Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Sulogna bardhan

    Sulogna bardhan Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2022
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    Yes riftan in the manhwa is perfect. Cold handsome beautiful arg he is just everything. But the riftan's picture in the novel is like a soft face. I mean if i have to compare these two pictures with the riftan's body image and his expression then i would choose the manhwa one.. he is a beautiful beast.
    Lol this is so funny

    In just 15days the official English version of the novel in webnovel will be finished. . Mybe they will start the 2nd novel immediately after that...
  2. the english writer

    the english writer Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I completely agree. He is incredibly beautiful, and with each episode he's growing more gorgeous. That smile is something else! Everytime I try to imagine a 'real life' Riftan I can't, because the manhwa is so stunning.

    Happy Birthday @Earthyyy4 have an awesome day!

    I've been gushing all morning about today's manhwa update, my goodness, how beautiful are the illustrations and the colours. I don't know if it's just me, but Riftan's skin looks a little darker, depicting how I image KSJ and all of us imagine him. In some artwork his skin seems too pale, but here it's absolutely spot on.

    Maxi is the perfect redhead. Gorgeous creamy skin that shows up even the mildest blush, and wow, those huge sparkling grey eyes! She looks stunning in green (always best on redheads), and in white, but the green is perfect (she looks great in blue too!) LOL.

    Did anyway else notice there's no manhwa update until 10th May due to artist illness?
  3. kim rabbit

    kim rabbit Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Yes, right. In medieval times like the UTOT setting, women shouldn't be able to inherit anything. I explained yesterday like that happened to all the women (wife and children) of the featherington family when their father died (in first bridgerton film). that's what I initially thought at UTOT about the possibility of maxi's daughter being judged to inherit the duke's power. But of course riftan will not allow it.

    But. in fact, it turns out that KSJ gave maxi a chance to inherit it (yesterday's chapter). It means women can receive inheritance.
    But if you want the children of maxi or rosetta to inherit it, then they can only inherit it if they have grown up to be teenagers or are able to carry out all the duties and powers of the duke.

    Unfortunately, the duke is said to be seriously ill so maxi's chances are very high to take over the inheritance. rossetal is the crown princess so she can't leave drakium. But maxi can! Even if the children of the maxi or rosetta inherit the duke's power, then the biggest question is...
    who will fill the vacancy in the duke's territory?

    Well, that person, of course, must be from the duke's lineage in order to minimize the betrayal of power later.

    In my opinion, this is a tragic ending for the duke. If rosetta or maxi both did not want the duke's power, then in the end the kroyso area would fall to someone who was not a descendant of the duke or someone chosen by the king. This is a sad ending for the duke as all his ambitions and struggles to maintain his power are in vain. He went bankrupt due to enmity with his own son-in-law, the daughter he thought was weak turned against him, and none of his descendants inherited his power as he hoped.
  4. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    Let's be real the inheritence laws for majority of time sucked for women. Quick reminder that only in 1960' women gained the right to have their own bank accounts..
    my MVPs in this chapter are Gabel and Hebaron :D:ROFLMAO: that horse scene xD
    And Ludis always looking out for Maxi, it melts my heart :love:
  5. muramirasol

    muramirasol Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    Oh I thought that the party was the baby’s christening because they’re Catholic and that was something I know royalty did back then and even now kinda? Depends on the country, but even some non-Catholic countries have some variation of it in their religion. Even in my religion when I was born my parents brought me to my pastor to be “presented to my church”. Plus Agnes said to her brother that “wow you seem more excited about the horses than you do the birth of Abel.” So I thought he was just born recently.

    Also I didn’t know the artist was sick too! Damn well I hope she gets better soon. Sickness seems to really enjoy the company of our beloved UTOT creators :(

    Also Happy Birthday @Earthyyy4! <3
  6. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Nope, based on research though, medieval women can inherit property. It’s in the Bridgerton time which is Regency era that women are prohibited to inherit anything. The next nearest male relative will inherit everything. huhu

    But in the medieval era, women can inherit titles ONLY IF THERE ARE NO SURVIVING MALE BROTHERS. I know it is kinda shocking, I did, too. but here is an excerpt.


