Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    I think it's a real pity that you can't participate in ridi raffles from abroad. You can win a beautiful notebook from utok.
    the english writer likes this.
  2. the english writer

    the english writer Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I had the same problem. I am English, but the Google translations were terrible for this chapter. You're right, it made Riftan appear rough and cruel, and Maxi not enjoying it at all. It was only because I read the comments/summary spoilers on here that I understood it wasn't really like that at all. Like many of us, I am also reading on Webnovel, but it's still only on chapter 77, and Manta is even further behind. I look forward to the ebook on Amazon sometime later in the year where I can read it all the way through (and probably in one go!)

    I would appreciate this too. The dialogue between them was really terrible on Google translate yesterday, and I could not understand what was being said. Because of this, I think I missed the way they were both feeling, and what he actually meant.
  3. eidyia

    eidyia Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Ebook on amazon? Of book one of utot in english? Is this for real? Do you have a link to this? Can we pre order? Are all my dreams really coming true?
    the english writer likes this.
  4. Bluecattea

    Bluecattea Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    From the author's blog:
    "The official serialized English translation of <Under the Oak Tree> has been published on December 20th, 2021, on https://www.webnovel.com/book/under-the-oak-tree_21949582605391005, and the official eBook is scheduled for publishing this year."
    That's all I've got.
    But, as a writer myself, I can see that the publisher really is going above and beyond for this book, and I've spotted some signs of edits and plot-tightening in the webnovel version and new details cropping up in the comic. I expect a new, wide release English edition, though I also expect that webnovel will have to get farther/run its course before the publisher opens pre-orders.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  5. samspot8r8s

    samspot8r8s Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2021
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    One you verify your age, you can purchase each chapter on Ridi books as they’re relased. There’s a link to the guide you can find to do this on the first page of this forum! :)
    The chapters are very affordable too
  6. lizlizliz

    lizlizliz New Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    guys may I ask what is the chapter's number when they had an angry snu snu ;)?
  7. ScathachThunder

    ScathachThunder Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    Hi everyone, long time lurker that finally decided to make an account here! I lived off of LNH and the Angel's who so kindly posted spoilers here for a long time but finally managed to get my age verified on Ridi! I would love to give back to the community that kept me hooked to UTOT and post some spoilers (my interpretation, not word from word translation!) from chapters 118 and 119, but can't figure out a way to do those spoiler tags that keep the text hidden. Can some kind soul point me to the right direction?
    Poey07, marucalypse and samspot8r8s like this.
  8. crazyjack24

    crazyjack24 Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Does the web novel translation is also good? Im kinda worried if they will kinda make the scenes lighter compare to the original.
    Hope they can catchup the chapters available in the ridi already
    Bluecattea likes this.
  9. Bluecattea

    Bluecattea Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    I like the webnovel translation. The idioms make sense, the pronouns are correctly assigned, the dialogue is tagged to the right speakers, the plot details are clearer, and it's certainly not censored. It might be written more concisely in places, but nothing is missing. I think the improvements are most noticeable first in the scene in the inn.
  10. Ames2021

    Ames2021 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    You can write your spoilers inside [ZSPOILER] and end it with [/ZSPOILER] tags. Remove the letter Z.

    I think what he meant was how can maxi stirred him and making him lose reasons n then end it easily? The feelings dont go that easily. If it does, how can he endured it so badly before.
    emptycan_princess and Mrs_W like this.
  11. ScathachThunder

    ScathachThunder Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    Thanks so much!
    Here's my impressions on chapters 118 and 119 based on mtl. I read a lot of opinions that these chapters are borderline rape-y but can't say I share the feeling.

    After Riftan carrier her to the room, he sucked on the girls and have her the big O with his fingers. Maxi was really embarrassed about it because he was still fully dressed and she already climbed the peak, so she tried to cover up. Riftan would not have any of that and told her that's what she wanted, to have him collapse at her feet. After that he resumed what he was doing before and gave her multiple big Os.

    After that Riftan loses the last bit of restrain and goes 'all in'. Maxi had trouble adjusting to him and asked him not to move yet and Riftan halted. When Maxi saw his tortured expression and how beautiful he looked in the moonlight, she decided she wanted him no matter what and gave him a silent go ahead. Riftan apparently 'sprinted like an excited stallion' which Maxi liked but Riftan would not allow her any participation and kept her from moving at all.

    Maxi got overwhelmed by everything and could not believe she ever had it in her to leave him. She kissed his neck and let out a small sob.

    Chapter 119
    Riftan didn't seem to notice any sobbing and he kissed her deeply, which Maxi reciprocated. He was hitting all the good spots and Maxi was overwhelmed and it seemed to cause her some discomfort due to his size but the pleasure won over the discomfort. She pulled him closer and he finished. When Maxi looked at him, all of the coldness and indifference was gone.

    Riftan got rid of the remaining scraps of their clothes and then went at it again. Maxi was oversensitized at this point but Riftan did not hold back and gave her another big O. Maxi was afraid she'd never be able to go back to normal life and said 'no more' but Riftan replied he couldn't hear. That's when Maxi realized she opened a Pandora's box and Riftan truly went crazy for her. Some big Os later, dawn breaks and Maxi wakes up after passing out from all the things.
    She's disoriented and tries to figure out where she is when Riftan grabs her and makes her sit on his lap on the edge of the bed. He positions her so that she looks into a mirror next to the bed and sees them joined, commenting on how the Romans were kinky too. Maxi is of course embarrassed but our girl cannot look away, until Riftan starts using his fingers as well and she has to close her eyes, overwhelmed. But Riftan bites her shoulder and makes her keep looking.

