Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Chazza

    Chazza Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    Oh noo I'm going to miss the crazy Cjg!! I have more questions now it's frustrating but I love it
  2. Sgt Clonehunter

    Sgt Clonehunter Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    Cant wait to see what happens next!
  3. auramare

    auramare Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2019
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    I thought the 'white blood' was thames family, the family that betrayed the hunters. As for 'red blood', I don't know whose family it is. Why do I say this? Because CJG asked Cale to look for 'red blood' :) If indeed Thames is a 'red blood' family, there's no way CJG would have Cale look for 'red blood'. So in conclusion the Thames family is 'white blood'. And Cale was told by CJG to find the 'red blood' family
    sanda888, G5life, MiraJane and 2 others like this.
  4. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    I agree but the question should be why did the "Red Blood" disappeared:confusedcatblob: is the hunter clans looking for them:confusedcatblob: if so those it mean they are an important clan:confusedcatblob: are they an enemy or an ally to Cale:confusedcatblob: and by some strange occurrence is Cale's BoaH identity somehow connected to them:confusedcatblob::confusedcatblob::confusedcatblob::sweating_profusely:

    Hope we get to know the answers to our questions soon.......:blobsalt: I feel like some answers will come from Fake Hilsman and from King Zed the disappearance of the Thames Family is a clue..... also we some answers on why did King suddenly become cold to his first born son!:blob_catflip: (its still bugging me)
    G5life and kurohamukami like this.
  5. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Some crack theory of mine:
    -The colors representing the test were also the other 5 hunter family that remains until now.
    -Then the red blood family which should be extinct is the family wherein SG comes from that is why his power when he goes all out with the scythe is also color red.
    -The red blood family that goes extinct is where the successor of the king will come from that is why CJG asked Cale to find them.

    Again don't mind me, I was just thinking random things such as why didn't the author straight up used the rainbow colors since it was originally like the seven families, seven colors, seven deadly sins. :hmm::confusedcatblob::blobflag::blobjoy:
  6. G5life

    G5life Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2021
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    Well, your theory is the one that makes the most sense.
    I also believe that the red bloodline may be the SG's family. And the successor thing reminds me of what WS is doing, to inherit power. He also commented something that the original WS had a secret, maybe it was his bloodline.

    Also CJG lived at the time when WS was defeated and has a deep hatred of hunters, maybe it's something related to that, also there may be more reasons for having founded the village of DS.

    Maybe apart from Zed Crossman, Sheritt might know something
  7. Yourmissy

    Yourmissy Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2020
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    I wonder what reaction will Duke Deruth Henituse have when Cale ask him about the Thames family. Remember, when fake Hilsman said that he can't tell Cale who he was and he should ask Deruth instead. Does this mean that Deruth know about the Thames Family? And if he do knows, will he tell Cale the truth or hide it to 'protect' him?
    GoldenTiger0 and G5life like this.
  8. ataraxia_

    ataraxia_ New Member

    May 22, 2021
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    imagine Raon and the others who are not in the test seeing how Cale's sphere was only green for a few seconds. surely Raon would presume that 'his human' never fails and that is why he could not do the failure test lmao.
    if in reality Cale's boredom test was not an illusion if not the past makes much more sense than he thought, it was mentioned that the God had become stronger than before, Cale has no memories of that moment since they are blurred and Raon, who has the power of the 'present' is the only one who feels the powers that Cale uses. Everything indicates that it is not a simple illusion.
    I am very curious about what will happen in the 'anger' test, I feel that in that test he will have a direct conversation with the god full of threats to his family / friends or something like that. Knowing Cale he will solve it but I don't think it's that simple, something hidden has to be

    [ sorry for my English :D ]

    I think Deruth will tell him. Cale has already shown his capacity and efficiency, Deruth knows that he is reliable and that if he asks him it is for something.
  9. Jackham

    Jackham Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    I feel like the white family is Cophel family because of the white snake.

    I know it's a long jump with barely any info but his family has betrayed the ancient water AP/ the child of God, they also betrayed the alliance and arm.