    You can read it here: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/manusc...earning/medievalwomen/theme2/inheritance.aspx

    Also, here’s an answer from an author in Quora. She’s writing about medieval times.

    I do think KSJ made extensive research on everything medieval.

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    Last edited: Apr 20, 2022
    Earthyyy4, Amya, QJgunth and 5 others like this.
  7. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    Yes, she does. She wrote something on her blog and there was a photo of a book about the Middle Ages.
    The book she posted is:
    Stories from the back alleys of medieval Europe.

    KSJ has read into the subject very well.

  8. muramirasol

    muramirasol Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    Yeah I mean even in the regency era there were still exceptions tho. Like how in Pride and Prejudice Lady Catherine still seems to have possession of all her finances and estate and is an “EsTeEmeD pAtRoNeSs”. Contrary to the main characters who have to marry well because none of them will be able to inherit their father’s estate and it will all be given to their male cousin

    Edit: although I will admit that this originally made me think, wait that can happen? Does she not have any uncles or something? And it made me wonder whether or not this was a creative liberty taken by KSJ the same way she did with the drastically different architectural styles done per country that jumped time period and location despite everything taking place in the medieval period, but then I found out that this was true, so ayooo not all a loss for the ladies
    Ruth simp, QJgunth and MissuzCalypse like this.
  9. na3_no3h

    na3_no3h Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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  10. muramirasol

    muramirasol Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    Random thought on the last Manhwa chapter as well… Uslin Ricaydo … if you feel so awkward about the belligerent PDA- correction- the borderline intercourse happening in front of you… WHY ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE WITH YOUR EYES SO OPEN AND STARING AT IT WHILE THE OTHERS LOOK AWAY??? XDDD Even Gabel had the decency of closing his eyes AND covering the horse
    Earthyyy4, manlyman, QJgunth and 7 others like this.
  11. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    hahahhaha trueeee! i think Uslyn is trying so hard to look uptight and noble and I think he has a lowkey horny side to him.

    if Uslyn would fall in love, he would be simp for the girl. lol!
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2022
    Earthyyy4, manlyman, QJgunth and 5 others like this.
  12. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    Isn't Ursuline engaged? But is it love or arranged marriage :(?
  13. kim rabbit

    kim rabbit Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I hope so, too. I saw some Korean netizens also wrote comments about waiting for Maxi to use her golem magic. I hope the author realizes it.

    But guys, It mention that maxi mastered taboo magic had actually been used for other purposes as well. On her quest with Kuahel, Maxi was able to decipher the magic spells of the golems because the spells were exactly like the spells her created.

    But hopefully it doesn't end there, I hope author also makes golem magic play an active role in fighting monsters in the war later.
    Or will there be a plot that the monsters will bring out the golems again to attack humans like they did in Monster City? then maxi comes and plays the role of canceling the spell again. the possibility like this can happen, right?

    But I hope not. sorry, but that sounds boring. we are always treated to stories that maxi plays a role in canceling magic spells. but, come on!
    I hope this time maxi can actually summon and control the golem with her magic.
    Hope author give us a very attractive action from maxi

    please don't blame my wild mind!

    but i think, even if duke kroyso had brothers or nephews maybe he would have killed them first to secure the inheritance of his children. ha ha ha. just kidding
    Earthyyy4, eidyia, manlyman and 3 others like this.
  14. na3_no3h

    na3_no3h Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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    Yes I agree with @the english writer , Riftan looks pale in this chapter compared to previous chapters.
    I don’t like Maxi’s lips she’s basically LIPS LESS in manhuwa.
    Maxi is much prettier in my imagination and when I read about Maxi’s face description she has a beautiful lips. Also I keep wondering why does the artist keep coloring her eyes in green while it’s actually GREY.

    Overall I loved the chapter and I loved Maxi’s white dress, she looked like a bride, she only needed her vail and some roses.

    I like her face in this picture she’s very pretty in here. I love her lips, face, eyes, body and specially her hair, she looks wonderful and looks like a pretty grown woman.


