Spoiler Wish Upon a Husband

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    lol she's not a "third party" she was his mistress, knew the FL's husband was married but didn't care. She's also cheater/adulterer even if she wasn't married she knew he was and was 100% okay with that. A person like that doesn't deserve a happy ending. Especially since the spoilers indicate she had no remorse towards FL or felt any responsibility for her role in the affair. She's not a victim, even if she didn't intiate the affair she consented to it. And did so for the purpose of self-gain. Stop defending absolute garbage people just because they are a woman. The FL is a woman and Priya didn't give a shit about doing her dirty.

    "Just look at manhwas like Selena, where everyone just hates on FL for cheating despite her valid reasons, but no one resents her male lover; on the contrary, some halfwits literally cheer him on to swindle her and take her fortune"

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. You have exposed your own bias and double standards. Defending terrible people and terrible behavior just because its done by a female.

    Serena has NO VALID reasons to cheat on her husband, she doesn't even love that lover its a temper tantrum from her to publicly humilate her husband because she is jealous of his capabilities (which she lacks) and resentful that she had to marry him to save the hotel that would be in ruin if left to her own devices since she has no talent for business, poor judgment skills, paranoid,selfish and has a history of making terrible decisions not just in her personal life but in business also.
    We cheer the lover swindling her because it just exposes what an idiot that MC is, and how she thought cheating made her "bad ass" when its going to come back to bite her and it will sadly be the husband who will pick up the pieces.
    The husband Izer isn't a bad person, he treats her well despite how her attitude and rubbing the affair in his face and proud of the fact she cuckolds him. He has to work hard to keep her family's business afloat and become her babysitter due to her immaturity.
    while he is working, she spends the money he earns on her lover with drinking and doing drugs. "Valid reasons" lol
    Izer has "valid reasons" he should divorce her ass and leave her with nothing. But sadly won't due to her being the FL.
  2. beazacha

    beazacha Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Tf is this thread? I just wanted some spoilers, not a debate of "is someone that goes after a known married person equally at fault?" cause like no offense but I don't give a damn about whatever reasons the husband or side piece had, this ain't about them lol
  3. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    I'm one of those who hates Fredrik. I've even commented about that too. Fredrik is hated by lots of us. I agree that male characters don't get much hate but in this case the hate isn't extreme against Priya. The trash husband shouldn't have given in to her seduction and she shouldn't have approached a married man. Both are trashfire.

    I'm also surprised op mentioned that people love Fredrik. So far I've seen hatred against him. The shippers wants him out of the way. Even Selena haters don't like him. Many of us are just reading it for Izer.
  4. Vixelly

    Vixelly Active Member

    Feb 5, 2022
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    Wow! Someone’s dead set in being the lawyer of a character! This thread deserves popcorn! Maybe read the webtoons titled: “The Men in My Bed” or “Once It Was Love”. You’ll definitely love them!
  5. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I haven't read all the replies to this debate, but of course both are at fault.
    However, if I had to choose, the husband has more fault than the mistress. And the MC has more reason to be angry with her husband because he betrayed her. Whereas for the mistress it wasn't anything personal against MC at least.

    BUT the problem is that the mistress actually got a happy ending and got portrayed as almost innocent in the novel. While she instead deserved to be condemned for the loose and scheming woman she is and be punished.

    This is why everyone was fuming against the mistress, not because she had more fault than the husband in this @ValReads
  6. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    "Loose and scheming woman" wow this is just straight out of some puritan misogynistic handbook lmao

    No, my point is exactly that her fault is very minimal and very easily redeemed. We have different opinions on a fundamental level: even though in some situations I might still forgive the cheater, but I lay ALL the blame entirely on the one who cheats. The person with whom they cheat with (male, female, whatever) carries only an extremely small share of blame so long as they don't commit actual crimes like trying to poison the legal spouse or sth. And even then, I only condemn them for the actual crime, not for being part of adultery.

    I mean, in the end she lost her backing aka the husband and had to carve out a new path for herself. That's fair enough in my books. The fact that she was a mistress isn't a crime, point-blank. So, she doesn't deserve too much grief and ABSOLUTELY deserves a happy ending as much as any other person.

    To my knowledge, she didn't commit heavy crimes such as murdering MC to get the husband, so she's clean and deserves a good life.

