Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary!:blobangel:

    I was a right:notlikeblob: different race and even a dragon corpse:blob_catflip: :blobangery::blob_catflip:, they have cross-line way worst than WS, it makes WS past action mid-core compared to what the Huayans have done:blobangery:. Eurabine is already in a foul mood because of what happened to Appe but he hears this news.....:sweating_profusely: So that's why they need a perfect host to have complete control of the undead and Marry is their main target:blobcat_rawr:, they really have a huge death wish and it is about to be granted!

    As much as I want them burned..... Cale decision to give the decease an honorable death (even if they seem soulless:blobcry:) it's not a bad one by getting rid of dead mana:blob_teary:, he can just burn them but it feels sad and they haven't fully escape the Huayans family, by getting rid of their connection to the Huayans control they can really feel free.... And now change of plans it's time to break the connection with the Host, Emperor is next soon you will meet your fate at the hands of the Great One:blobspearpeek: compare to the previous King Cale kidnap before his I'm guessing will be a painful and cruel one:blobtorch:

    On another note Cale's smile is getting scarier and scarier to his enemies, I love how seven instinct told him not to mess with Cale or his death:blob_grin:, talk about a killer smile:sweating_profusely:, on the part of Hunter's family competing and some do get along..... I feel like the Red and White get along very well with each other it might also be the reason why the other betrayed the hunter family because the other family was in danger:hmm::confusedcatblob:, I hope we get some surprising twist when the head of Huayans Family sees Cale without a mask (I so love Cale's unmasking with a smile, feels like Cale was the main villain revealing himself with a sinners smile that will destruction... well to his enemies at least:blobsweat:)
  2. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    My God, when they mentioned 400 years, it shows that this is not an easy job
    Is it possible or is it a fact that the family of hunters has some kind of relationship with the first white star and all that dead mana that we saw on the island of the wind has been one of the purposes to get karma!
    I wonder if we will have a story about the past of the first WS and the hunters?
  3. jashanpreet kaur

    jashanpreet kaur Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    2 loopholes I really feel in TOTCF are:
    ■ Deruth could easily tell Cale was faking his death ( when he was in that enemy empire ) though Cale(KRS) had barely interacted with Deruth. Similarly , at the end of Plaza war Deruth was confident that Cale was pretending to faint .
    We all know Cale is a fantastic liar & he can easily fool everyone in public yet Deruth could discern the truth which shows Deruth is a extremely sharp person. My point is , how is it possible that Deruth couldn't tell all these years that original Cale was faking being trash or how he can't tell that this Cale isn't the previous one. I find it simply unbelieving.
    ■ When Cale was in the illusion world with 3 year old black dragon(Dodam) and CH how were Dodam and CH were able to talk to each other when they were arguing or when Cale was sleeping afterall , Dodam doen't know Korean while CH didn't know Roan language at that time. Remember how when CH eavesdropped on Cale and Dodam conversation how was he able to tell that Cale was talking about him living alone in the forest with Roan when he doesn't even even know Raon language. Cale even had to teach them language in the illusion world .Therefore, the previous scenario is a impossible situation.

    The thing though I find the most irritating about this novel is OriCale faking being trash because no one can pretend to do so for years especially since he was so young when he started acting trash for such a silly reason as for Basen to secure a safe position in Henituse family. I find it unbelievable as there are way better ways Cale could achieve that while living his own life.
    If the original Cale had to be mentioned trash by the author if the scenario was : Original Cale was actually trash but when the war in Heniteuse territory destroyed everything and his family died he reflected on himself and stopped beingg trash . While for the next around 20 years ( till he died at 40) he discovered an developed his leadership and team qualities ( the reason originalCale was able to replace KRS in his original world without arousing suspicions regarding from his peers).
    naomi120 likes this.
  4. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary!:blobangel:

    Cale is a natural-born strategist, I don't think it is just out of experience:blobthinkingsmirk:, his quick to adapt and change plans depending on the situation.... also using psychological warfare on them really gives Cale more advantage:blobsmirk:

    I hope all goes according to Cale's plan and that both the Huayans and the Emperor will truly end up in a chaotic craze of the unknown enemy that is one set ahead of them that already knows all their dark secrets:blob_coffee::blobspearpeek:, I also hope that Olivia's emotional outburst really miss lead the Emperor... but I think he will be too busy thinking about the explosion.

