Spoiler Why Are You Obsessed With Your Fake Wife?

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Chizuru, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. pam98

    pam98 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Well I know some spoilers, so if anyone have questions. I can answer them. Since idk what spoiler to say xD
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  2. Bobaaaa

    Bobaaaa Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2020
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    Are there some “bitchy” girls who bully the Mc? And when did everyone start to treat her like the lady of the house?
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  3. pam98

    pam98 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2019
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    More than bitchy…
    So there is the marquis’ aunt (his father sister). One of the things that shock me the most was that his family wasn’t attacked by the duke (her father)! The attack was planned by that aunt. So she was realllly annoyed for our girl. Since she started to take the power of the hostess. She tried to kick her out, but the plan just back fired and sooo they discovered she was the responsible of the duchess’ death and the duke’s fall (his father is still alive but in bed and hasn’t woken up). Oh, she also drug the duke so he didn’t wake up, more like a poison that was killing him very slowly.
    our girl did many things to help the marquis and his people. She help them earn money and pay debts, improve de army, made them rich xD sooo little by little even before the marquis fell in love with her, the people there fell in love with her hahaha they even pity her and blame the marquis for not loving her. They said that is she gets tired of him and wanted to leave them they would better throw the marquis away and keep her, bc they couldn’t be without her xD they were super cute.
    But to be more specific, everything started when she paid the debt and started to earn money. She gain the loyalty of some at that time. Then when she continue to do things she keep gaining the loyalty of the rest. OH! But they were never disrespectful. She was an actress hahaha she could win an oscar with her skills. So from the beginning, her maids pitied her since she kept crying xD.
  4. Berry.Blast.20

    Berry.Blast.20 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    okay so this bitch gets so jealous that she was "robbed" of her so called prize from a competition that was held in tandem with the King's birthday(Lee ji ho arbitrarily asked the marquis for a duel despite winning the competion at the end and forced ML to participate as per his wish and Lee Ji ho royally lost to our ML)that she decides to steal a big blue gem from a lost national treasure that the marquis couple were planning to gift as per the royals demand.This crazy ass bribed Royal guards and stages it as if the Marquis couple was irresponsible. But , on finding our about it our FL uses her Oscar level acting and IQ to stage a treasure hunt for this jewel with the help of the King whose kind of on the low IQ side and acts like a kid. The jewel was found in the Duke's carriage and FL catches Karen by making her say that she never swore the truth on her father and swore it on the heavens that she never stole the gem and in effect winds up displaying that she in fact did steal the gem.

    After the bitch was put in jail, our FL visits her and breaks her emotionally by weaving this complex narrative of truth and falsehood by saying that their father only cared about their nephews and never the sisters since though they have his blood they were girls and he would have killed her or FL in effect the minute he feels that they are burdens .The stupid step sister is broken.

    Ultimately, she's exiled to this hellish monastery known to have dictator like rules for discipline with no set date for return ever.
  5. pam98

    pam98 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2019
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    actually I laughed so much one time bc after she cleared that her father wasn’t the responsible of the accident of the ml’s parents, she wanted to be honest to him and told him she wasn’t in love with him. They has at that time a pretty good relationship, since he trusted in her and she also started to love the marquisate and the people there. Still she didn’t plan to stay there, and for the ml…she care for him and trust him, but didn’t think romantically of him. BUT the thing is that when she confessed all that, it was the same time the ML was to confess to her that he love her too (he was confident that everything was going to go well bc everyone was sure she love her too much). He even wasn’t sure if it was fortunate or unfortunate that she confessed first xd so he didn’t tell her at that time haha he was just too shock

    im sorry if what I write is confusing xD i am really bad to organize my ideas xd
  6. MagnusJ

    MagnusJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    Her previous fiance kinda seems to like her.Was he really involved in her death? did he marry Karen? Any spoilers about what happened after her death?
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  7. Reputation_

    Reputation_ Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2022
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    Can anyone share side stories?:blobowoevil:
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  8. Suleblgc

    Suleblgc Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    There is no side story yet.
  9. Reputation_

