Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    " The second child of the Flynn family who has received young lady Orsena’s sponsorship will soon become the merchant guild leader. "

    Will young lady Karin Orsena be the first villanese of the hunter arc ?

    “The reason I came to see Duke Deruth, no. I’ll be honest. There is only one reason I came to the Henituse Duchy.”

    The look in his eyes was probably the look that someone would have after having had to suppress their wrath for a while. The fake Hilsman’s eyes were giving off a vicious glow. He spoke to Cale almost in a whisper.

    “The funds to resist the Flynn Merchant Guild. A household to go up against the Orsena Duchy. The Henituse Duchy is the only place that meets both conditions right now.”

    I feel that Fake Hilsmen has some grudge against Duke Deruth ? Do you think it has something to do with Cale s, mother and Duchess Violan with Duke Deruth in the middle of it ? Or is it some other mystery all together that the author has yet to reveal?

    “A portion of the Thames bloodline receives one of three kinds of responsibilities each generation. This is what we call those three kinds of people.”


    “Someone who researches time.”


    “Someone who guards the family.”


    “Someone who hunts the Hunters.”

    Cale has abilities related to time like instant and record .Also the whole TCF storyline could not have taken place without a regression of time .So hints of being a researcher of time check .

    Cale also is someone who believes in protecting his family .In fact that is the basis of entire life philosophy and also the basis of all his actions ,be it in his past life as Kim Rok Soo or his life as Cale Heintuse.

    Cale is has now made up his mind to start hunting the hunters as of the latest chapter.Because they threaten his family ,especially Choi Han.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
  2. Xiao_faye

    Xiao_faye Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Nah, I don’t think Fake Hilsman has grudge against Deruth. In the first place, Drew’s death was implied to be her own choice, and Deruth himself was devastated after her death, so he leaned all his affections and energy to their son. I think in Fake Hilsman’s case, it’s more like he and their whole family decided not to show their faces to any outsider (since it’s known their family had already vanished even before Deruth and Drew married) unless completely necessary—like this case, since hunters had started to show themselves again. FK was even impressed at Duchess Violan when he met her, and didn’t exactly showed any hostility.

    Also, I think Drew is part of those researching the time team due to her AP completely compatible with that. And I think FK is part either the second or third group. Just a hunch tho. XD
  3. Jackham

    Jackham Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    It kinda feels like Drew was bait to see if their was any hunters left, similar as how KRS was used as bait but this time hunter didn't bite or try to use her as bait
  4. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    We already have a female hunter.... It's still not sure if she know or it's just Billos 2nd brother who knows or possible both are manipulate:confusedcatblob:

    One thing I'm sure Cale will have a chain in the Orsena Family that they can't escape and you never Cale might win her over :blobowoevil:(as long she not one those crazy ones:blobexpressionless:) and Cale won't show mercy (they didn't after what they did to Cale in the past:blobangery:) to the hunters or any if cross the line ....:blobowoevil:

    I don't think so.... It's seems like the hunters and the Thames Family had a battle to death to get rid of the other...:blobconfused:

    It's possible both side survive with huge damages, the hunters left BoaH hide in other dimensions while hunting their preys to become strong:blobfearful: while for some reason the Thames family decided to hide them selfs and their whole family history to world while strengthening them incase the hunters returns:cookie:

    I think in the 1st time they never return to BoaH because WS successful in his plans or became minos?! but in the present because of Cale's interference that WS was losing and for some reason they can't let happen.....:hmm:

    I still feel that the one who told WS about another earth attribute AP was hunter was keeping an eye on things, seeing that WS could fail due to Cale that hunter had do something and the fact Cale had the Thames blood that got me worried.... That might be also the reason they came back!
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  5. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Insert sofia the first’s theme song intro-
    I was a man reading novel on my own,alright
    Then I became Cale Henituse overnight
    Now everything goes for my slacker life
    Can’t wait to farm and sleep~

    Down in the villa with my scary family
    A hyung-nim who promised will ensure my dream
    A quiteandrich slacker life is waiting for me~
    I am so excited to be
    [​IMG]Cale Henituse the trash

    Something I thought of when I first read TCF… somehow I was reminded of it for no reason
    Anyways… It’s probably because I don’t think his slacker life is anywhere near (because of Clopeh)

    ,This message was sent by reader Dojka48 on Eatapples and it actaully makes you crack Lmaao
  6. Cahe910

    Cahe910 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Cale Henituse the trash

    ((Trash of the count's family)):blobpopcorn_cool:

    Such good title for his enemies as well as cool one for us readers
    Reverand Insanity likes this.
  7. Din_and_14 others

    Din_and_14 others Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2021
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    I'm sad CJG's time with KRS is sooo short. I think a little more time will make CJG join the worship God Cale brigade :blobReach:

    The build up for this Hunter arc is so hype! Usually, a novel with 700+ chapters start to become redundant which makes introducing new arcs and revelations lackluster. But not TCF:blobnosebleed: it's not boring at all.