    And I only brought up the husband because almost all the condemnation was just against her alone. The husband also got a relatively good ending, to my knowledge. MC wasn't even set out to punish him. He was never super-duper-ultra in love with the MC until the end and his regret mostly stemmed from the loss of convenience and other external factor; he didn't wallow in grief so much he lost his life. He wasn't tortured nor had his entire fortune stripped to end up living for decades in absolute poverty while being looked down on by everyone. So, if the husband, who is responsible for cheating, can have a pretty good life in the end, there is no reason why the other woman has to suffer when her fault is even less.
  7. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Literally no one said the mistress had more fault than the husband. And I already explained to you why there was more talk about the mistress, if you didn't miss that in my comment.

    Yes, she's loose. She got involved with a married man. Even if it's not a crime, it's not ok because it's UNETHICAL, you know?? I will never be friends with such a woman.
    And if a cheater thinks they're completely clean after getting involved with a married person or a person in a relationship, then I dare them to announce that publicly to everyone they know and strangers and all. There's nothing to be ashamed of, as you say, right?

    And she's scheming, because she seduced him intentionally. If she wanted to rise above her station, she could've seduced an unmarried man at least. Or maybe just target an honest man of more humble origins; a merchant, cook, shop owner etc., didn't have to be a married duke. I would've been more forgiving if she actually loved him, but she just hurt others and participated in adultery because of her greed.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  8. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    I wouldn't have mind Priya getting a "happy ending" had she gone through a redemption arc, and actually acknowledge what she did was wrong. But she doesn't and is actually the opposite in this regard.
  9. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    We got a real white knight simp in this thread
    Never seen somebody defend a promiscuous woman this much since Jada Smith's affair
  10. Bellalolo

    Bellalolo Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    me too Girls :blobhero::blobhero:i just hate serena manhwa :blobdevil::blobdevil:like you said for the same reasons and deopped it ages ago because i wanted to keep my sanity from All those shit in the Story and i am Actually wondering what is the purpose of the Story at all until Now it goes around in circles no Actual development for any of the characters and there are far more better stories Than that one that deserves to become a manhwa but still didn't Yet what a shame :blobpensive::blobsad:
  11. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    The issue isn't even promiscuity here. But adultery and cheating. I don't care if someone is promiscuous so long as they aren't cheating or putting the health of others at risk.

    The type of people (sadly its usually women) who defend the behavior of other women like Serena and Priya I think are the ones themselves would cheat on their partners because of "muh reasons" or date someone who is married or has a partner because "its not my problem as I am not the one who is married" "they came on to me first", It's not really the characters themselves they are defending but their own (lack of) moral framework when it comes to fidelity. Yet strangely, these same voices of defense don't come out to defend cheating MLs or husbands in novels when they get (rightfully) dragged and attacked by readers. It's a bit like the the types that fetish reverse harem smut but are repulsed if a ML has multiple spouses or had sexual relations with anyone other than the FL. "Empress of the Ashes" and "I will fall with the Emperor" are good examples of that hypocrisy. Personally I hate all harems.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  12. KiwiBear

    KiwiBear Active Member

    Mar 5, 2023
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    You want to make her sound like a victim when she's not. It is clearly shown in the manhwa, also nobody said the cheating husband was at fault. Everyone has already established there hate for him and regularly bash him in the comments so he's an afterthought. The husband was already set in stone hated, now everyone wants to know about the mistress who seems to be scheming in recent chapters. The reason everyone is mentionnig the mistress instead of the husband is because everyone already mutually agreed to hate him.
  13. babayagu

    babayagu Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2021
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    While I an 100% percent behind shifting the blamr to the appropriate offender as a society and getting rid of the misogynistic impulse of blaming only the female affair partner, going from this to completely absolving them is a long way. Unaware people being roped into being an affair partner and people being forced and pressured into becoming part of an affair notwithstanding, people do have a moral obligation not to willingly participate in an affair. It's basic manners, lmao. The cheater will cheat regardless of the person they are doing it with, undoubtedly, but why did it have to be you? Affairs have immense mental, physical and financial repercussions on the betrayed spouse.