    I hope by Monday Cale plans are set in motion, especially his kidnapping plan,.... everything will be in a blaze:blobbunny:
    Uncopyright and naomi120 like this.
  5. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel:

    Not much to say in this chapter but......
    The Blazing Festival/Kidnapping Case is about to start:blob_grin:, but I hope won't take too long to get to the climax:sweating_profusely: I feel today's chapter is a bit too short..... I hope Zero doesn't anything to ruin Cale's plan, I am okay with him going crazy on them so long as it won't affect Cale's plan:blobsmirk:

    I hope by Wednesday they start sparking flames and blow things up:blobpeek:
    naomi120, Uncopyright and Agavadon like this.
  6. Calbeery

    Calbeery Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Looks like the temporary main villain is Redok...
    I mean, it's the same as when fighting Adin, there a few villains; the Lich, Alchemist tower master, Dorph, Sayeru- before WS appeared the 'main' villain was Adin right?

    Just think about it-
    CaleFan 24 and Reverand Insanity like this.
  7. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel:

    Finally, the sparkling blaze has begun:blob_grin: a cliffhanger but a huge explosion with unstoppable wrath:blobsmirk:

    So Redok also has his countermeasure but sadly he lacks one key piece of information the Great One, if he confirmed Cale's very existence he might have changed his plan a bit.... too bad it still won't go:blobspearpeek:

    I love how Olivia just leisurely came upfront with all the chaos and introduce Cale, can't wait to see everyone's reaction when Cale's fully reveals himself:blobjoy:, and the then huge explosion in the Imperial Palace is already 100% destroyed:blobjoy: Aja! Eruhaben-nim does not hold back release your rage and wrath let all feel the Dragons wrath and destruction:blob_pompom:

    I hope by Friday things are still alright but I do worry about those elite hunters, I'm Redok calling for their back:sweating_profusely:, in this case, will the overprotective parents:blob_grin:..... G-cheapskate and GoP will end up intervening:blobthinkingsmirk:
    Agavadon and CaleFan 24 like this.
  8. CaleFan 24

    CaleFan 24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2020
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    Can you imagine how even more OP Cale's team would've been if they replaced the vampire with saint Jack
  9. Calbeery

    Calbeery Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Just imagine that Cale with his ancient power and Jack with his divine power attacked the Empire together- DAMN THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOOO COOL!!

    But if that happened, then the plans would change and the story wouldn't go like this
    With Jack's presence, the chances of them getting caught will be greater, the risks and operations will be harder...

    Hey, we have Cale. Pfft, with him, maybe we can find a solution?

    (Just, just imagine the scene of Cale and Jack attacking the Empire- or purifying the dead mana together... I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faint *need fanart intake right now *oh and some fanfic too)
  10. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    come on Grandpa - Goldie, I hope Euhaben and Cale make the truth about the Huayans known
    where is our CH and Sui??
    Ashuu likes this.
  11. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary!:blobangel:

    :blobspearpeek: Redok is too confident, I think he thinks that everything is under control and the palace is a minor set back but his Jiangshi is safe, still all things under control... sound familiar to a certain someone that ends up defeated and dead.... hope he keeps that mindset so his loss would be shocking for him....

    :blob_pompom: It's a good thing Cale forces Goldie gramps to finish the jar or his rampage will be limited due to his health... right now he is unleashing his younger punk self and wrath all-out rampage! While following Cale's mindset:blobjoy:

    :blob_grin: Appe got lucky with her first lesson from Goldie gramps, how to rampage with grace while scamming and irritating your enemies where it hurts most:blobjoy:, Cale influence is getting strong, Appe will sure end up as a wise-cracking vicious dragon...

    :blobrofl: Cale finally admitted he is the "Great One":blobjoy:, even if Cale leaves his actions and name will forever be engraved in history, and his undying worshipper's followers will live on spreading his legacy:blobjoy:

    :blobsmirk: Speaking of GoD I wonder if he and GoP, GoFP, and CSJ are watching this from a big screen like in the movie with food and drinks as they cheer on Cale:blobjoy:
  12. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    I love the interaction between Cale and Eruhaben
    I hope that our grandfather Eruhaben can get all the anger out of him against the hunters
    - I'm very curious about what will be the power that Redok has
    hehehehe we are all happy that cale recognizes his work, while Cale himself hates that someone recognizes him
    where is Sui?
    Cale destroying everything!
  13. jashanpreet kaur

    jashanpreet kaur Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    Friendly neighborhood Cale.
  14. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary!:blobangel:

    Finally Cale will release all his anger and frustration to what the hunters did in Roan:blobspearpeek: I hope Cale will use both BDR/DA on Redok to squeeze out any information on the hunters.... but still its not over yet, I might worried on that explosion, I hope thats part of Cale's plan:sweating_profusely:

    But on the other hand Cale's greatness was spectacular:blobjoy::blobrofl: he most really annoyed inside with everyone bowing down him with the highest respect:blobjoy:, I wonder if anyone is recording this:aww: it would be nice to let everyone in BoaH see such scene happening it just once in a life time that Cale will not denied his greatness:blobjoy::blobjoy:

    The kidnapping plan this time is far better than the pervious one given that the situation was different but how the kids creep in and kidnap the emperor leaving them damn founded, its already too late from them to do anything:blobsmirk: especially Raon that was a nice move:cookie:

    Hope this still goes well on Wednesday, I'm bit worried that Redok seems a bit calm....:hmm::sweating_profusely:

    PS. I just recall cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland always appearing showing his eyes first before revealing himself... what Raon did was almost the same...
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
  15. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    hahaha I hope Cale doesn't die of terror because they are praising him like a god
    I hope that Redok will give us a lot of information about the hunters and about the gods if he could...
    Cale you are already more famous than the gods themselves, that is not the way of a lazy!
    CaleFan 24 likes this.
  16. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary!:blobangel:

    As expected things won't go easy, Redok is really putting up... though the gang is used to it love CH badass speech that the snake was weaker:blob_grin: though its good practice for both CH and Mary:cookie:

    So the hunters (why do I feel that some of the reports came from Karin:hmm:) know Cale and have some reports on him but it seems that their report is incomplete (given Cale is unpredictable:blobsmirk:) for him to say that Cale was a good sacrifice:blob_catflip: Cale has alright to go rampaging on him but why did have a headache at 60%, please don't let Cale faint :blobsob:

    I hope Cale will finish it soon for his own safety and I hope what happens won't get leaked to the hunters yet:sweating_profusely:, I really hope that Cale will squeeze a lot of information Redok, especially how they communicate with each other.....
  17. Sansushira

    Sansushira Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Woah... Like what Cale say to WS back then...

    "never mess with my family and people"

    -you do it, pay the price-



    And just a few minutes I post my reply there are new chapter!!! Omooo... Im happy!!
  18. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    Are you confirming that Cale has already overcome his Human condition? So what is Cal? a saint? A demigod? That?
    What if the white light that those hunters have is divine power due to karma? ¡¡
  19. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel:

    Thank goodness Cale didn't faint:blobbunny: and is still OP as ever:blob_grin:, so now it's clear why Cale wasn't targeted by the Hunters when they went to BoaH and cause a lot of destruction :blobtriumph:(2x). They were so sure and proud of themselves and confident that Cale wasn't a threat to them, oh how wrong they were:blobsmirk: Redok is a good example:meowtihihi:, look how he lose miserably and Cale didn't even break a sweat:blob_grin:, it seems like the information they had on Cale is incomplete or what they saw was enough to report (I think they laze off it)....

    I love Redok's reaction when he realizes he can't beat Cale and his huge misunderstanding about Cale's power:blobjoy: by far all the misunderstanding Cale always encounter, this is one of the best:blobjoy::blobrofl:, Cale is really scared Redok and a madman:blobjoy: yeah Cale does act like one his extremely angry:blob_grin:

    But some of the things Redok said to Cale could be a possible foreshadowing:aww:, it's not clear yet how the Calkeba affects Cale and his AP more OPness:cookie:, there is also the Balance:confusedcatblob:.... GoB....:hmm:

    Cant wait for Monday to see how will Cale deal with Redok's "purification" as well as the other hunters:blob_grin:
  20. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    Guys I'm new to this fandom and manwha. I've decided to read it after seeing an Edit. But can someone spoil me first about Cale's biological mother? Did Cale's father loved her and also In the comment section people were saying that he married way too fast after his first wife died, so what's about it? Was there a reason and what is the father's equation with his second wife.

    If it's already spoiled somewhere here, you can link me to that. I'm unable to find it on TOC. :unsure: