Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Sansushira

    Sansushira Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Why I feel like.. Xiaolen World cant even pay Cale.. Hahha :blobjoy::blobjoy:

    And.. Dnt tell me that The Holy Maiden for Blood Sect is 2nd Daughter of Orsena?? Really? :blobfrowning:

    And again.. Wtf happen to zed.. O ma brain :blobdizzy:

    Poor Alberu, I thot we will be know about Zed when Xiaolen issues finished but.. O ma brain :blobdizzy::blobdizzy:
  2. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel: and chatroom message:blob_grin:

    I agree with the theory, GoD wont lose his godly dignity in front of Cale or to anyone except for his seniors:blobjoy: GoB, GoP & GoJ (I guess he's also a senior:confusedcatblob:), I'm guessing his busy work was dealing with his 3 uninvited guests seeing Cale's wonderful performance they have their concerns on the matter.... hope author-nim considers making another side story about this make me curious:hmm: though I impress GoD stop before he could cruse Cale that one great control even under stress:cookie:

    Also, the only people that would cheer on Cale's work performance are LHS & CJS and that GoD was really helping gain a lot more profit:blob_grin:, their chatroom talk was interesting Xiaolen generous though I feel it was a bit scammed by Cale but they can't argue at his work performance speak for himself also Xiaolen gets to get rid of some contaminated magic stones.... all in all the negotiations went well win win both sides:blobtaco:

    I like how Cale can still visit a previous world thanks to the blood cult that the device will definitely be useful, Appe can visit Roan get her dragons lessons from Eruhaben, Lord Sheritt, and Mila also Hana in terms of her using both dead mana and aura (both are alike in that aspect):aww: I know Cale is freaking out with his Return Celebration but Dusk is coming with him and he said about his videos makes me wonder if he will end up bring Cale's videos in Roan:blobjoy:

    If you think about it in Part 1 all the times Cale ends up being video (his most painful times getting really hurt:blob_teary:) always end up being seen by others, especially his Caleba, it is possible Dust might end up having a copy of that video and will leak in Roan:blobjoy:, I don't think GoFP just told Dust to go with Cale with any reasons.... Wednesday is going to be a fun day for Cale:blobjoy: :blobjoy:
  3. Ardna

    Ardna [Avid slacker]

    Jun 4, 2019
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    The theory is more than valid :blobrofl:

    I'm quite curious what the additional rewards will be, especially since they are considered to be equal to numerous mines.

    Oh my god, we're getting Clopeh.v2 permamently:blobjoy: They will just make each other more feverish.

    Hear me out, Dusk will cofund the Cale's Museum and provide proper material showing his godhood.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
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  4. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    I hope Dust doesn't meet Clopeh if they do meet, both will have a wonderful time chatting about Cale:blobjoy: with Dodori & Raon they might finally start the long-awaited book they were planning to make:blobjoy: Cale will have a headache

    I feel like there will be one representative of each world Cale will visit and will become a historian in Roan as the people who have recorded all his legendary journeys :blobjoy: will place in the Henituse Museum:blobrofl: but not for the public eye only a select few to know:blobspy:... or their might also be other Museum or temple structure dedicated for Cale's achievements in the worlds he visited:blobrofl:
    sanda888 and Ardna like this.
  5. yukihibari

    yukihibari A Silent Reader

    Jun 21, 2020
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    I could imagine Appe would tell Cale that she'll come right away if someday Cale needs her help. It was sad that she couldn't come with Cale and co because her existence is necessary for Xiaolen. Must be sad for her to be the sole remaining dragon in that world.

    That makes me wonder, if dragon was born from egg (well, they're not suddenly appeared out of nowhere) then Appe probably wanting to be a mom someday, I'm still curious whether dragons need to mate to have a child or a dragon in tcf is able to have a child alone (or something like insemination through magic perhaps?) Because it haven't even mentioned when Cale was looking for Raon’s parents.
    Rottenwomen likes this.
  6. Ardna

    Ardna [Avid slacker]

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Holy shit, I can see that coming :blobhyperthink: There would be temple, definitely temple for The Hero Who Will Never Be Seen In The World Again because he is too scared of his infinite glory to come back and show himself :blobrofl:

    Well Cale has unimaginable fortune and a huge castle now, he surely can accommodate one or ten additional Clopehs followers.

    I hope Dust will meet Clopeh, I want to see the chaos :blobpopcorn::blobtorch:
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
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  7. Blablahaha

    Blablahaha Active Member

    Oct 10, 2020
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    Xiaolen arc is ending so soon :blob_teary::blob_teary: I was hoping to see Cale purifying other nations too cuz if I remember correctly this arc was about just 1 empire, and saving 1 empire = saving the world is kind of a shortcut.
    Meanwhile his own world takes the whole part 1 to finish the conflict :blobpensive:
  8. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel:

    I love this chapter:blobjoy::blobrofl:

    :blobjoy: Cale panicked and paled for his farewell party, another health misunderstanding:blobrofl: and Olivia won't take no for answer she was right best to tell Cale until the party starts he can't escape:blobjoy:

    :aww: Olivia gives Cale a scolding on how he should properly enjoy his life with all his money and power:facepalm:, everyone will agree with her on this (total workaholic:blobexpressionless:)

    :blob_coffee: I feel Dusk will end up as the second coming of Clepoh:blobsweat_2:

    :cookie: Of all the divine items GoPF is by far the most strange:confusedcatblob: one but how it looks it how it works at least the Jiangshi problem is solved and they be in peace:blobrose:

    :blob_grin: Didn't expect GoFP would want to speak to Cale, honestly, I like to see GoPF as a cute red fox than a puppy:blobsweat:, though I'm surprised to know that GoFp is in hiding (I wonder who he is hiding from and what he do:confusedcatblob:) author-nim side stories, please:aww:, I also hope Cale will get a change to talk to GoP but if this trend continues Cale will end up talking to all the GODs:blob_grin:

    I hope on Friday Cale and GoFP get to talk more and GoPF might give some important info to Cale also I wonder if he will give Cale another divine item:confusedcatblob: and how will Cale escape his farewell party but I am sure they won't let him:blobjoy:

    Cale has a lot of worlds to go to so he cants stay too long, his already in a tight schedule with his next trip to mirum, and from the time in Part 1 he could never catch a break even though he want to with all the chaos:sweating_profusely: it good thing his having a proper break now...

    Part 1 has a lot to twist so it took a long time and the fact that we thought that the mastermind was.... next thing you know it wasn't just a puppet till the very end we still not clear who was the true mastermind in BoaH (yes its the hunters but which family and who is the person in charge or there are also others involved:confusedcatblob:)
    naomi120 and G5life like this.
  9. jashanpreet kaur

    jashanpreet kaur Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    I think the two languages are different as when KRS had just trangmigrated he could read the amount written on cheque .The following is copied from novel translation :
    the amount listed on the cheque.

    '10 million gallon.'

    It is about equivalent to 10 million".
    KRS was definately able to read the amount on cheque .
    Or are you saying this world' s mode of speaking and writing numericals is same but writing Korean is diff. I don't think that's the case. I am sure these two languages are completely two different languages as :
    Ch 720
    "dragon said that he (CH) was too strong for that guy (Cale). CH wondered what the dragon was talking about, and he turned to Cale."
    CH wondered I.e. he didn't understand what Cale And Dodam was talking about and then:
    " CH also paused and wondered how the two were able to talk because the language he spoke was Korean" CH wouldn't be confused here if Cale and Dodam were talking in Korean.

    Yet , just a few minutes later CH could understand Cale and Dodam conversation in Raon language.
    This is why CH 720 is so contradictory.
    I think there was a line in novel where it says KRS was able to speak this world's language naturally as soon as he transmigrated and he could even read it ( he was able to read the list of description of novels given to him by Deruth for King,s birthday) though he did not inherit Cale 's memories.( He never learned how to read or write Raon language but was immediately able to do so[ read noble' s list] or [the shop's title like that of Billo's shop ons the very day he trangmigrated ( Fragrance tea shop I guess?)]
    Don't get me wrong , TOCF is my favorite Korean novel but I mentioned these contradictions ( at least I feel them to be so) because unlike other majority of Korean novel I have read so far(easily more than 50) this novel continues logically on its plot line and even the slightest references in the beginning of novel later reveals how much actually imp those few lines were and they were foreshadowing the plot( like the reason Cale didn't like people showing pity towards orphans ,or why Cale says " It's not like there is a friend I had die for in my previous world" in ch 2....This novel has excellent reasons behind Cale's brilliant leadership qualities , his reason to dislike rain , for cherishing money , his exceptional memory ,trangmigration , and so on.
    Many other Korean novels I have read have many loopholes or simply idiotic reason behind MC actions and novel prolonged plot always feels forced. TOCF has none of these trashy qualities that is why a few such such contradictory lines in the plot feels like irksome to me.
    Maybe , you are right that they speak same language( Korean/ Raon) as in CH 705 when Cale was ghost his people and people in parallel world were easily able to communicate through cintamani.
    I mean all this is just confusing. No offense to whoever.

    Maybe your viewpoint is right but then that shows Deruth either respected orgCale choice of action too much to keep quiet about him( acting trash) as acting trashy for so long definately isn't healthy for one's inner wellbeing hence , no father would let his son do so as no father would like that his son is surrounded by people who dislikes/ fears his son OR Deruth simply didn't care about Cale to not stop orgCale actions even after seeing through his act.
    And if your first assumption is correct then he would not say to Cale to go to capital party as that infers among noble's that he still can be a heir of Henituse territory ( Cale represented Heniteuse in the king's birthday which is usually only done by the heir)which damages his years of trash act result . If Deruth knew the truth why did he not silently cooperate with Cale like he did all these years?
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2022
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  10. Jojo2001

    Jojo2001 Member

    Nov 17, 2022
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    Who is olivia? Why is she hated by the Fandom? I read the chapters and I still don't get why they hate her?
  11. DarkeAOU

    DarkeAOU Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Where do you see people hating Olivia? (Did not realize she was relevant enough to have haters.)

    Olivia is one of the princesses from Xiaolen, the one who won the heir selection, meaning she'll be the next monarch. She's not a bad person (I like her better than the church people); she reads a lot like someone who will be a distantly minor character in the future. Competent, but not particularly strong.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022
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  12. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel:

    This chapter has a lot of possible foreshadowing but it is clear Cale will end up getting more involved with other GODs he likes it or not:sweating_profusely: and GoB is one serious and vicious:blobnom: I hope author-nim will give us a side story of behind the scenes of the other GODs while Cale is dealing with the hunters I sure it a huge impact since GoB is too active:sweating_profusely:

    GoP and GoFP are the same as before (cheapskate and super rock) and still protective of Cale, and Cale's supporters (but soon or later the other GOD will end up supporting Cale:blob_grin:) I like that they made a gift made from both for Cale as a protection charm:blob_pompom:

    I love Cale, in the end, was 2 types of audiences to see Xiaolen worshipper's followers ready won't miss any opportunity to see Cale's greatness:blobjoy: and the gang serious worried face getting ready to in
    case Cale faints again:blob_coffee:

    Hopefully, by Monday Cale won't end faint and when they get back Beacrox will be back in action in his speciality..... Number Seven is going pitiful when returns he better spill it all if wants are save:cookie:
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022
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  13. Agavadon

    Agavadon Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    The only thing bothering me is just when Cale will say he can hear his AP, because when he said it at the time they looked for the jar and the top whip nobody seemed to seriously question it and wouldn't know that Cale not only hear them but is basically the market hangout for the AP
    Calbeery and DarkeAOU like this.
  14. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Actually, he already did before but the 2 confirmed that he said it was Eruhabine and Bud. It was when they were going to get the jar they were at time Bud was talking to Cale about what to do to enter the island (instruction guide:blob_grin:)..... that when Cale said to Bud that doesn't need to and that he can manage (they had a back forward to talk)

    That's when Cale said that his AP will guide him, to Bud shock asking Cale what he was talking about.... and that the first time Cale found out that normally those that have AP don't hear their APs, especially talking to them, even the APs said to Cale that it wasn't normal and he was (so far) the only one who could hear and talk to them and that the forgot to tell him:facepalm: Eurahiben was there during their talk when he asks Cale if he could hear/talk to his APs Cale answered yes.

    If the others knew I guess they already knew (anything regarding Cale I doubt they won't know about it soon or later they know), I think they didn't need to ask since its Cale, they know it was possible since he make the impossible possible:blob_grin: although it doesn't yet answer the question why Cale can hear his AP:confusedcatblob:
  15. DarkeAOU

    DarkeAOU Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    This is answered, too. Everyone can hear ancient powers when they first get them. It's when you fully absorb those ancient powers that they become silent. Cale didn't fully absorb his ancient powers. So he kept the voices, but in exchange, the ancient powers aren't as strong as they could be.
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  16. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    when the puppy says that he understood the god more or less? He refers to the god of death?
    "He went on to say that Cale shouldn't be interested in the Sun, Hope, Balance and Justice"
    remember they will be our future enemies
    so if it was confirmed that they became gods (only some)
    "sound of the drums got louder" doesn't that remind you of the battle we had with the white star??
    I mean, will we meet more gods? I tell you that cale is destined to be a divine being!
    my cale do not faint please
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  17. Agavadon

    Agavadon Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I knew that, but it's sad how Cale never talked about like their personalities and like they're being loud all the time and how he is really really familiar with them, well since it's Cale he wouldn't just do that even to brag about them, GoD, the fire of purification and the protector don't seem to know he knows their past selfs (or they do?), it would be so funny to see the protector react to his current self that was influenced heavily by Cale, his funny scenes at the Temple of SG are still on my mind :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:
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  18. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Oh yeah I forgot, it was Super Rock who explain to Cale about the absorption:blobsweat:, but which chapter was it when it was mentioned that everyone can hear the AP before absorption, I know that once they take the APs after the trial it was like to other automatic absorption :confusedcatblob:
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  19. Gemini_Heart666

    Gemini_Heart666 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    I just remembered what I felt off about this, Mary can eat dead mana, why doesn't the author have Mary eat the dead mana like she did in the jungle? So the tree becomes "purified"? I mean, I guess it's fine since the planet is a dead mana planet but, I feel like that would be a good use of one of Mary's skills...
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
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  20. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    True Cale silent type unless you ask and the gang that wants to ask might think they will bother him (respect his privacy, wait till he says something):cookie:

    I think GoP and GoFP know that Cale talks to their APs, it is possible that they are also observing Cale and there's GoD who would often:confusedcatblob: visit them and he ends up spilling it to them but I don't think they know what Cale talks about to his APs usually talks about and the changes in them (Super Rock):blob_grin:

    I like to see that GoP and GoFP talk to Super and Cheapskate while Cale is the medium:blobjoy:, the other APs shocked at hearing voice and GoP is surprised that Super Rock isn't the same Super Rock he knows:blob_grin:, I see cheapskate bugging questions at GoFp while is happening Cale having a headache with them:blobjoy:

    Might happen in Mirum since the Blood Cult also destroyed Roan and kidnap a child and then you Jiangshi (who knows what type of beings they used and even a living dead version)..... lots of checks on Cale's checklist to make him angry which will always lead to destruction.....
    Agavadon likes this.