LCD Wortenia Senki

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by runsing, May 20, 2017.

  1. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I guess I should get caught up since I haven't started the latest arc. Can't wait to make a lupis sucks list for this arc
  2. HiroBlaze

    HiroBlaze Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Mikhail, Meltina, then Lupis. Top of Ryouma's hate list. Lupis also has a prejudice towards commoners like a typical noble does. Ryouma pretty much played both Lupis' and the Noble faction by turning the commoners against them like the Arab Spring or Full revolt. It's to the extent that even though the Noble faction helped build resent toward the crown, but its also toward upper class nobles like them and the situation is beyond their control.

    Ryouma used the Iga ninjas to kill the belligerent tax collectors using poisoned arrows stealthily by putting the commoners in a one-way path of full confrontation without a way to go back. Since the tax official is dead, the entire village or town is guilty by association since the nobles could care less about their suffering.

    The two noble brother in-laws didn't choose to abandon ship until the commoner rebellions started, which is a huge red flag for any ruler. I actually applaud their patience for dealing with Lupis and her followers for so long.
  3. Vamps31

    Vamps31 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Any spoilers ???
  4. Paps

    Paps Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
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    That's not my point, my poinot was that the both of them are shown making the decision to abandon Lupis so hard because of the loyalty they have for her. But when she truly needed their loyalty or willingness to support her, Ryoma needed to play for their self preservation for them to actually support her, they where more that willing to throw her to the lion's then since she was a bad choice. Not so mutch loyalty then.
  5. Enken

    Enken Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Honestly i'm probably the only one lmao, but i like Lupis as a character.
    She stayed true to her characters, instead of the classic ohh i got saved by the MC i will obviously fall in love with him blabla.
    She like her country but doesn't know understand how to manage it and ibeing followed by either dumb/salty or two face ppl.
  6. A Millennium of Darkness

    A Millennium of Darkness Active Member

    May 1, 2018
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    The problem with Lupis’ reign is that Lupis is too nice and lacks coldness.

    Despite Lupis’ situation getting dire by the day, she still retains her compassionate side? I’m sorry but I find that hard to believe. While the Rozeria soldiers did make a mistake thinking that Laura was Ladine, it doesn’t change the fact that they were trying to kill her. Not to mention, Lupis was planning on killing Gerhardt if Mikhail had not been kidnapped. It’s not like Lupis said “No! I won’t kill them! That’ll make me look like a bad person!”

    The whole reason why Lupis betrayed Ryouma was because she feared that he would side with someone who might invade Rozeria. But she also brought him back because she was cornered and felt so bad about betraying him that she was willing to accept any condition for him to save the kingdom. But during that time where she try to confine him and asked him to join in the war, she was ready to kill Ryouma (somehow) if he refused.

    My point is that she has SOME level of coldheartedness. As such, I fail to see why she wouldn’t agree to purging the nobles or hiring assassins to kill Gerhardt. I cannot believe for even a moment that someone who’s THAT desperate would not even consider even the tinniest plan to resolve the situation at hand and considered some of Bergson’s plans. Gerhardt is obstructing her every action, so one would think that she is willing to cast away her pride in order to get rid of the man who started all of this in the first place. And even then, I don’t see how Gerhardt’s plan even works in the first place.

    Even if Gerhardt is using Ladine’s name to get what he wants, it wouldn’t be that easy. He may have control of the nobles but he needs his citizens from his territory (including soldiers) for his plans to work. But Lupis centered most of the power around her when all of this started. Ladine is recognized as an heir but unlike Ladine, Lupis has been in touch with her citizens by being the leader of the royal guard while we have yet to even SEE Ladine. Lupis has Elena (the most famous hero) at her side, who has a fan base (even Meltina acted like a fangirl) and when Elena switched to Lupis’ side, most of the knights went with her.

    If Gerhardt uses Ladine’s name for an action and if Lupis or Elena said they disagreed with Ladine’s actions, their fan bases will let their emotions determine their actions because the two have a stronger influence. Only the nobles or soldiers who blindly follow orders would obey Ladine but she is constantly working with a man that everyone hates. It’s common knowledge that Gerhardt is a asshole and most of the citizens don’t like him. If Ladine or Gerhardt does something disadvantage for the kingdom, Lupis has the right to punish them as the ruler. So all of Gerhardt’s plans would crumble.

    And then there’s Elena, Elena is pretty much the only one who could save Rozeria and honestly, she SHOULD have. From what I understand from V4-Ch13, Elena has a vast network which reaches even within Zalda. If she has that on her side, how the hell is Sudou and his accomplishes even able to get this far? She knows for a fact that Gerhardt and his companions are going to try and usurp Lupis yet Elena doesn’t have people to keep an eye on them? She doesn’t know that Ladine’s retainer has been in Zelda two times and even spoke with the damn king? You would think that Elena, who has a network so large that it even reaches towards Zalda, would have heard that there’s corruption taking place within Rozeria. And since Meltina acted like a fangirl in her presence you’d think that something said by Elena would hold some weight when consulted with Lupis about something.

    I think the writer has chosen to keep Lupis stupid for the sake of plot. If she was willing to keep her policies about resolving everything using peaceful methods (resulting in Gerhardt taking away her power), she would have just let Ryouma leave.

    While a princess falling in love with a MC is cliche, I don’t really see that as a problem. Ryouma was the one who saved her in the first place. While he is a commoner, trying to marry Ryouma to help better the kingdom makes more sense than just letting him go. She doesn’t need to love him as political marriages are the norm. And since most MC’s are stronger than the norm, it makes since to acquire said power for the kingdom. I do admit though that way too many fantasy stories focus too much on politics.

    But from what I have seen from Wortenia Senki so far, the stupidity of nobles of Rozeria (including Lupis) comes from plot device. Elena would have killed Hodram after learning that her daughter was killed. There’s nothing for her to lose. She has been keeping tabs on current events and knew that the knights would switch sides is she came back. She could have persuaded Lupis to give Hodram false charges to execute him if or something close to it in exchange for coming back.

    Mikhail would have never been kidnapped because Mikhail is not a scout but second in command. There’s no reason for him to do that (when there should have been scouts who’s job is scouting) other than the plot needed him to. The nobles would and Elena would have consulted with Lupis to get Ryouma to join them by trying to bride him with something. A lot of situations in this series could have been resolved without Ryouma but plot demands that he does everything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2018
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  7. Enken

    Enken Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    But she doesn't know anything about Ryouma.
    Sure he could be the prince on a white horse here to save the princess but he could also be a spy of the empire or any kingdom , an assassin she has no information on him.
    I would have done the same thing honestly, if i was a CEO and my company is in danger of getting jacked and suddenly a stranger appear and solve of the problem like that it's sketchy.
    runsing likes this.
  8. A Millennium of Darkness

    A Millennium of Darkness Active Member

    May 1, 2018
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    I suppose her marrying him would be a bit of a stretch but at least trying to get him to side with her does make sense. She at least knows that he's a adventurer and he only participated in the war just to clear his name. Even if the ninjas didn't suggest taking Wortenia, Ryouma could have quit the adventure's guild and joined the mercenaries. Ryouma has way too many options of fleeing the country as Lupis didn't even send some of her soldiers to monitor him as he went there.
  9. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I can agree that marriage was a stretch but the problem was she never approached him to ask what his plans were. If they talked about it before and worked together with each other than they could have a good compromise
  10. Paps

    Paps Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
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    I agree with all of this. Those have been some really contradictory tho es if the character.
  11. Enken

    Enken Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Even asking him what his plans were wouldn't have changed anything.
    From Ryouma side ; there's no reason for him to answer honestly, he doesn't know what their stance are toward him or if the country is backed by the empire or any obscure force ; he obviously has to lie about being transported.
    And from Lupis Side : a random guy poping from nowhere resoving the issue ; you literally can't be more suspicious.
    He has knowledge about strategic military, knows arithmetic in a world where just knowing how to read, calculated is mainly for noble ; but you have a commoner who have that knowledge plus having the knowledge about understanding the politics, miltary he has to this from somewhere so it has be from a wealthy background from Lupis POV.

    The only middleground they could have found imo, is him working as a subordinate of her to prove he isn't here to backstab her but he also has no reason to do that for her.
    but thats what i like about this novel character overall stay to their true color and don't change side because of some bs worship MC or some MC with their middle school justice BS frienship that i read everywhere.

    It's unfortunate for Lupis but she need to fall as a noble, princess and queen to grow, if she can't then it's just going to be her death.
  12. puchipyun

    puchipyun Sorry for my bad English, mina san

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Poor Ryouma.. Befriend with betrayal.. 2 people's already betrayed him, how about those mercenaries woman??
  13. HiroBlaze

    HiroBlaze Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    What.... why do so many people mix up Saito and Sudou's roles as well as names in this story?

    Saitou is Sardina's assistant or vice-commander for the empire's army. The one that Ryouma checkmated when trying to escape the empire.

    Sudou is the empire's secret agent and his current role is being the adviser for their puppet Ladine. Gaies (the court magician that Ryouma killed after being summoned) set up Ladine to create instability so that the Empire can later conquer Rozeria Kingdom due to it. He is also the one that suggested how to deal with Ryouma to Lupis after intruding on her private tent to trade Mikhail for Duke Gerhardt's life.

    Lupis made that decision about Ryouma by herself because I am sure that Elena and the other nobles would have recommended against it. Elena that despite all the tragic things that happened to her since she was born in Rozeria, she still have loyalty to her homeland unlike Ryouma was zero attachment to it.

    It seems all the summoned people are part of a secret organization in the empire due to ill treatment, nobles abusing their lover after being summoned, etc.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  14. runsing

    runsing status : bleeding, health -10/s Novel Updates Staff

    Nov 4, 2015
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    yes, however, recently, saitou is also revealed as a traitor, and he is the one leaked the marching route of Sardina's troops.
    Paps likes this.
  15. HiroBlaze

    HiroBlaze Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Yeah, and its kind of funny how Sardina mistakes the "fighting spirit" from Saito against enemies when its probably directed at her and other nobles. I honestly feel so bad for that random summoned person impersonating as a tax collector in the Rozeria Kingdom. He had to watch his lover being denied her human rights and sexually abused while he could do nothing but watch until her death. That kind of experience is definitely enough to make anyone insane and seek total destruction of that world.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
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  16. Readingaddict36

    Readingaddict36 [Mostly dead]

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Actually this isn't that much of an enigma as you make it out to be. From other chapters we know noble sons (usually third or forth) become adventurers. The strange part from their perspective would be why he claims to be a commoner (aka hiding his family name).
  17. Vamps31

    Vamps31 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    I want to see the World where is ryouma to be destroyed !!!
  18. Enken

    Enken Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Curious, is the novel only Pay2Read right now ?
    Didn't see update in a months but the group / translator is apparently active on his patreon.
  19. venu101

    venu101 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2017
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    There is an ln and manga out the current translation in nu is that of wn which gets a mass of chapters uploaded every month or in a few months
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  20. Miserys_End

    Miserys_End 「Lv1 Pretend Person」I'm the preson i pretend to be

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Yay new chapters....*clicks first link*
    Huh, takes me to the Hasutsuki home page instead *checks NU again*
    Odd the chapters released are out of order and skip a few. (V5 c26, 31, 32, 34, 33, 27)
    Haven't read tln/edn yet but hope it's just an error/misstype.

    I see, chapters 26 and 27 were missing... vaguely remember that now from before. Geuss the out of order part for the rest doesn't really matter as long as the TL site has them ordered properly xD!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
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