    No need to be sorry it’s actually sounds like duke croyso’s personality, he got marry for piece of land and his first wife died because of multiple miscarriages because he wanted an heir and didn’t care about her health nor her life so she died. He got married again for an heir but unfortunately for him he had a another daughter, so he used them as a tool to get more powerful, he used his own daughter “Maxi” and forced her to marry someone strange for her to not to go to the Dragon Campaign, and he forced Riftan to marry Maxi by kidnapping his stepfather and his family, thank god it turned out to be god for both of them.
    He made Rosetta watch Maxi getting beaten by him, so she would be afraid of him and obey the duke blindly. In the end both of them turned out to have a psychological problems.
    So it won’t be strange for duke to kill he’s own brothers for the power.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2022
    Earthyyy4, manlyman, QJgunth and 2 others like this.
  15. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Guys, I am just amazed by these manhwa artists… how do they get these projects? There are so many artists right now.

    I mean, technically, ofcourse, they are chosen by the publisher and editors. But I think several artists do submit their proposed panels to the publisher — it’s like an audition. lol!

    Cause if I remember Spoon, who is super popular like superrrr, has these posters and panels for Under the Oak tree.
    I mean yeah, the art style is pretty but it’s lacking somewhat.

    To be honest, I see why Sicut vis was chosen for the manhwa based on her submitted panels.


    When I first saw these, (I think two months before the release date?) I was giggling and jumping up and down… hahhahaha

    I wonder if that’s what KSJ felt too when she saw her characters become 2d. <3

    I just wished sicut vis didnt change her art style so much. But it’s definitely the publisher who asked her to tweak some of her style.

    Look at Maxi, she’s soooo cutttttteeeeee!
  16. Tiniecarrot

    Tiniecarrot Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2022
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    wow, I really thought everyone's here is just underage or teenagers who used to watch anime turns out even parents are here :D that's interesting that I myself would never even tell such stories to my parents
    Shendee90, eidyia, QJgunth and 3 others like this.
  17. muramirasol

    muramirasol Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    OH that part's not even a secret with the way that he was also the first to gawk and continue gawking at Maxi in the dress in B2. I'm pretty sure that had Maxi had not come into knowing the RDK under the pretense that Maxi was neglectful towards Anatol and her father was not such a dick to them he would have hands down had a crush on Maxi. And because he's from a noble family already in an arranged marriage and that concept doesn't seem too odd to either of them, maybe if she had come out more often before the first campaign or before the marriage maybe him or his family would have put more effort into setting something up. Of course I'm glad that didn't happen because I love our lovely couple, but I don't think it'd be too outlandish considering that contrary to Maxi's belief all the knights have found her pretty attractive over time as they realize that she's not to blame for the stuff they used to probably consider her "unattractive"?
    (Of course not physically unattractive, but like when someone's physically attractive but they did something that made them seem it)
  18. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    Haha I think if you watched anime as a kid you'll watch it as an adult too.:ROFLMAO:

    Yes, KSJ mentioned it herself that he was engaged. Do you remember how we speculated that it could be Isilla? She had mentioned that she was engaged and now she has become a nun because she wanted to learn healing like Maxi and now nuns are also allowed to learn holy magic. As far as I know, Isilla cut off her hair so that she could put pressure on her family to break the engagement.
  19. na3_no3h

    na3_no3h Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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    - Is "sicut vis" is the same person who's name is in the UOT manhuwa chapters called "P", are they the same artist ?!!!
    manlyman, Sa12Ben18 and MissuzCalypse like this.
  20. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    yes, same. I think she’s a rising new artist because of UTOT. Imagine getting your art to number one!!! amazing!

    and damn look at her character design of Riftan. I love the evolution. He looks like a pretty boy here but now, he is buff and godly handsome. lol

    and can we talk about the detail of Calypse Castle. It seems like p received special notes about the novel —- like the design, description of everything to make it easier for her to draw the manhwa. i bet she knows the ending of this novel! hahahahaha