    After they both finish, Maxi dozes off again and when she wakes up, Riftan bird-feeds her wine, mouth to mouth. Maxi notices the maids must have been in the room at some point, but Riftan is like 'yeah, so?'

    Maxi is embarrassed and tries to climb over Riftan and out of the bed, bud he catches her and snuggles her to his chest, telling her he can't go for another round yet. Maxi explains she was trying to finish it, not start again and Riftan essentially tells her it won't be that easy. He starts to gently stimulate her again and tells her she cannot leave the room now. He licked her juices from his fingers and suddenly he's ready to go again.

    While he's in her, he tells her she sleapt for half a day so she needs to eat and bird-feeds her again.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
    Ac03, AplCina, MagnicKris and 34 others like this.
  12. the english writer

    the english writer Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    Yes, I've also noticed the plot tightening, editing and revision on Webnovel, especially with regards to dialogue, and the narrative is much more detailed. I think it's longer too, because of the changes.
    MariaDolens, Danae, anggi91 and 3 others like this.
  13. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    To be honest, I’m jealous of Korean OAK fans. They can easily buy OAK merchandises like Stuffed toys and plushies, etc. hehe I hope international fans can buy soon, too! Lol
  14. Ames2021

    Ames2021 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    I think on Maxi side she is used to Riftan being rough as we can read it in most of the snusnu scenes in book 1. But in book 1 Riftan didnt do it angrily. In book 2 she wanted it since the time she reunited with him after the 3 years separation but he was always cold n distant and she wants to break that wall that is why she made him jealous during the banquet. In the latest chapters Maxi is accepting whatever Riftan is doing to her eventhough for me if it is not because he is her husband and she loves him n longed for him so much, his touches would feel violating to her. Because he did it rougher than usual. And every words he said to her during the snu2 sounds angry.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  15. eidyia

    eidyia Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Thanks so much for the info! I read on Ridi, but how far along (or behind) is webnovel? I am wondering if its more worthwhile to read there or to just wait for the ebook.
    This is like Happy Birthday kind of news lol!

    Oh gosh, I don't think he is angry, its just full on passionate. So much of the tone gets lost in translation, but when she first left the ballroom and he picked her up, he said something like " why are you surprised? Wasnt it your intent to drive me out of my mind?" Which could sound angry but she says then his voice was shockingly gentle. And I think that is the tone throughout. The dam has broke and he has left behind all the self control he was holding in place so long, but his first and foremost is to love and cherish her and never to hurt her. Yes he is going beyond her limits but i have the feeling she is loving it, although the sensations frighten her (like lightning). And she is at some point ashamed to look in the mirror and its her breeding/conservative upbringing that makes her ashamed, just like her shame at the thought of being naked before a servant. And he pushes past that so they can experience that thrill together. (He well knows how she shies away from her shame--in the chapter with the deserter-convict hangings he called it her stubborn pride. And that trait is what prevents from showing her real feelings so often, unless she comes to a point beyond hiding them, and she believes everybody can read her face like its made of glass). I hope in the coming chapter his open honesty will remain long enough to bring clarity to the rest of their relationship, and that they can make some idea of plans for the comjng days together. I think he does really want her to be empowered and have her freedom, while still feeling painfully responsible for any pain or ugliness in her life, and wishing to protect her from all of it. He doesn't want to be that overbearing husband keeping her in a glass case. I hope now they have an opportunity to start changing these dynamics.
  16. Pixelbreeze

    Pixelbreeze Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2021
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    I think all of that applied before, not now. The last two chapters he didn't even let her move during snu snu:sweating_profusely:that's new, And how Maxi's face was drenched with tears it somehow reminds me of their first night. He lost all his restraints that night too and this time the only thing that's making a difference is Maxi didn't hate it, this time she was in love with him so she endured.
    To go to that extend, I think he is punishing her, or he is afraid himself that he won't be able to go near her after the war (or something bad that's about to happen) or he is making her afraid if him so that she doesn't dare to defy.
    Either way, I don't think Max deserved any of this. He ignored her all the time. Doesn't give her proper reason. It wasn't like she chose the dress intentionally. She didn't have any choice because other dresses were too tight. So punishing her because she was mad and went to the banquet with another man like this? Is it only me who finds it unfair?
    Max didn't want his attention like this. She wanted to know what was happening around her.
    overtanned, 321Hussain and Ames2021 like this.
  17. pashnea19

    pashnea19 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2020
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    Where is this ch119 u guys talking about? Is the group translating the novel not there yet? There on ch271 now but I suppose they're not up to the latest yet?
  18. ScathachThunder

    ScathachThunder Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    I think right now the only way to get the chapter Is to go on Ridi and then use an mtl.
    sepheddy likes this.
  19. Ames2021

    Ames2021 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Chapter 119 is the latest chapter of book 2 and only accessible in ridibooks. It is in korean and non korean readers use google translate or papago to read it.
    Chapter 271 u were talking about is unofficial translations page, book 1 + earlier chapters of book 2. Still long way to go to chapter 119 of book 2.
  20. rudemoze

    rudemoze Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to let you guys know that when I checked for the full online translations of UTOT on Light Novel Heaven and Wattpad, they were all removed. To anyone who is sharing direct translations of full chapters, beware! I would hate for this website to be shut down, so I think it would be best to err on the side of caution. I hope everyone has been enjoying UTOT book 2 so far wherever they're reading it <3
    samspot8r8s and Nani.Raciaxoxo like this.