    And to think that we're still exploring the psyche of Cale Henituse/KRS in chapter 730 is what makes him so complex. Read:
    What more can I say, just let me isekai as Clopeh so I can worship Cale more:blobhero:
    Thank you angie_sash for the spoiler:blobxd:
    Ardna, lomenais, CaleFan 24 and 13 others like this.
  8. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Info Dump in TCF :
    -introducing new things for the readers to chew on. Readers be like: :aww::aww::aww:

    -incomplete information in which the other half is to be expected to appear about hundred of chapters later. Readers be like: :blob_plusone::blob_plusone::blob_plusone:

    -instead of providing answers, readers will add new more questions on their long lists of how, why, what??? Readers are now, either like this:confusedcatblob::confusedcatblob::confusedcatblob: or like this :blobflag::blobflag::derpyblob:

    Don't mind me, I was just describing myself while re-reading today's chapter summary.

    Don't worry @angie_sash , you are not the only one that is not sane. :blobnom: Thank you for sharing the end of the thriller adventure of Cale Henituse in Yellow Test with a bit of challenge cause MTL gets a little bit crazy more than it should.
    Am_elf, GoldenTiger0, Ariary and 7 others like this.
  9. MiraJane

    MiraJane Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    I want others to see and know how much KRS treasures org. LSH and CJS. I want them to see this side of KRS/Cale.

    So LSH was a good actor i see... It would be funny to see Cale teasing LSH and CJS about the past through cintamini when he gets back.

    But Cale never mentioned his parent's grave or anything. I wonder how his relation was with his(KRS's) parents.

    This was kind of cool. I am really looking forward to this new arc about red blood Thames and hunter and all.
    I wonder who White blood refers too..? Alberu is gonna be assigned with new work, i see
    It would be funny if Clopeh's family was white blood since their family has white hair and their snake like nature is compatible with the word 'fled'.

    And will this 'fake hilsman' guy will be a new team member...? He seems fun so I want him, vampire Duke, Count blank knight lady (forgot their name) and Alberu to join Cale in the journey/adventure/fight. It would be fun but it's very unlikely cuz they must be busy with their Kingdom's work.

    Cale is really COOL!! I love his strong mentality sooo much!!! He immediately left the yellow test even though he might have wanted to see more and talk more with LSH and CJS. And how he doesn't forget rather treats all the failures all the same but also doesn't hold himself back cuz of these failures, is really cool of him. My fictional bf is the coolest I LOVE HIM SOooooo MUCH!!!!!!:cry::bloblove:

    So I think Cale will end this double humiliation in a zippy and goes to end WS hohoho!! And Clopeh will follow him shortly, takes out the video recording device and record it and start the legend *sigh*
    Others might take longer time in this test.

    World tree and author's future narration part said that Cale's gonna get stronger after stabbing himself. Does his glass like plate becomes stronger or ....? I'm excited to see stronger Cale.
    Plus he might get WS's full set of AP and adult Drew kyaaaa!!!

    Will the fake hilsman (who I'm guessing is Drew's brother) get to have a conversation with Drew?
    And it will be fun if Cale's new info about Hunter is more than the info the fake hilsman. I want him so be shocked and admire Cale lol. (not like Clopeh tho)

    Everyone outside must be confused to see Cale who has been longest in yellow test to straight out skip to Purple lol. And it would be more funny if the colour is darker in Cale's test cuz of double affect.

    And Raon feeling the AP's aura. I wonder if has anything to do with his 'Present' nature.

    Thank you Angie-san for the summary. <3
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  10. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    I agree every reveal always end up with new questions to answer:blob_coffee: makes your mind wonder just like Cale dealing his problems:blobnom:

    And that is why even if Cale's journey is a long one (sorry Cale but I think your slacker dream will on hold till your retirement:blobsweat:) we don't get bored at all:blobhug:

    The twist and turns that author-nim is unexpected and fresh:blobicecreamlove: I hope I. Hunters arc we get see some old face reappearing again:blobtaco:
    Am_elf, Uncopyright, Cahe910 and 4 others like this.
  11. MiraJane

    MiraJane Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    I wonder if back then too they used to actually hunt the single lifers or if the motto was different. Having the new idea to kill single lifers might have separated the hunter family and ended up having Red blood hunting hunters instead.

    I wonder who White blood refers too..? Alberu is gonna be assigned with new work, I see.

    It would be funny if Clopeh was white blood since their family has white hair and their snake like nature is compatible with the word 'fled'.
    GoldenTiger0, Ariary, Akawain and 2 others like this.
  12. K3I

    K3I Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    I wonder what the colour of blood means... Does it symbolize a sort of power type?
    Also, I remember that someone on discord related the five hunter families to the five tests of the SG's temple.
    If so, what would red and white be? Maybe red would be despair? The missing family of despair?
  13. ThirdVia

    ThirdVia Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2021
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    Oohh... that is interesting theory... since both red and white were not in the original tests. Which family of hunters they pursue after this? The one with the orsenas??
  14. sanda888

    sanda888 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Thinking about red blood ability of the ancient White Star, the red blood family may be the Crossman household. One more reason for Cale to speak with Zed Crossman the King.
    And king's successor... Could it be the God of Despair is planning his sweet retirement, so he's looking for a scapegoat who would take over his karma and be sealed in his place? :hmm: Just like the WS hinted before that he was looking for someone who would be a dragon slayer in his place. I guess he was planning to push his curse to the next unlucky guy with a 'karma transfer'.

    I doubt the God of Despair would be able to recreate abilities of CJG and we learned previously that the god became more powerful, so maybe manipulating the time is possible now. And Raon could feel things through cintamani because his attribute makes him sensitive to time manipulation. Maybe we will get a little time traveling dragon in the future, lol.
    Ardna, GoldenTiger0, Akawain and 3 others like this.