    So I think when the hunter families were on the verge of losing they betrayed them and went into hiding like they went into the north to start a family under a new name and like thames that inherits a power from generation to generation (search time/guard family/hunt hunters) they too inherited a "traits" from their ancestors which is to betray you allies and join the winning side

    That would also explain why they were partners with Arms instead of the others country in the north (this lies in the fact that I still believe that the WS was manipulated by the hunters to bring chaos so that it's easier to find tribulator that are still growing) because the hunters needed something from the white family to find/create the "ruler" (just my guess/opinion)
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  10. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    If it is really time travel Well that means Jung Yi Rang and CJG have become Cale fans!!
    Jung YI Rang peeked at Cale and also caused his hunter partner to become RIP :blobpeek:
    He scammed CJG and showed the path of Caleism (No more making people baits CJG:blobpoliceangry:)
    He is now also the reason why LHS got the sword ability in the first place.
    Also Cale mentions the name of his character and the name of the book CJG wrote in the future to past CJG ,does that mean cale is responsible for giving CJG the name The Birth of the Hero !!"
    He also gave him inspiration to write the book in the first place and also told him which person to transmigrate him to !! Then who was person who came up with idea of the name Birth of a Hero ?
    Cale or CJG !!
    What a time loop:blobdizzy:

    However does this also mean SG is capable of creating new realities like Kang the conqueror from marvel movies and comics ?

    Because he essentially created a reality where Cale did not exist ,or did he just search for a reality within the multiverse where Cale did not exist??

    Also there is one thing that dissproves the alternate reality theory of the illusions ,When Cale attempted to use LHS s, Embrace ability in the TBOAH test when he was ghost it was not able to embrace anything.You are clearly allowed to use abilities during a test ,and he himself said that if nothing was embraced then the reality he was seeing was just an illusion.

    I do agree that it seems that it is more than an illusion but if every test was a different reality or if it was timetravel don t, you think it would become an extremely complicated mess for something as simple as a test.

    Though I do agree for a god at the level of SG such a thing would be a mere child s, play for him.
    The test physically transports you to the past where you actually relive the crisis you faced either change it or get over it.
    But would n t, that cause to many butterfly effects on the present it would be far too complicated !! Paralell universes sounds more probable
    ,but that means there are infinite parallel universes of both the same kind and different kind .Does that mean what Cale and his gang have essential done is create the TBOAH multiverse !!!

    Also I think Sealed God is the successor of the King who the five families are protecting .
    Makes sense since CJG was the one who told GoD to send Cale over to TBOaH world and wrote the book The Birth of a Hero.

    Could the King mean the king of the gods or the king of single lifers/tribulators or king of divine race.

    Hunters are defianetly related to the demonic race.

    Also if this is the power of Sealed God of Despair how would he be in his unsealed form:blobfearful:
    I cannot imagine !!
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
    reader_O8 and kurohamukami like this.
  11. sanda888

    sanda888 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I think the only real time travel was Cale's yellow test and the reason would be CJG who uses the power of the God of Death. SG was not able to create a fake character of someone with powers of a different god, so he simply sent Cale to the past. That's how I see it at least.
    GoldenTiger0, reader_O8 and K3I like this.
  12. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    But it was mentioned by God of Death to Choi Han during Sealed God Test arc that the Sealed GoD was unable to turn back time but could push his way into another dimension ,would n t, that mean he was sent to a parallel universe ?
  13. sanda888

    sanda888 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    That was when SG was weak and previous red test claimed SG is much stronger now, so maybe the 'no time travel' rule is no longer valid.
  14. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Time travel theory makes sense if that is true ,and if that is true that means what SG essentially did was just dig his own grave and , was responsible for bringing Cale over to the TBOAH world to sabotage his plans in the first place:blobjoy:.

    SG is such Grave digger :blobpopcorn: digs his own grave while doing anything.
    GoldenTiger0 and sanda888 like this.
  15. Cahe910

    Cahe910 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Thank you angie:blob_plusone: