies, really. He is really not worth loving
  15. Zyphera

    Zyphera Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    I want him to suffer until old age... then die an excruciatingly painful death... only to get sent to Hell and get tortured for all eternity.

    Is that too harsh?
  16. Sherlockisk

    Sherlockisk Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Not at all, I hope he is personally punished in hell for all the cruel acts he commited against the FL
  17. Victo.gg

    Victo.gg Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Hi Guys

    I just bought the fourth and fifth books
    So, would you like me to only spoilers for important events? Or do you want to translate the entire volumes after @IrisSyed finishes translating the third book?

    I signed up just for this novel
    HAPPY to join ❤
    AnniePoo, sUezyQ, chiri.ru and 22 others like this.
  18. luvsunny11

    luvsunny11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Hi, welcome to our forum :aww:
    My spoiler heart really wants you to spoil all the important events :blobxd:, but the sinister part of me wants to read how exactly did the emperor suffer in the last 2 books with full dialogues and stuff between him and MC :blobbunny:. I'm so tempted :blobsanta:

    Anw, thanks for your generosity and sorry for my weird English because it isn't my native language
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  19. Victo.gg

    Victo.gg Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    So I'm going to write now some of the important things that happened, (I just finished reading the first half of 4th book)

    *MC woke up a few days later and the first thing she asked about was her mother,
    ML and her maid did not answer so she automatically knew she was dead. She did not believe and cried to the point that her wound began bleeding again and she fainted.
    "The injury from confronting the Duke"

    *The ML decided to transfer her wound to him through magic so that she might get better.

    *After MC woke up again, she asked the ML to kill her several times, and she begged him, but he refused. He said that if she asked to kill himself, he would, but he couldn't kill her.
    "Seriously ?!! He spent three books hoping to kill her and now he can't"

    *All ML does is cry and whine how sorry he, wants to return the time, feeling humiliated and depressed for her. And he tracks her everywhere. *Nothing he deserves has happened yet :( *

    *Sometimes MC looks at the window with dead eyes and gives ML the cold shoulder, sometimes she cries all night in a painful way, and sometimes she throws tantrums at ML.

    *They find the missing brooch, which is a magic tool that records like a camera, and when they saw the recordings, they were moments of the Duke hitting, violence and threatening the MC at different times.
    Back to ML crying and feeling sorry to her ...Blah blah blah.

    *Jane the maid's Mary daughter, gives the MC a letter that her mother wrote before her death. She tells about how she loves her, was a reason for her happiness, and why she was named her Lillian Lu, and that she loved the rain. Because of that she cried all night.

    *The magician, the Duke assistants, who cast a spell on the tower and MC is the son of a princess from the other country. The brainwashing of the Duke was due to his desire to destroy the empire.

    *Kenna "The Queen" asked for divorce, so ML divorced her, He offered her a large sum as alimony, instead she asked for a title for her lover.

    The main reason for my hatred of ML is because he is too weak to confront the Duke, So he inflicts revenge on an innocent person weaker than him. :blobangery::blobangery::blobangery:

    all the males in this novel are TRASH.

    P.S My mother tongue is not English so you may find some mistakes.:blobdizzy:

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
    JLcL, Glutton idiot, Lignin and 140 others like this.
  20. Tahi

    Tahi Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    ML seriously!!! All you can do now is to cry and say sorry!!!!
    In the past you only made MC suffer more and now cry! Just suffer and die..... Die without peace and love, all alone.
    Thanks @Victo.gg for spoilers
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020