    I find it very interesting that you correlate morality with legality and absolve people of their moral failings depending on the legality of their actions. Also, going off on your "it could have been literally anybody else who helped ruin the marriage" we can also argue that some accesories to murder can be excused because literally anybody else could've helped the criminal. Cheating is wrong regardless of gender and even so much as condoning it or excusing it without taking into consideration the context (not talking about you) can be very telling of a person's character and there have been people who have broken up with their partners due to their beliefs on such matters.

    Again, while I agree people should first point fingers at the wayward spouse, the affair partner who knew perfectly well of their marital status is not exempt from criticism abd reproach.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  14. astris

    astris Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    So I have read a MTL upto 50 chapters.
    She is a thief of a famous and ruthless thief guild. She was an orphan who the leader of the guild took in and trained since her childhood. She came in the mansion of the FL purely with the objective of stealing the red gem, it was her mission. She didn’t know it was a gem to grant wishes at first but when she successfully steals it she finds out the truth and decides to keep it and make a wish for herself. It was during this time that the FL took the gem and the map and messed her plan.
    There was a part where she thinks she should have tried to seduce the FL instead of Edwin as the trashbag husband to “protect” his side piece decides to buy a house outside of the mansion and shift Priya there for her safety. This directly interferes with her mission as the time to report to her guild leader is running out and the result of failure is pretty grave.

    My impression of her:
    That being said she is cunning and calculating, she isn’t a victim nor a sad abused party. She is every bit what a trained thief of a famous thief guild should be. I haven’t felt an ounce of sympathy or empathy for her tbh. She isn’t a likeable character at all.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  15. Nekozzzzzzzz

    Nekozzzzzzzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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    Ok but can i have a spoiler about the ML reaction to the FL that actually still a wife for another person, please?
  16. OThoress

    OThoress Active Member

    Nov 12, 2020
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    Are you also mad at the MC then? Following the logic of "cheaters are the ones at fault", she DID marry ML while still married to her shitty husband. Shitty or not, they are legally married which makes MC a cheater no?
    karaa00000, icay1x and SkyLisette like this.
  17. Blushy_Froggie_UwU

    Blushy_Froggie_UwU Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    where are the spoilers? I just want some details about the leads....

    can someone answer my questions about the story?

    1. Im currently reading the manhwa so.... They say the ML has a curse on him so he turns back into stone when he grants a wish.... but someone said at the end FL and ML end up together and married.... so how they break the curse?

    2. someone said that the Husband end up falling for the FL after the Mistress leaves or something? could I get more details please? from the mistress leaving to him falling for her and to her reaction to it.

    3. Some one said that the familiar ends up with someone? who is that?

    4. Spoil me some moments between the ML and FL come on now, I need more of those
  18. CatherineBriar

    CatherineBriar Active Member

    Apr 28, 2021
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    This is a terrible spoiler thread.... almost no spoilers after 3 pages. :cry:
  19. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    I'm willing to send you my copy of this novel? But I think you guys too aren't interested in reading it and are in just for the spoilers. :blobcatthinkingglare:
    solivagantsoul and SkyLisette like this.
  20. Leileya

    Leileya Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Came here for the spoilers… found a thread not understanding power dynamics, misogyny, cheating, affairs, etc. I am not going to comment on everything wrong with what’s been going on here. So far I’ve learned next to nothing of value.

    1. We learn why the ML was cursed: He played god to put it simply. He brought someone back to life under the pretense of granting a wish. A god decided that since he liked granting wishes.. he can continue to do so. So far he has granted 50.

    2. Why did the FL have a second chance to make her wish? Originally her wish was for her husband to love her even in death. He dropped dead that very night and rose back to life. He kept proclaiming his love for her and killed her so that they could be together.
    Time rewound and she was back at the feet of the statue. Why?

    3. Why does the ML’s magic ONLY work when it benefits the FL? I believe I figured this much out. He said he would be an exemplary husband FOR her. That should include his magic only working to help her.

    4. Why did the villainess Priya (named Freya in the manhwa) seduce the husband? This bothers me because it seems it would have been much easier to befriend the FL than seduce the husband who… well seems to be an idiot. I would have befriended her and left the husband out. That just feels like she wanted to do it just because.

    4. Why does the father suck so much? Kinda getting tired of jerk dads. Don’t get me wrong… not ALL dads are a-holes but holy crap… there are soooo many where the father, mother, or both parents suck. (Just a personal observation. I do know there are some where the parents are cinnamon rolls)