    Reputation_ Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2022
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  10. Tea1029

    Tea1029 Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    Ah, yes revision. I'm not surprised that it came from kakaopage. This is not the first time it happened this year as 1 novel's numerous chapters has been revised as well, which is "My Lover’s Personality Is A Little Strange"....
  11. Suleblgc

    Suleblgc Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    It's unfair. Too many people read all story already. How could they read again? And how could they know which chapters revised?
    Tea1029 likes this.
  12. pam98

    pam98 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2019
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    He wasn't the real father of any of both girls. he could have children soooo both women (the mothers) had an affair. But he didn't say anything bc if he wanted to say they were not his daughters he has to say he could
  13. pam98

    pam98 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Yes, he really did what the sister told her, he really betrayed her. Soooo, after she died he magically realize he "love" her. Idk if this is going to be a super spoiler? but well.... He was the one that turn back time. No idea how but he did. But yeah, he didnt remember that at the begining. After the war started was that he remembered the past (or future?xd) and that is when I started to hate him, more. Basically, his love is really twisted. He doesn't care AT ALL abt her opinion. If he thinks something is the "best" for her, he would do it EVEN if it is agaist her will (he kidnapped her once)

    I had answered this question once before hahaha but I made a mistake and deleted it xd
  14. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Probably he did in the first life but due to the Duke's great offer he became greedy that's why he betrayed her ( yes he did work with the sister ) BUT he was regretful after there death and that love for her became into an obsession. Due to this obsession he was actually the one who turned back time.

    He transmigrated from his original world Korea to this world and was given some special powers which he used to turn back. Due to his guilt he let Nadia have her memories and let her choose her own choice - what she wants instead of becoming a chess piece for her father. But when he sees Nadia "walking" like alive , healthy , happy etc., He became greedy again to have her back ( even though HE BETRAYED HER ). Also, eventually during the Civil War I think he remembers his past memories.

    P.S. He is a piece of greedy shit, deserves to be in the trashcan :blob_catflip:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2023
  15. asagisora

    asagisora Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2022
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    This novel is soooooooooo slow. I read it until chapter 95 and still no romantic events. None. FL is dominant and workaholic while ML has a one sided love for the FL (only after she can make money for the march -- the March's is in a very bad financial problem). ML is a handsome hunky guy who can wield sword but just that. His role as a simp dragged too long and I got bored

    on chapter 108, Glenn is faking his injury while protecting Nadia from bear attack. He's trying to gain sympathy from her. If you crave some cute moments, just start reading from here

    Also one thing that surprised me, the 2nd ML (Lee Ji Ho) is
    the one who isekai-ed instead of MC we usually got.
    We don’t get much information about Ji Ho’s background, he introduce himself as someone who came from the eastern continent, but we could easily guess his real origin. Still, it doesn’t explain how he became so good at military skills and how he could isekai + turn back time
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
  16. blue_flat_moon

    blue_flat_moon Member

    Mar 23, 2022
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    Well iirc the story is more focused on business and war. FL thinks more about how to live a comfortable life so..anyway, I kinda agree that ML didn't contribute much. Most of what he does is the finishing part :blobsweat_2: The rest is only mentioned as 'FL and ML always busy working together' or more like 'business partners'. There were some fluffy scenes in the last 1/3rd of the story though
  17. peach.pudin

    peach.pudin Purin

    Jan 19, 2021
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    When did the mc start loving the ml?? Reaction? Ending spoilers??
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  18. asagisora

    asagisora Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2022
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    After Glenn confessed to her (Chapter 117), she then realized they’ve been more than just business partner. Then she too developed feelings towards him little by little.

    They defeated Duke Balazit, imprisoned her step sister (if I’m not mistaken Karein killed herself in the end) and also killed Ji Ho. They helped Prince Frey ascend the throne (the guy we suspected had a crush over FL and one cause of Glenn’s jealousy besides the dragon and Lee Ji Ho).
    They also decided having a fresh start and got remarried, planned for having only two kids.

    this novel is so PG-13 btw
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
  19. FindingReads

    FindingReads Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    What was up with Ji ho betraying her?
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